#encoding=utf-8 from selenium import webdriver import time driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path = "D:\\geckodriver") driver.maximize_window() driver.get("http://www.sogou.com") search_box = driver.find_element_by_id("query") search_box.send_keys(u"光榮之路 吳老師") button = driver.find_element_by_id("stb") button.click() time.sleep(3) assert u"財富自由" in driver.page_source driver.quit()
input,id,query,光榮之路 吳老師
input("id","query",u"光榮之路 吳老師")
# encoding=utf-8 import openpyxl from openpyxl.styles import Border, Side, Font import time class ParseExcel(object): def __init__(self): self.workbook = None self.excelFile = None self.font = Font(color = None) #設置字體的顏色 #顏色對應的RGB值 self.RGBDict = {"red":"FFFF0303","green":"FF008B00"} def loadWorkbook(self,excelPathAndName): #將excel文件加載到內存,並獲取其workbook對象 try: self.workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(excelPathAndName) except Exception,e: raise e self.excelFile = excelPathAndName return self.workbook def getSheetByName(self,sheetName): #根據sheet名獲取該sheet對象 try: sheet = self.workbook.get_sheet_by_name(sheetName) return sheet except Exception,e: raise e def getSheetByIndex(self,sheetIndex): #根據sheet的索引號獲取該sheet對象 try: sheetName = self.workbook.get_sheet_names()[sheetIndex] except Exception,e: raise e sheet = self.workbook.get_sheet_by_name(sheetName) return sheet def getRowsNumber(self,sheet): #獲取sheet中有數據區域的結束行號 return sheet.max_row def getColsNumber(self,sheet): #獲取sheet中有數據區域的結束列號 return sheet.max_column def getStartRowNumber(self,sheet): #獲取sheet中有數據區域的開始行號 return sheet.min_row def getStartColNumber(self,sheet): #獲取sheet中有數據區域的開始列號 return sheet.min_column def getRow(self,sheet,rowNo): #獲取sheet中某一行,返回的是這一行全部的數據內容組成的tuple #下標從1開始,sheet.rows[1]表示第一行 try: rows = [] for row in sheet.iter_rows(): rows.append(row) return rows[rowNo - 1] except Exception , e: raise e def getColumn(self,sheet,colNo): #獲取sheet中某一列,返回的是這一列全部數據內容組成的tuple #下標從1開始,sheet,columns[1]表示第一列 try: cols = [] for col in sheet.iter_cols(): cols.append(col) return cols[colNo - 1] except Exception,e: raise e def getAllRows(self,sheet): #獲取sheet中全部行 try: rows = [] for row in sheet.iter_rows(): rows.append(row) return rows except Exception , e: raise e def getAllColumns(self,sheet): #獲取sheet中全部列 try: cols = [] for col in sheet.iter_cols(): cols.append(col) return cols except Exception,e: raise e def getCellOfValue(self,sheet,coordinate = None,rowNo = None,colNo = None): #根據單元格所在的位置索引獲取該單元格的值,座標從1開始 #sheet.cell(row = 1,column = 1).value 表示excel中第一行第一列的值 if coordinate != None: try: return sheet.cell(coordinate = coordinate).value except Exception,e: raise e elif coordinate is None and rowNo is not None and colNo is not None: try: return sheet.cell(row = rowNo,column = colNo).value except Exception,e: raise e else: raise Exception("Insufficient Coordinates of Cell !!!") def getCellOfObject(self,sheet,coordinate = None,rowNo = None,colNo = None): #獲取某個單元格的對象,能夠根據單元格所在位置的數字索引, #也能夠直接根據excel中單元格的編碼及座標 #如getCellOfObject(sheet,corrdinate = "A1") 或者 #getCellOfObject(sheet,rowNo = 1,colNo = 1) if coordinate != None: try: return sheet.cell(coordinate = coordinate) except Exception,e: raise e elif coordinate == None and rowNo is not None and colNo is not None: try: return sheet.cell(row = rowNo,column = colNo) except Exception,e: raise e else: raise Exception("Insufficient Coordinates of Cell !!!") def writeCell(self,sheet,content,coordinate = None,rowNo = None,colNo = None,style = None): #根據單元格在excel中的編碼位置或者數字索引座標向單元格中寫入數據 #下標從1開始,參數style表示字體顏色的名稱,好比,red , green if coordinate != None: try: sheet.cell(coordinate = coordinate).value = content if style is not None: sheet.cell(coordinate=coordinate).font = Font(color = self.RGBDict[style]) self.workbook.save(self.excelFile) except Exception,e: raise e elif coordinate == None and rowNo is not None and colNo is not None: try: sheet.cell(row = rowNo,column = colNo).value = content if style is not None: sheet.cell(coordinate=coordinate).font = Font(color=self.RGBDict[style]) self.workbook.save(self.excelFile) except Exception,e: raise e else: raise Exception("Insufficient Coordinates of Cell !!!") def writeCelCurrentTime(self,sheet,coordinate = None,rowNo = None,colNo = None,style = None): #寫入當前時間,下標從1開始 now = int(time.time()) #顯示爲時間戳 timeArray = time.localtime(now) currentTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",timeArray) if coordinate != None: try: sheet.cell(coordinate = coordinate).value = currentTime self.workbook.save(self.excelFile) except Exception,e: raise e elif coordinate == None and rowNo is not None and colNo is not None: try: sheet.cell(row = rowNo,column = colNo).value = currentTime self.workbook.save(self.excelFile) except Exception,e: raise e else: raise Exception("Insufficient Coordinates of Cell !!!") if __name__ == "__main__": pe = ParseExcel() pe.loadWorkbook("D:\\PythonProject\\keyword_driven_frame\\sogou_search_keyword_driven\\test_data_test.xlsx") print u"經過名稱獲取sheet對象的名字:",pe.getSheetByName(u"測試步驟").title print u"經過index獲取sheet對象的名字:", pe.getSheetByIndex(0).title sheet = pe.getSheetByIndex(0) print type(sheet) print "max row number:",pe.getRowsNumber(sheet) print "max column Number:",pe.getColsNumber(sheet) row = pe.getRow(sheet,1) #獲取第一行 for i in row: print i.value #獲取第一行第一列單元格內容 print "*" * 50 print pe.getCellOfValue(sheet,rowNo = 1,colNo = 1) pe.writeCell(sheet,u"我愛中國",rowNo = 10,colNo = 10) pe.writeCelCurrentTime(sheet,rowNo = 10,colNo = 11)
動做 定位方式 定位表達式 操做值 執行結果
broswer firefox
visit_url http://www.sogou.com
input id query 光榮之路 吳老師
click xpath //*[@id='stb']
sleep 2
assert_word 自由
#encoding=utf-8 from selenium import webdriver import time driver = "" #定義函數 def browser(browser_name): global driver #聲明全局變量 try: if browser_name.lower() == "firefox": driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path = "D:\\geckodriver") except Exception,e: raise e def visit_url(url): global driver # 聲明全局變量 try: driver.get(url) except Exception, e: raise e def input(locate_method,locate_expression,content): global driver # 聲明全局變量 try: # 添加顯式等待 driver.find_element(locate_method,locate_expression).send_keys(content) except Exception, e: raise e def click(locate_method,locate_expression): global driver # 聲明全局變量 try: # 添加顯式等待 driver.find_element(locate_method,locate_expression).click() except Exception, e: raise e def sleep(sleep_time): global driver # 聲明全局變量 try: time.sleep(int(sleep_time)) except Exception, e: raise e def quit(): global driver # 聲明全局變量 try: driver.quit() except Exception, e: raise e def assert_word(word): global driver # 聲明全局變量 try: assert word in driver.page_source except Exception, e: raise e
#encoding=utf-8 from Util import ParseExcel from Action.PageAction import * import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") test_data_excel = ParseExcel.ParseExcel() test_data_excel.loadWorkbook("test_data.xlsx") #測試解析Excel,能夠刪除 print u"經過名稱獲取sheet對象的名字:",test_data_excel.getSheetByName(u"測試步驟").title test_data_sheet = test_data_excel.getSheetByName(u"測試步驟") row_num = test_data_excel.getRowsNumber(test_data_sheet) print "Total Rows:",row_num for i in range(1,row_num+1): print test_data_excel.getRow(test_data_sheet,i) print "=" * 50 col_num = test_data_excel.getColsNumber(test_data_sheet) print "Total Columns:",col_num for j in range(1,col_num+1): print test_data_excel.getColumn(test_data_sheet,j) print "*" * 50 #遍歷文件,開始進行測試 for i in range(1,row_num): # for j in range(col_num-1): #行號是固定的,而後按列號遍歷,獲取每一行,結果列不須要讀取 # print test_data_excel.getRow(test_data_sheet,i)[j].value row = test_data_excel.getAllRows(test_data_sheet)[i] print "-" * 50 print u"行號:",row[0].value action = row[1].value locate_method = row[2].value locate_expression = row[3].value operate_value = row[4].value print action,locate_method,locate_expression,operate_value print "+" * 50 #拼接字符串 #excel中組合狀況有四種,即:(定位方式+定位表達式)和操做值爲空或不空的組合狀況 #定位方式和定位表達式只能同時存在或同時爲空,因此能夠看成是一個字段 #遍歷組合狀況,拼接不一樣形式的字符串 #將定位表達式中的單引號替換成雙引號,因在後面拼接字符串時須要用單引號去包括參數 #因此須要進行替換,或者用雙引號包括參數,則excel中的定位表達式須要用單引號 #兩種狀況取一種 test_step = "" if action and locate_method is None and operate_value: test_step = action + "('" + str(operate_value) + "')" print test_step elif action and locate_method and locate_expression and operate_value: #加u後拼接會報錯,須要使用sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") test_step = action + "('" + locate_method + "','" + locate_expression.replace("\'","\"") + "',u'" + str(operate_value) + "')" print test_step elif action and locate_method and locate_expression and operate_value is None: test_step = action + "('" + locate_method + "','" + locate_expression.replace("\'","\"") + "')" print test_step elif action and locate_method is None and locate_expression is None and operate_value is None: test_step = action + "()" print test_step try: eval(test_step) #執行成功,在結果列中寫入「Success」 test_data_excel.writeCell(test_data_sheet,"Success",rowNo = i+1,colNo = 6) except Exception,e: #執行失敗,在結果列中寫入「Fail」 test_data_excel.writeCell(test_data_sheet, "Fail", rowNo= i+1, colNo=6)