棧:後進先出(LIFO-last in first out):最後插入的元素最早出來。前端
隊列:先進先出(FIFO-first in first out):最早插入的元素最早出來。算法
public ResizingArrayStackOfStrings() { s=new String[1];
int N = 0; } pubilc void Push(String item) { //若是下一個加入元素超出數組容量,拓展數組 if(N == s.length) Resize(2 * s.length); s[N++] = item; } private void Resize(int capacity) { String[] copy = new String[capacity]; //將舊數組元素複製給新數組 for(int i=0; i<N; i++) copy[i] = s[i]; s = copy; } public String Pop() { String item = s[--N]; s[N] = null; //剩餘元素只佔數組四分之一空間時,數組減半 if(N>0 && N=s.length/4) Resize(s.length/2); return item; }
因爲是先進先出,移除是從隊列的最前端開始的。因此當咱們移除數個數據後,隊列數據是存儲在數組的中間部分的。令隊列數據的尾端數據ID爲Num,首端數據ID爲HeadIndex,則Num - HeadIndex爲隊列數據元素個數。
.h: UCLASS() class ALGORITHM_API AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo : public AActor { GENERATED_BODY() public: // Sets default values for this actor's properties AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo(); // Called every frame virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override; //輸入 void Enqueue(int Input); //重構數組(拓展或縮小) void Resize(int Capacity); //輸出且移除 int Dequeue(); //隊列裏沒元素了? bool IsEmpty(); protected: // Called when the game starts or when spawned virtual void BeginPlay() override; public: private: //記錄數組中有多少個Int int Num; //隊列數組 TArray<int> MyIntArray; //記錄下一個移除的數據ID int HeadIndex; }; .cpp: AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo::AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo() { // Set this actor to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it. PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true; //一開始數組沒成員 Num = 0; HeadIndex = 0; //數組中有一個假元素 MyIntArray.Add(0); } // Called when the game starts or when spawned void AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); //測試 Enqueue(1); Enqueue(2); Enqueue(3); Enqueue(4); Enqueue(5); Dequeue(); Dequeue(); Dequeue(); //隊列數組成員 for (int i = HeadIndex; i < Num; i++) { UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(this, "i: " + FString::FromInt(i) + " End: " + FString::FromInt(MyIntArray[i])); } //隊列數組的容量 UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(this, "MyIntArray.Num(): " + FString::FromInt(MyIntArray.Num())); } // Called every frame void AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo::Tick(float DeltaTime) { Super::Tick(DeltaTime); } void AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo::Enqueue(int Input) { //若是隊列數組已滿,拓展數組 if (Num == MyIntArray.Num()) { Resize(2 * MyIntArray.Num()); } //拓展或者數組有空位時,添加元素 if (Num < MyIntArray.Num()) { MyIntArray[Num] = Input; } Num++; } void AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo::Resize(const int Capacity) { //int a[] = new int[Capacity]; TArray<int> Copy; //添加數個假元素填充數組 for (int i = 0; i < Capacity; i++) { Copy.Add(0); } //將隊列數組賦值給Copy數組,若是是縮小數組,則把隊列數組左移,節省空間 for (int i = HeadIndex; i < Num; i++) { Copy[i - HeadIndex] = MyIntArray[i]; } MyIntArray = Copy; } int AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo::Dequeue() { //判斷數組是否爲空 if (IsEmpty()) { UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(this, "No Element Exist!!!"); return 0; } else { UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(this, "Dequeue: " + FString::FromInt(MyIntArray[HeadIndex])); } HeadIndex++; //若是移除元素後,所剩元素爲數組空間的四分之一,則數組減半 if ((Num - HeadIndex) != 0 && (Num - HeadIndex) == (MyIntArray.Num() / 4)) { Resize(MyIntArray.Num() / 2); //移除空間後,隊列數組左移,節省空間 Num -= HeadIndex; HeadIndex = 0; return MyIntArray[HeadIndex]; } else { return MyIntArray[HeadIndex - 1]; } } //若是下一個要移除的數據不存在,則爲空數組 bool AStackAndQueuesExerciseTwo::IsEmpty() { return HeadIndex >= Num; }