How to make table's separator line be hide

1) If just want to hide all the separator line, can set the separator line style to none; php

2) If want to hide the separator line when without data, can use the code like this: ide

UIView *view =[[UIView alloc] init];
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[tableView setTableFooterView:view];
[view release];

3) If the table don't have data,and the way above maybe failed, so when in the tableview's datasource method:

we can do like this:
if (_arrResults.count == 0) {
    tableView.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone;
return _arrResults.count;

4) If all the ways are failed, you must custom the cell you want.

Blues this

Reference: .net

