#!/usr/bin/python #coding:utf-8 import MySQLdb import time,datetime from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication import smtplib import string #zabbix數據庫信息: zdbhost = '' zdbuser = 'root' zdbpass = 'root' zdbport = 3306 zdbname = 'zabbix' #須要查詢的key列表 keys = { 'trends_uint':[ 'net.if.in[eth0]', 'net.if.out[eth0]', 'vfs.fs.size[/,used]', 'vm.memory.size[available]', ], 'trends':[ 'system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5]', 'system.cpu.util[,idle]', ], } class ReportForm: def __init__(self): '''打開數據庫鏈接''' self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=zdbhost,user=zdbuser,passwd=zdbpass,port=zdbport,db=zdbname) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) #生成zabbix哪一個分組報表 self.groupname = 'Test_Server' #獲取IP信息: self.IpInfoList = self.__getHostList() def __getHostList(self): '''根據zabbix組名獲取該組全部IP''' #查詢組ID: sql = '''select groupid from groups where name = '%s' ''' % self.groupname self.cursor.execute(sql) groupid = self.cursor.fetchone()['groupid'] #根據groupid查詢該分組下面的全部主機ID(hostid): sql = '''select hostid from hosts_groups where groupid = %s''' % groupid self.cursor.execute(sql) hostlist = self.cursor.fetchall() #生成IP信息字典:結構爲{'':{'hostid':10086L,},} IpInfoList = {} for i in hostlist: hostid = i['hostid'] sql = '''select host from hosts where status = 0 and hostid = %s''' % hostid ret = self.cursor.execute(sql) if ret: IpInfoList[self.cursor.fetchone()['host']] = {'hostid':hostid} return IpInfoList def __getItemid(self,hostid,itemname): '''獲取itemid''' sql = '''select itemid from items where hostid = %s and key_ = '%s' ''' % (hostid, itemname) if self.cursor.execute(sql): itemid = self.cursor.fetchone()['itemid'] else: itemid = None return itemid def getTrendsValue(self,itemid, start_time, stop_time): '''查詢trends_uint表的值,type的值爲min,max,avg三種''' resultlist = {} for type in ['min','max','avg']: sql = '''select %s(value_%s) as result from trends where itemid = %s and clock >= %s and clock <= %s''' % (type, type, itemid, start_time, stop_time) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchone()['result'] if result == None: result = 0 resultlist[type] = result return resultlist def getTrends_uintValue(self,itemid, start_time, stop_time): '''查詢trends_uint表的值,type的值爲min,max,avg三種''' resultlist = {} for type in ['min','max','avg']: sql = '''select %s(value_%s) as result from trends_uint where itemid = %s and clock >= %s and clock <= %s''' % (type, type, itemid, start_time, stop_time) self.cursor.execute(sql) result = self.cursor.fetchone()['result'] if result: resultlist[type] = int(result) else: resultlist[type] = 0 return resultlist def getLastMonthData(self,hostid,table,itemname): '''根據hostid,itemname獲取該監控項的值''' #獲取上個月的第一天和最後一天 ts_first = int(time.mktime(datetime.date(datetime.date.today().year,datetime.date.today().month-1,1).timetuple())) lst_last = datetime.date(datetime.date.today().year,datetime.date.today().month,1)-datetime.timedelta(1) ts_last = int(time.mktime(lst_last.timetuple())) itemid = self.__getItemid(hostid, itemname) function = getattr(self,'get%sValue' % table.capitalize()) return function(itemid, ts_first, ts_last) def getInfo(self): #循環讀取IP列表信息 for ip,resultdict in zabbix.IpInfoList.items(): print "正在查詢 IP:%-15s hostid:%5d 的信息!" % (ip, resultdict['hostid']) #循環讀取keys,逐個key統計數據: for table, keylists in keys.items(): for key in keylists: print "\t正在統計 key_:%s" % key data = zabbix.getLastMonthData(resultdict['hostid'],table,key) zabbix.IpInfoList[ip][key] = data def writeToXls(self): '''生成xls文件''' try: import xlsxwriter #建立文件 workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('damo.xls') #建立工做薄 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() #寫入標題(第一行) i = 0 for value in ["主機","CPU平均空閒值","CPU最小空閒值","可用平均內存(單位M)","可用最小內存(單位M)","CPU5分鐘負載","進入最大流量(單位Kbps)","進入平均流量(單位Kbps)","出去最大流量(單位Kbps)","出去平均流量(單位Kbps)"]: worksheet.write(0,i, value.decode('utf-8')) i = i + 1 #寫入內容: j = 1 for ip,value in self.IpInfoList.items(): worksheet.write(j,0, ip) worksheet.write(j,1, '%.2f' % value['system.cpu.util[,idle]']['avg']) worksheet.write(j,2, '%.2f' % value['system.cpu.util[,idle]']['min']) worksheet.write(j,3, '%dM' % int(value['vm.memory.size[available]']['avg'] / 1024 / 1024)) worksheet.write(j,4, '%dM' % int(value['vm.memory.size[available]']['min'] / 1024 / 1024)) worksheet.write(j,5, '%.2f' % value['system.cpu.load[percpu,avg5]']['avg']) worksheet.write(j,6, value['net.if.in[eth0]']['max']/1000) worksheet.write(j,7, value['net.if.in[eth0]']['avg']/1000) worksheet.write(j,8, value['net.if.out[eth0]']['max']/1000) worksheet.write(j,9, value['net.if.out[eth0]']['avg']/1000) j = j + 1 workbook.close() except Exception,e: print e def __del__(self): '''關閉數據庫鏈接''' self.cursor.close() self.conn.close() def sendEmail(self): # 建立一個帶附件的實例 msg = MIMEMultipart() # 構造附件1 xlsxpart = MIMEApplication(open('damo.xls', 'rb').read()) xlsxpart.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'p_w_upload', filename='damo.xlsx') msg.attach(xlsxpart) # 寫入郵件正文 text=" 附件爲運維監控報表,請查收!" # 郵件正文亂碼,因此在這裏指定編碼 part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain', _charset='utf-8') msg.attach(part1) # 加郵件 to="xxxxx@qq.com,xxxxx@163.com" to=string.splitfields(to,",") msg['from'] = 'xxxxxx@163.com' msg['subject'] = '運維部門監控統計報表'.decode('utf-8') # 發送郵件 try: server = smtplib.SMTP() # 數據中心測試時 server.connect('smtp.163.com') # 用戶名,密碼 server.login('xxxxx@163.com', '123456') server.sendmail(msg['from'], to, msg.as_string()) server.quit() print 'sucessfule'.decode("utf-8") except Exception, e: print str(e) if __name__ == "__main__": zabbix = ReportForm() zabbix.getInfo() zabbix.writeToXls() zabbix.sendEmail()