以前一個前端羣裏 大牛 作了一個自適應的HMLT5播放器 javascript
最近根據其思路作了一個相對單一移動端的demo,demo用的圖片和歌曲json的數據設計 都是羣裏大牛作的,在這謝謝~;css
慕課網 : http://www.imooc.com/view/299 (這個我也沒看完....)前端
leinov : http://www.cnblogs.com/leinov/p/3896772.html (完整的音頻的解釋demo)java
陳在真 :http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_74d6cedd0102vkbr.html (也是這篇文章 讓我在此次demo 裏沒有作音量控制和這個音量漸進、減退,由於感受 沒多大用....尤爲是在手機端都有這個音控的按鍵前提下....)ios
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var Music = { init : function( data ){ this.data = [];//存儲數據; this.randomArr = []; for( var i=0,len=data.length;i<len;i++ ) { if( data[i].src ){ this.data.push( data[i] ); this.randomArr.push(i); } } this._getElement(); //獲取dom; this.createAudio()//建立音頻; this.createMusicList(); //建立歌單; }, _getElement : function(){ this.list_ul = $('#list_ul'); this.music_switch = $('#music_switch'); this.music_before = $('#music_before'); this.music_after = $('#music_after'); this.time_start = $('#time_start'); this.time_end = $('#time_end'); this.process_line = $('#process_line'); this.line_after = $('#line_after'); this.window = $(window); this.bodybg = $('.body_bg'); this.dot = $('#dot'); this.turn = $('#turn'); this.trunNum = 0; this._dot = document.getElementById('dot'); this._process_line = document.getElementById('process_line'); this.Time = null; this.startPic = this.bodybg.css('backgroundImage'); this.dragBtn = false; this.playing = false; }, _bindElement : function(){ var that = this; var that = this; this.turn.click(function(){ that.trunNum++; var status = that.trunNum % 3; switch(status){ case 0: that.turn.html('順'); break; case 1: that.randomArr.sort(function(){ return Math.random()>0.5?-1:1; }); that.turn.html('隨'); break; case 2: that.turn.html('單'); break; } }); //下一首歌 this.music_before.click(function(){ that._beforeMusic(); }); //上一首歌 this.music_after.click(function(){ that._afterMusic() }); this.music_switch.on('click',function(){ that._fnPlay(); }); this.lineW = this.process_line.width() - this.dot.width(); function _touchstart( event ){ that.dragBtn = true; that.maxX = that.process_line.width() - that.dot.width(); event.stopPropagation(); } function _touchmove( event ){ var touch = event.targetTouches[0]; var moverX = touch.pageX; that.dragBtn = true; moverX = moverX < 0 ? 0 : moverX; moverX = moverX > that.maxX ? that.maxX : moverX; that.dot.css('left',moverX); that.line_after.css('width',moverX); that.dragX = touch.pageX; event.stopPropagation(); } function _touchend( event ){ var touch = event.targetTouches[0]; event.stopPropagation(); _tapLine(); } this.process_line.click(function(event){ var eX = event.clientX > that.lineW ? that.lineW : event.clientX; that.dot.css('left',eX); that.line_after.css('width',eX); _tapLine(); }); function _tapLine(){ var l = parseFloat(that.dot.css('left')); var maxL = parseFloat(that.lineW); that._audio.currentTime = that._percentage( l,maxL,that._audio.duration); clearInterval(that.Time); that._musicTimer(); that.dragBtn = false; } this._dot.addEventListener('touchstart',_touchstart,false); this._dot.addEventListener('touchmove',_touchmove,false); this._dot.addEventListener('touchend',_touchend,false); }, createAudio : function(){ var html = '<audio id="audio" >您的瀏覽器不支持音頻元素。</audio>'; $('body').append(html); this._audio = document.getElementById('audio'); }, createMusicList : function(){ var that = this; var html = ''; var data = this.data; this._getHeight(); for( var i=0,len=data.length;i<len;i++ ){ var name,singer,src,pic; if( toStrings(data[i].name).length > 0){ name = toStrings(data[i].name); }else{ name = '未知'; } if( toStrings(data[i].singer).length > 0){ singer = toStrings(data[i].singer); }else{ singer = '未知'; } /* if( data[i].cover ){ pic = data[i].cover; }else{ pic = this.startPic; } */ pic = data[i].cover; src = data[i].src; html += '<li music_index='+i+' music_name='+ name +' music_singer='+ singer +' music_src='+src+' music_pic='+ pic +'>' +'<div class="music_mian">' + '<p class="music_name">'+name+'</p>' + '<p class="music_singer">'+singer+'</p>' + '</div>' + '<div class="list_line"></div>' +'</li>'; } this.list_ul.html(html); //列表綁定事件; this.list_ul.on('click','li',function(){ that._bindElement();//建立事件; that._cutSongs(this); }); //轉換字符去掉空格; function toStrings( txt ){ return txt.split(' ').join(' ').toString(); } }, _afterMusic : function(){ var status = this.trunNum % 3; var current = this.list_ul.find('.cur'); var index = current.index(); var maxLen = this.data.length-1; var obj; if( status == 0 || status == 2 ){ if( index == 0 ){ obj = this.list_ul.find('li').last(); }else if( index > 0 ){ obj = current.prev(); } }else if( status == 1 ){ for(var i=0;i<maxLen;i++){ if( this.randomArr[i] == index ){ var num = i; num--; if( num <= 0 ){ num = maxLen; } obj = this.list_ul.find('li').eq(this.randomArr[num]); } } } this._cutSongs(obj); }, _beforeMusic : function(){ var status = this.trunNum % 3; var current = this.list_ul.find('.cur'); var index = current.index(); var maxLen = this.data.length-1; var obj; if( status == 0 || status == 2 ){ if( index == maxLen ){ obj = this.list_ul.find('li').first(); }else if( index < maxLen ){ obj = current.next(); } }else if( status == 1 ){ for(var i=0;i<maxLen;i++){ if( this.randomArr[i] == index ){ var num = i; num++; if( num >= maxLen ){ num = 0 } obj = this.list_ul.find('li').eq(this.randomArr[num]); } } } this._cutSongs(obj); }, _cutSongs : function( obj ){ this.playing = true; $(obj).addClass('cur').siblings('li').removeClass('cur'); var music_src = $(obj).attr('music_src'); var music_pic = $(obj).attr('music_pic'); var music_name = $(obj).attr('music_name'); var music_singer = $(obj).attr('music_singer'); $('#name_txt').html(music_name); $('#singer_txt').html(music_singer); if( music_pic ){ this.bodybg.attr('style','background-image:url('+music_pic+');' ); }else{ this.bodybg.css('backgroundImage',this.startPic+';'); } this.bodybg.addClass('cur'); this._audio.src = music_src; this._fnPlay(); }, _getHeight :function(){ var wH = $(window).height(); var mH = $('#audio_main').height(); var $musicMain = $('#list_main'); var h = wH - mH; $musicMain.height(h); }, _fnPlay : function(){ var that = this; if( this._audio.paused ){ //判斷是否從新加載歌曲 if(this.playing){ this._audio.load(); this.playing = false; } this._audio.play(); this.music_switch.addClass('cur'); this._audio.addEventListener('loadeddata',function(){ var timerMain = that._toTime(that._audio.duration); var len = timerMain.split(':').length; switch(len){ case 1: that.time_start.html('00'); break; case 2: that.time_start.html('00:00'); break; } that.time_end.html(timerMain); that._musicTimer(); },false); }else{ this._audio.pause(); this.music_switch.removeClass('cur'); clearInterval(that.Time); } }, _percentage:function( a,b,c ){ return a/b*c; }, _musicTimer : function(){ var that = this; this.Time = setInterval(_snowTime,1000); var timerMain = that._toTime(that._audio.duration); var len = timerMain.split(':').length; function _snowTime(){ if( that._audio.currentTime == that._audio.duration ){ clearInterval(that.Time); var status = that.trunNum % 3; switch(status){ case 0: that._beforeMusic(); break; case 1: that._beforeMusic(); break; case 2: var current = that.list_ul.find('.cur'); that._cutSongs(current); break; } } if(!that.dragBtn){ var timerMain = that._toTime(that._audio.currentTime); var l = that._percentage( that._audio.currentTime,that._audio.duration,parseFloat(that.lineW) ); that.dot.css('left',l); that.line_after.css('width',l); } switch( len ){ case 1: that.time_start.html(timerMain); break; case 2: var timer = timerMain.indexOf(':')>0?timerMain:'00:'+timerMain; that.time_start.html(timer); break; } } }, _toTime : function( time ){ var hour = Math.floor(time/3600); var min = Math.floor(time%3600/60); var sec = Math.floor(time%60); var ih = hour <= 9 ? '0'+hour : hour; var im = min <= 9 ? '0'+min :min; var is = sec <= 9 ? '0'+sec :sec; return ( ih > 0 ? ih+':' : '') + (im >0 ? im+':' :'') +is; } }
最開始想用 面向對象的方式寫,可是後來仍是以爲json單體的寫法更實用
頁面 單一功能的應用 就用 json單體;
頁面 某功能屢次調用 就用 面向對象 好比: tab選項卡、輪播之類的;
hml5 audio 的新的api 文上的鏈接講比較詳盡就不贅述了
一:第一次用這個 zepto.js 感受跟 jQuery 同樣,不過這個 tap 的事件怎麼綁定不上 後來仍是用 click 代替了 以前據說在 click 在移動端有延遲 也由於是用了 zepto 庫還沒綁定上徹底用的跟 JQuery 似的也讓我很尷尬,同時也由於用了庫在 dom 的獲取也用了原生因此在這個dom存儲上有所難以區分(固然我知道這對象能夠轉成原生,最後仍是用了純原生的方式獲取),由於 audio 有不少新的屬性 都須要原生;
二:單體的this 指向 須要不停的 存成 that在用 有點繁瑣;
三:歌曲時間想作到小時以上 好比 : 01:02:05 這樣 後來 在這個當前播放時間設置 _snowTime() 裏 判斷一句就是 _toTime()返回 當前播放秒數轉成分鐘形式的字符串 (如:00:00:00)裏的":"的個數,在時間補零(00:00:05)上 還要在用這個 ':'作判斷以爲噁心,後來看了酷狗的播放器上太小時的也是用分鐘的形式展現(120:30)目前還沒想到什麼好一點解決方法,也能夠說是目前的一個已知 bug 吧;
四:最初的功能方法上想的比較獨立單一,起初覺得 「上一首歌」,「下一首歌」,和「歌曲播放到最後的下一首歌」 都是 獨立的 其「歌曲播放到最後的下一首歌」其實之分兩種一種是單曲循環,第二種是「下一首歌」 因此 「歌曲播放到最後的下一首歌」 區分不是 「單曲循環」 模式 剩下都是 「下一首歌」 裏的功能 在「下一首歌」裏作這個 歌曲模式「隨機」、「順序」播放的下一首就但是了;
五:在作這個「歌曲進度」拖動的時候,和這個歌曲正常播放 設置 「歌曲進度」 的衝突,後來創建that.dragBtn 判斷是拖動仍是僅僅是歌曲進度的設置,一樣的問題還有這個 當前歌曲的暫停以後的播放和切割以後的播放 是有所不一樣的,歌曲的切換時是換了audio的路徑 須要audio.load() 重新加載才能播放一樣建立了this.playing 來判斷是否切歌;
六:歌曲模式的設置 最開始想多了 想創建一個 json {‘順’,‘隨’,‘單’} 作對應關係,後來發現 其實只須要一個 num 作累加取餘去判斷便可;
謝謝 大牛們 寫的技術文章作過的demo的共享~