window.onload = function () { var d1 = new Waterfall(); d1.init();};//構造函數function Waterfall() { this.oColNum =null;//顯示列數 this.oData = null; //存儲請求數據 this.settings ={ width:300, autoLoad:true }}//初始化方法Waterfall.prototype.init = function (opt) { extend(this.settings,opt); this.requestData(); var that = this; window.onresize = function(){ that.init(); }; //滾動無限加載 if(this.settings.autoLoad){ // var that = this; window.onscroll = function(){ if(getScrollTop() + getWindowHeight() == getScrollHeight()){ that.recreateEle(); } }; }};//建立itemWaterfall.prototype.createItem = function (Data) { var owater = document.getElementById("water-content"); var html=""; this.oData = Data; var _this = this; // console.log(this.oData.waterfall); this.oData.waterfall.forEach(function (item,index) { html +='<div class="waterfall-item" style="width: '+_this.settings.width+"px"+'"><div class="waterfall-img"><img class="waterfall-images" src="'+item.src+'"></div><div class="info"><span>''</span></div></div>'; }); owater.innerHTML=html;};//請求獲取數據Waterfall.prototype.requestData =function () { var xmlhttp; var data=null; var _this=this; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari 瀏覽器執行代碼 xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { // IE6, IE5 瀏覽器執行代碼 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { data=eval('(' +xmlhttp.responseText+ ')'); //渲染數據 _this.createItem(data); //存儲img的src var src =document.getElementsByClassName("waterfall-images"); //循環遍歷建立 new Image;對象,保證onload事件執行,以獲取加載img的div高度 for(var i = 0; i<src.length;i++){ var img = new Image(); img.onload =function () { // console.log(img.src); //設置位置樣式 _this.setWaterfall(); }; img.src = src[i].src; } } };"GET","waterfall.json",true); xmlhttp.send();};//排版佈局Waterfall.prototype.setWaterfall = function () { this.oColNum = parseInt(viewWidth()/this.settings.width); var oColNumHeight = [];//存儲每一列的高度 for(var i = 0;i<this.oColNum;i++){ oColNumHeight.push(0); } var items =document.getElementsByClassName("waterfall-item"); //遍歷設置元素位置 for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ var curEle = items[i], idx = 0;//存儲最小值對應索引 var minHeight = oColNumHeight[0];//臨時存儲最小高度 //獲取最小高度,以放置元素 for(var j = 0; j < oColNumHeight.length; j++){ if( minHeight >oColNumHeight[j]){ minHeight = oColNumHeight[j]; idx = j; } } //設置元素位置 = curEle.offsetWidth * idx +"px"; = minHeight + "px"; // //更新每列的高度數據 oColNumHeight[idx] = oColNumHeight[idx]+ curEle.offsetHeight; } // for (var i = 0; i<items.length ;i++){ // items[i].className = 'waterfall-item'; // } // items.forEach(function (item,index) { // var curEle = item, // idx =0, // minHeight = that.oColNumHeight[0]; // for(var i = 0; i<that.oColNumHeight.length;i++){ // if(minHeight>that.oColNumHeight[i]){ // minHeight = that.oColNumHeight[i]; // idx = i; // } // } // = that.settings.width*idx +"px"; // = minHeight + "px"; // that.oColNumHeight[idx] = minHeight +; // // })};//滾動無限加載Waterfall.prototype.recreateEle = function () { var dataSrc = { "data":[ { "src":"1.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"5.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"3.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"6.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"9.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"8.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"1.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"5.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"3.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"6.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"9.jpg", "name":"重加載!" }, { "src":"8.jpg", "name":"重加載!" } ] }; var _this =this; var oDiv = document.getElementById("water-content");// <div class="waterfall-img"><img class="waterfall-images" src="'+item.src+'"></div><div class="info"><span>''</span></div> //建立加載的元素 for (var i = 0; i <;i++){ var oItem = document.createElement("div"); oItem.className = "waterfall-item"; = _this.settings.width +'px'; oDiv.appendChild(oItem); var oItemImg = document.createElement("div"); oItemImg.className = 'waterfall-img'; oItem.appendChild(oItemImg); var oImg = document.createElement("img"); oImg.className = 'waterfall-images'; oImg.src[i].src; oItemImg.appendChild(oImg); var oInfoDiv = document.createElement("div"); oInfoDiv.className = 'info'; oItem.appendChild(oInfoDiv); var oSpan = document.createElement("span"); oSpan.innerHTML =[i].name; oInfoDiv.appendChild(oSpan); } //存儲img的src var src =document.getElementsByClassName("waterfall-images"); // console.log(src); //循環遍歷建立 new Image;對象,保證onload事件執行,以獲取加載img的div高度 for(var i = src.length - 1; i > src.length -;i--){ var img = new Image(); img.onload =function () { //設置位置樣式 _this.setWaterfall(); // console.log('.....') }; img.src = src[i].src; }};//獲取瀏覽器可視寬度function viewWidth() { return document.documentElement.clientWidth;}//實現複製function extend(obj1,obj2) { for(var attr in obj2){ obj1[attr] = obj2[attr]; }}//滾動條在Y軸上的滾動距離function getScrollTop(){ var scrollTop = 0, bodyScrollTop = 0, documentScrollTop = 0; if(document.body){ bodyScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop; } if(document.documentElement){ documentScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } scrollTop = (bodyScrollTop - documentScrollTop > 0) ? bodyScrollTop : documentScrollTop; return scrollTop;}//文檔的總高度function getScrollHeight(){ var scrollHeight = 0, bodyScrollHeight = 0, documentScrollHeight = 0; if(document.body){ bodyScrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight; } if(document.documentElement){ documentScrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } scrollHeight = (bodyScrollHeight - documentScrollHeight > 0) ? bodyScrollHeight : documentScrollHeight; return scrollHeight;}//瀏覽器視口的高度function getWindowHeight(){ var windowHeight = 0; if(document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"){ windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; }else{ windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } return windowHeight;}