Spread Studio for .NET 7: 使用現有數據填充單元格

使用 Spread Studio 表格控件你能夠複製範圍單元格而且填充到其餘單元格中,複製數據和單元格格式。例如:若是目前有 2*2 個單元格,你能夠在任意方向實現任意次數填充單元格到表單中。 html

咱們經過 FillRange 方法來實現此功能: post

public void FillRange( int row, int column, int rowCount, int columnCount, int fillCount, FillDirection fillDirection )
參數 row開始複製單元格範圍的行索引 column開始複製單元格範圍的列索引 rowCount複製單元格範圍的行數 columnCount複製單元格範圍的行數 fillCount填充次數 fillDirection填充方向


測試代碼: 測試

 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        { // Define the text to repeat. fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[0, 0].Text = "A1-text";
            fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[0, 1].Text = "A2-text";
            fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[1, 0].Text = "B1-text";
            fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[1, 1].Text = "B2-text";

            fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[0, 0].BackColor = Color.Cyan;
            fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[0, 0].ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue;
            fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[0, 1].BackColor = Color.Coral;
            fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.Cells[0, 1].ForeColor = Color.DarkRed;
        } private void 橫向填充ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        { //向右填充 fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.FillRange(0, 1, 2, 1, 3, FillDirection.Right);

        } private void 向下填充ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        { //向下填充 fpSpread1.ActiveSheet.FillRange(0, 0, 2, 2, 4, FillDirection.Down);
使用控件地址: 點擊查看