SpringMVC - 3. RequestMapping 在xml中配置

In previous versions of Spring, users were required to define one or more HandlerMapping beans in
the web application context to map incoming web requests to appropriate handlers. With the introduction
of annotated controllers, you generally don't need to do that because the
RequestMappingHandlerMapping automatically looks for @RequestMapping annotations on
all @Controller beans.

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4481373/requestmapping-in-xml java

I am new to Spring MVC 3.0, I have a background of struts 2.0. I am comfortable with configuration in xml. web

So, I am looking for a way to represent to @RequestMapping in the springdispatcher-servlet.xml or any other dependent xml. spring

Is there a way to move the @RequestMapping annotations to xml file? mvc

As a side question, app

what is the benefit of @RequestMapping on individual methods over struts single point of entry per Action? ide

Below is a sample class: ui

public class ContentController {

    @RequestMapping(value="/content", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView getContent() {
        // do something

    @RequestMapping(value="/savecontent", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView getSaveContent() {
        // do something

Regards. this

Not only is this possible, it was the only way to do it pre-Spring 2.5. Rather bizarrely, pretty much all mention of this has been removed from the Spring ref manual, even though it's still a perfectly valid way of mapping your requests. The only mention of it I can stil lfind is section 15.4.1. spa

A simple example is:

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
   <property name="mappings">
         <entry key="/doSomething/**" value-ref="controllerA"/>
         <entry key="/other Thing/**" value-ref="controllerB"/>