Titleexpress |
默認數組 |
建議less |
描述eclipse |
'instance of' a concrete classide |
warningoop |
instance of通常判斷是不是一個接口或者抽象類的實例優化 |
'instance of' check for thisthis |
warning 線程 |
使用this確定知道是哪一個Class |
Magic number |
warning |
不容許任何魔法值(即未經定義的常量)直接出如今代碼中 ,參考阿里規範 |
Overly strong type cast |
warning |
高強強制類型轉換,有時候咱們強轉List便可卻強轉成ArrayList |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Assignment to for 'loop' parameter |
warning |
在for循環中改變了循環的參數 |
Constructor assigns value to field defined in superclass |
warning |
在構造方法中對父類成員變量賦值,這樣作不合理,應該調用父類構造方法 |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Class with too many constructors |
warning |
類的構造方法過多(默認限制5個) |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Class name differs from file name |
warning |
類名和文件名不一樣 |
No-op method in abstract class |
warning |
抽象類中的空方法沒有被聲明成abstract,比較少見 |
'protected' member in final class |
warning |
定義成final的類沒法被繼承,protected的使用不正確 |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Call to printStackTrace() |
warning |
成熟的代碼應該使用log |
Call to Thread.dumpStack |
warning |
靜態dumpstack()方法提供一個new exception ("stack trace").printstacktrace ()的封裝,打印一個追蹤當前線程的堆棧,調試用。 |
Use of absolute collection type |
warning |
使用了java.util.Vector or java.util.Hashtable這些不推薦使用的類 |
Use of System.out or System.err |
warning |
使用了System.out or System.err,用log替代 |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Blocker marker comment |
warning |
註釋位置不合理 while (i < 10) { |
C-style array declaration |
No high lighting,only fix |
warning |
C語言風格的數組聲明 public String process(String value[])[] { |
Control flow statement without braces |
No high lighting,only fix |
warning |
條件或者循環語句括號沒打好 |
(expression).equals("literal")rather than("literal").equals(expression) |
warning |
減小空指針的好習慣 |
indexOf expression is replacable with contains |
warning |
Reports any List.indexOf() expressions which can be replaced with the method List.contains(). |
Missorted modifiers |
warning |
修飾詞順序不符合規範 |
Multiple variables in one declaration |
warning |
一行代碼聲明瞭多個變量 |
Redundant no-arg constructor |
warning |
多餘的無參構造方法 |
size==0 replacable with isEmpty |
warning |
很實用,判斷list非空isEmpty一目瞭然 |
Unnessarily null check before equals call |
warning |
多餘的空指針校驗 |
Variables of different types in one declaration |
warning |
一行聲明多個不一樣類型的變量,String s = "", array[]; |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Unchecked warning |
warning |
無 |
不少check多餘,可關閉此warning |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Boolean expression could be replaced with conditional expression |
warning |
Boolean類型表達式優化 Reports any boolean expressions which can be expressed more compactly, and arguably more clearly, as a conditional expression. Take for example the following expression: a && b || !a && c; which may be expressed as: a ? b : c; |
Conditional can be pushed inside branch expression |
No high lighting,only fix |
warning |
條件表達式優化 Reports conditional expressions with then and else branches so similar that the conditional expression can be pushed inside, thereby shortening the code. For example the following conditional expression: condition ? message("value: " + 1) : message("value: " + 2) Can be pushed inside and transformed into: message("value: " + (condition ? 1 : 2)) |
default not last case in switch statement |
warning |
在switch中,default不在最後 |
duplicate condition in if statement |
warning |
if中出現了重複的條件 |
duplicate condition on && or || |
warning |
條件重複 |
fallthrough in switch statement |
warning |
swich中未使用break |
if statement could be replaced with conditional expression |
warning |
三元運算符簡寫if |
if statement with negated condition |
warning |
if的條件是否認,能夠調換if else順序 |
negated equality expression |
warning |
!(i == 1) |
pointless indexOf comparison |
warning |
indexOf>-1則無心義 |
redundant if statement |
warning |
無 |
多餘的if For example: if (foo()) { return true; } else { return false; } can be simplified to return foo(); 有時候爲了邏輯清晰,會有這樣寫的必要 |
switch statement without default branch |
warning |
switch缺乏default |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Declaration access can be weaker |
warning |
無 |
能夠定義更低的訪問權限public->protected->default->private, 但長遠考慮有時候會有這方面須要 |
Declaration can have final modifier |
warning |
無 |
聲明能夠加上final |
Empty method |
warning |
無 |
空方法 |
Method can be void |
warning |
無 |
方法能夠聲明成void的, 雖然返回值沒用起來,可是將來極可能會被使用 |
Method returns the same value |
warning |
無 |
方法返回值老是相同,很常見 |
remove redundant lambda parameter types |
No high lighting,only fix |
warning |
優化lambda參數自動推測 Example: Map<String, Integer> map = ... map.forEach((String s, Integer i) -> log.info(s + "=" + i)); |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
instanceof on catch parameter |
warning |
使用instanceof來區分異常不如使用多個catch塊 |
Nested try statement |
warning |
嵌套try |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
try finally replacable with try with resources |
warning |
無 |
Before Java 7, the usual pattern was something like this: Connection con = null; PreparedStatement prep = null; try{ con = getConnection(); prep = prep.prepareStatement("Update ..."); ... con.commit(); } catch (SQLException e){ con.rollback(); throw e; } finally{ if (prep != null) prep.close(); if (con != null) con.close(); } With Java 7 you can go for: try(Connection con = getConnection(); PreparedStatement prep = con.prepareConnection("Update ..."){ ... con.commit(); } |
lambda can be replaced with method reference |
warning |
無 |
不一樣風格的lambda寫法 |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
divdide by zero |
warning |
error |
除零 |
equals called on java.math.BigDecimal |
warning |
使用compareTo |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Single charactor string argument in String.indexOf call |
warning |
單字符串String無需indexOf直接equals便可 |
String.equals("") |
warning |
直接.length==0,可能null則使用StringUtils.isEmpty |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
Array comparison using == instead of Array.equals |
warning |
正確比較數組每一個元素相等的方法Arrays.equals() |
Call to default toString |
warning |
未覆寫ToString時使用只會打印地址 |
Collection added to itself |
warning |
無 |
Reports cases where the argument of a method call on a java.util.Collection or java.util.Map is the collection or map itself. This includes adding a collection to itself, which can lead to a java.lang.StackOverflowError when, for example, calling hashCode() on the self-containing collection. |
equals and hashCode are not pared |
warning |
兩個對象若是不相等,hashCode不強制要求不同,可是若是能保證不同,對哈希的效率會比較有幫助最重要的是第二點,相等的對象必須有相同的hashCode,因爲默認的hashCode方法針對每個對象返回一個固定的隨機值(有的實現是根據對象地址返回值,至關於每個對象對應一個固定的隨機值),因此當咱們使用equals方法的同時,必須override(重寫)hashCode方法,以知足這一點。 |
Object comparison using == instead of equals |
No high lighting,only fix |
warning |
比較對象相等通常不是要比較地址 |
Title |
默認 |
建議 |
描述 |
unnecessary default for enum switch statement |
warning |
enum case就這麼多無需default |