Spring and Springboot annotations for DI

Basic annotaions to describe a bean:java

| Annotation | Meaning                                             |
| @Component | generic stereotype for any Spring-managed component |
| @Repository| stereotype for persistence layer                    |
| @Service   | stereotype for service layer                        |
| @Controller| stereotype for presentation layer (spring-mvc)      |

The above annotations can have a optional element: String value.  The value may indicate a suggestion for a logical component name, to be turned into a Spring bean in case of an autodetected component.web


Marks a constructor, field, setter method or config method as to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection facilities.
If autowire for an interface, it will search for the implementation and inject it.spring-mvc

If there'are multiple implementation, you can use a Map to store the injected implementations.mvc

If you have an interface named Examplethis

public interface Example {

And two implementations:spa

public class FooExample implements Example {
public class BarExample implements Example {

You can have a map of Example beans injected:code

public class ExampleConsumer {
    private final Map<String, Example> examples;
    public ExampleConsumer(Map<String, Example> examples) {
        this.examples = examples;

In this case the map will contain two entries:component

  • "foo" -> FooExample instanceorm

  • "bar" -> BarExample instance



Use with @AutowiredThis annotation may be used on a field or parameter as a qualifier for candidate beans when autowiring. It may also be used to annotate other custom annotations that can then in turn be used as qualifiers.


spring @Autowired @Qualifier @Resource


@Autowired: inject by type defaultly;

@Resource: inject by name defaultly.

Spring Injection with @Resource, @Autowired and @Inject



Annotation Package Source
@Resource javax.annotation Java
@Inject javax.inject Java
@Qualifier javax.inject Java
@Autowired org.springframework.bean.factory Spring

For example:

package com.sourceallies.person;


public class Person implements Party { }


In this test I use a ‘@Qualifier’ annotation to point to the qualified name of the ‘Person’ component.

private Party party;
private Party party;
private Party party;

All of these annotations inject the ‘Person’ bean.

To add List of Beans

In this test I inject a list of beans.

private List<Party> parties;
private List<Party> parties;
private List<Party> parties;