首先,請在你的SQL Server數據庫中建立以下名爲[dbo].[sp_CreateInsertScript]存儲過程ide
[dbo].[sp_CreateInsertScript] content: --============================================= -- Author: Mark Kang -- Company: www.ginkia.com -- Create date: 2016-03-06 -- Description: Generat the insert sql script according to the data in the specified table. -- It does not support the columns with timestamp,text,image. -- Demo : exec sp_CreateInsertScript '[dbo].[Country]','[continent_name]=''North America''' -- Change History: -- 1.2016-03-06 Created and published -- 2.2016-03-08 Based on Mike's suggestions, I optimized the codes -- 3.2019-03-09 1)Add code lines to avoid error when @con is empty string -- 2)Based on Lukas Macedo's suggetstions, add surrounding brackets for column name -- 3)Simplify WHEN...CASE -- ============================================= CREATE PROC [dbo].[sp_CreateInsertScript] ( @tablename NVARCHAR(256) -- table name ,@con NVARCHAR(400) -- condition to filter data ,@ignoreIdentityCol bit=0 --indicate if ignore columne with identity ,@isDebug bit=0 --indicate if this is used to debug. when 1,output the internal sql string ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @sqlstr NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @valueStr1 NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @colsStr NVARCHAR(MAX); SELECT @sqlstr='SELECT ''INSERT '+@tablename; SELECT @valueStr1=''; SELECT @colsStr='('; SELECT @valueStr1='VALUES (''+'; IF RTRIM(LTRIM(@con))='' SET @con='1=1'; SELECT @valueStr1=@valueStr1+col+'+'',''+' ,@colsStr=@colsStr+'['+name +'],' FROM ( SELECT CASE /* xtype=173 'binary' xtype=165 'varbinary'*/ WHEN sc.xtype in (173,165) THEN 'CASE WHEN ['+sc.name+'] is null THEN ''NULL'' ELSE '+'CONVERT(NVARCHAR('+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(4),sc.[length]*2+2)+'),['+sc.name +'])'+' END' /*xtype=104 'bit'*/ WHEN sc.xtype =104 THEN 'CASE WHEN ['+sc.name+'] is null THEN ''NULL'' ELSE '+'CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1),['+sc.name +'])'+' END' /*xtype=61 'datetime' xtype=58 'smalldatetime'*/ WHEN sc.xtype in(58,61) THEN 'CASE WHEN ['+sc.name+'] is null THEN ''NULL'' ELSE '+'''N''''''+'+'CONVERT(NVARCHAR(23),'+sc.name +',121)'+ '+'''''''''+' END' /*xtype=175 'char' xtype=36 'uniqueidentifier' xtype=167 'varchar' xtype=231 'nvarchar' xtype=239 'nchar'*/ WHEN sc.xtype in (36,175,167,231,239) THEN 'CASE WHEN ['+sc.name+'] is null THEN ''NULL'' ELSE '+'''N''''''+'+'REPLACE(['+sc.name+'],'''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' END' /*xtype=106 'decimal' xtype=108 'numeric'*/ WHEN sc.xtype in(106,108) THEN 'CASE WHEN ['+sc.name+'] is null THEN ''NULL'' ELSE '+'CONVERT(NVARCHAR('+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(4),sc.xprec+2)+'),['+sc.name +'])'+' END' /*xtype=59 'real' xtype=62 'float'*/ WHEN sc.xtype in (59,62) THEN 'CASE WHEN ['+sc.name+'] is null THEN ''NULL'' ELSE '+'CONVERT(NVARCHAR(23),'+sc.name +',2)'+' END' /*xtype=48 'tinyint' xtype=52 'smallint' xtype=56 'int' xtype=127 'bigint' xtype=122 'smallmoney' xtype=60 'money'*/ WHEN sc.xtype in (48,52,56,127,122,60) THEN 'CASE WHEN ['+sc.name+'] is null THEN ''NULL'' ELSE '+'CONVERT(NVARCHAR(23),['+sc.name +'])'+' END' ELSE '''NULL''' END AS col ,sc.colid ,sc.name FROM syscolumns AS sc WHERE sc.id = object_id(@tablename) AND sc.xtype <>189 --xtype=189 'timestamp' AND sc.xtype <>34 --xtype=34 'image' AND sc.xtype <>35 --xtype= 35 'text' AND (columnproperty(sc.id, sc.name, 'IsIdentity') = 0 OR @ignoreIdentityCol=0) ) AS t ORDER BY colid; SET @colsStr=left(@colsStr,len(@colsStr)-1)+') '; SET @valueStr1=left(@valueStr1,len(@valueStr1)-3)+')'''; SELECT @sqlstr=@sqlstr+@colsStr+@valueStr1+' AS sql FROM '+@tablename + ' WHERE 1=1 AND ' + isnull(@con,'1=1'); IF @isDebug=1 BEGIN PRINT '1.columns string: '+ @colsStr; PRINT '2.values string: '+ @valueStr1 PRINT '3.'+@sqlstr; END EXEC( @sqlstr); SET NOCOUNT OFF END GO
North America的記錄。表的建立腳本以下:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Country]( [geoname_id] [varchar](50) NULL, [locale_code] [varchar](50) NULL, [continent_code] [varchar](50) NULL, [continent_name] [varchar](50) NULL, [country_iso_code] [varchar](50) NULL, [country_name] [varchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
exec sp_CreateInsertScript '[dbo].[Country]','[continent_name]=''North America'''