1. 查看重複數據code
SELECT * FROM holiday_focamobilerel WHERE (cardnumber, mobile) IN (SELECT cardnumber, mobile FROM holiday_focamobilerel GROUP BY cardnumber, mobile HAVING COUNT(1) > 1);
2. 刪除重複數據blog
- 保留order_id and sub_order_id不爲空的索引
- 若是order_id和sub_order_id都爲空,保留id最大的table
DELETE FROM holiday_focamobilerel h WHERE (cardnumber, mobile) IN (SELECT cardnumber, mobile FROM holiday_focamobilerel GROUP BY cardnumber, mobile HAVING COUNT(1) > 1) AND h.id NOT IN (select id from holiday_focamobilerel h where h.order_id is not null or h.sub_order_id is not null ) and h.id not in (SELECT MAX(id) FROM holiday_focamobilerel GROUP BY cardnumber, mobile HAVING COUNT(1) > 1);
3. 創建聯合惟一約束class
alter table holiday_focamobilerel add constraint cardnumber_mobile_key unique("cardnumber","mobile")