how to implement deep learning activation kernels with cuda in c++
#ifndef __CUDA_H_ #define __CUDA_H_ #include "cuda_runtime.h" #include "curand.h" #include "cublas_v2.h" #define BLOCK 512 void check_error(cudaError_t status); dim3 cuda_gridsize(size_t n); float* cuda_make_array(float* x,size_t n); void cuda_free(float* x_gpu); void cuda_push_array(float *x_gpu,float* x,size_t n); void cuda_pull_array(float *x_gpu,float* x,size_t n); #endif
#include "cuda.h" #include "blas.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> void error(const char* s) { perror(s); assert(0); exit(-1); } void check_error(cudaError_t status) { //cudaDeviceSynchronize(); cudaError_t status2 = cudaGetLastError(); if (status != cudaSuccess) { const char *s = cudaGetErrorString(status); char buffer[256]; printf("CUDA Error: %s\n", s); assert(0); snprintf(buffer, 256, "CUDA Error: %s", s); error(buffer); } if (status2 != cudaSuccess) { const char *s = cudaGetErrorString(status); char buffer[256]; printf("CUDA Error Prev: %s\n", s); assert(0); snprintf(buffer, 256, "CUDA Error Prev: %s", s); error(buffer); } } dim3 cuda_gridsize(size_t n){ size_t k = (n-1) / BLOCK + 1; size_t x = k; size_t y = 1; if(x > 65535){ x = ceil(sqrt(k)); y = (n-1)/(x*BLOCK) + 1; } dim3 d = {x, y, 1}; //printf("%ld %ld %ld %ld\n", n, x, y, x*y*BLOCK); return d; } float* cuda_make_array(float* x,size_t n) { float *x_gpu; size_t size = sizeof(float)*n; cudaError_t status = cudaMalloc((void **)&x_gpu, size); check_error(status); if(x){ status = cudaMemcpy(x_gpu, x, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); check_error(status); } else { fill_gpu(n, 0, x_gpu, 1); } if(!x_gpu) error("Cuda malloc failed\n"); return x_gpu; } void cuda_free(float* x_gpu) { cudaError_t status = cudaFree(x_gpu); check_error(status); } void cuda_push_array(float *x_gpu,float* x,size_t n) { size_t size = sizeof(float)*n; cudaError_t status = cudaMemcpy(x_gpu,x,size,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); check_error(status); } void cuda_pull_array(float *x_gpu,float* x,size_t n) { size_t size = sizeof(float)*n; cudaError_t status = cudaMemcpy(x,x_gpu,size,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); check_error(status); }
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#ifndef __ACTIVATIONS_H_ #define __ACTIVATIONS_H_ typedef enum{ LOGISTIC, RELU, RELIE, LINEAR, RAMP, TANH, PLSE, \ LEAKY, ELU, LOGGY, STAIR, HARDTAN, LHTAN } ACTIVATION; void activate_array_gpu(float* x,int n,ACTIVATION a); #endif
#include "activations.h" #include "cuda.h" #include "blas.h" __device__ float lhtan_activate_kernel(float x) { if(x < 0) return .001f*x; if(x > 1) return .001f*(x-1.f) + 1.f; return x; } __device__ float hardtan_activate_kernel(float x) { if (x < -1) return -1; if (x > 1) return 1; return x; } __device__ float linear_activate_kernel(float x){return x;} __device__ float logistic_activate_kernel(float x){return 1.f/(1.f + expf(-x));} __device__ float loggy_activate_kernel(float x){return 2.f/(1.f + expf(-x)) - 1;} __device__ float relu_activate_kernel(float x){return x*(x>0);} __device__ float elu_activate_kernel(float x){return (x >= 0)*x + (x < 0)*(expf(x)-1);} __device__ float relie_activate_kernel(float x){return (x>0) ? x : .01f*x;} __device__ float ramp_activate_kernel(float x){return x*(x>0)+.1f*x;} __device__ float leaky_activate_kernel(float x){return (x>0) ? x : .1f*x;} __device__ float tanh_activate_kernel(float x){return (2.f/(1 + expf(-2*x)) - 1);} __device__ float plse_activate_kernel(float x) { if(x < -4) return .01f * (x + 4); if(x > 4) return .01f * (x - 4) + 1; return .125f*x + .5f; } __device__ float stair_activate_kernel(float x) { int n = floorf(x); if (n%2 == 0) return floorf(x/2); else return (x - n) + floorf(x/2); } __device__ float activate_kernel(float x, ACTIVATION a) { switch(a){ case LINEAR: return linear_activate_kernel(x); case LOGISTIC: return logistic_activate_kernel(x); case LOGGY: return loggy_activate_kernel(x); case RELU: return relu_activate_kernel(x); case ELU: return elu_activate_kernel(x); case RELIE: return relie_activate_kernel(x); case RAMP: return ramp_activate_kernel(x); case LEAKY: return leaky_activate_kernel(x); case TANH: return tanh_activate_kernel(x); case PLSE: return plse_activate_kernel(x); case STAIR: return stair_activate_kernel(x); case HARDTAN: return hardtan_activate_kernel(x); case LHTAN: return lhtan_activate_kernel(x); } return 0; } __global__ void activate_array_kernel(float *x, int n, ACTIVATION a) { int i = (blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y*gridDim.x) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; if(i < n) x[i] = activate_kernel(x[i], a); } void activate_array_gpu(float *x, int n, ACTIVATION a) { activate_array_kernel<<<cuda_gridsize(n), BLOCK>>>(x, n, a); check_error(cudaPeekAtLastError()); }