java不會,沒辦法就用streaming來寫mapreduce日誌分析。 這裏要介紹一個java
mrjob 能夠讓用 Python 來編寫 MapReduce 運算,並在多個不一樣平臺上運行,你能夠:
使用純 Python 編寫多步的 MapReduce 做業app
在 Hadoop 集羣上運行oop
pip 的安裝方法:測試
pip install mrjob
#coding:utf-8 from mrjob.job import MRJob import re #xiaorui.cc #WORD_RE = re.compile(r"[\w']+") WORD_RE = re.compile(r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}") class MRWordFreqCount(MRJob): def mapper(self, word, line): for word in WORD_RE.findall(line): yield word.lower(), 1 def combiner(self, word, counts): yield word, sum(counts) def reducer(self, word, counts): yield word, sum(counts) if __name__ == '__main__': MRWordFreqCount.run()
python i.py -r inline input1 input2 input3 > out 命令能夠將處理多個文件的結果輸出到out文件裏面。
本地模擬hadoop運行:python 1.py -r local <input> output
hadoop集羣上運行:python 1.py -r hadoop <input> output
執行腳本 ~
[root@kspc ~]# python mo.py -r local <> output no configs found; falling back on auto-configuration no configs found; falling back on auto-configuration creating tmp directory /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241 reading from STDIN writing to /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-mapper_part-00000 > /usr/bin/python mo.py --step-num=0 --mapper /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/input_part-00000 | sort | /usr/bin/python mo.py --step-num=0 --combiner > /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-mapper_part-00000 writing to /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-mapper_part-00001 > /usr/bin/python mo.py --step-num=0 --mapper /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/input_part-00001 | sort | /usr/bin/python mo.py --step-num=0 --combiner > /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-mapper_part-00001 Counters from step 1: (no counters found) writing to /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-mapper-sorted > sort /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-mapper_part-00000 /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-mapper_part-00001 writing to /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-reducer_part-00000 > /usr/bin/python mo.py --step-num=0 --reducer /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/input_part-00000 > /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-reducer_part-00000 writing to /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-reducer_part-00001 > /usr/bin/python mo.py --step-num=0 --reducer /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/input_part-00001 > /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-reducer_part-00001 Counters from step 1: (no counters found) Moving /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-reducer_part-00000 -> /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/output/part-00000 Moving /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/step-0-reducer_part-00001 -> /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/output/part-00001 Streaming final output from /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241/output removing tmp directory /tmp/mo.root.20131224.040935.241241
from mrjob.job import MRJob #from xiaorui.cc class MRWordFrequencyCount(MRJob): #把東西拼湊起來 def mapper(self, _, line): yield "chars", len(line) yield "words", len(line.split()) yield "lines", 1 #總結kv def reducer(self, key, values): yield key, sum(values) if __name__ == '__main__': MRWordFrequencyCount.run()
咱們能夠看到他是支持hdfs和s3存儲的 !
The most basic way to run your job is on the command line:
$ python my_job.py input.txt
By default, output will be written to stdout.
You can pass input via stdin, but be aware that mrjob will just dump it to a file first:
$ python my_job.py < input.txt
You can pass multiple input files, mixed with stdin (using the - character):
$ python my_job.py input1.txt input2.txt - < input3.txt
By default, mrjob will run your job in a single Python process. This provides the friendliest debugging experience, but it’s not exactly distributed computing!
You change the way the job is run with the -r/--runner option. You can use -rinline (the default), -rlocal, -rhadoop, or -remr.
To run your job in multiple subprocesses with a few Hadoop features simulated, use -rlocal.
To run it on your Hadoop cluster, use -rhadoop.
If you have Elastic MapReduce configured (see Elastic MapReduce Quickstart), you can run it there with -remr.
Your input files can come from HDFS if you’re using Hadoop, or S3 if you’re using EMR:
$ python my_job.py -r emr s3://my-inputs/input.txt $ python my_job.py -r hadoop hdfs://my_home/input.txt