編程IDE、php 工做及html 輔助工具linux |
Android Studio Visual Studio Eclipsegit Sublime Text(定製修改Packages/Theme - Default.sublime-package/github to zip/Adaptive.sublime-theme)shell Visual Assist編程 CMakeide graphviz: UML painting工具 AStyle: code formattor; indent: linux code formattor.net Cygwin: umlet-standalone: UML painting JSONedit:http://tomeko.net/software/JSONedit/index.php?lang=en Ditto: 剪切板 |
調試工具 | Xshell , putty Wireshark, Postman, HttpWatch DebugView: wget, csed: Binary Viewer Hex2dec(b): WinDbg: to find crash vs_profiler: a kind of profiler; LTProf: a kind of profiler CamCommandLine(b): Desk capture, WinCheat |
傳輸與遠程管理 | Winscp SangfroVNC mRemoteNG DameWare Remote Rsync:同步工具 FreeSSHd: |
辦公與內容管理 | Everything,網易閃郵 , doPDF 9 EasyConnect , DEAMON tools lite, KeePass ,Google Chrome 百度下載助手:下載工具 Free download manager:下載工具 Evernote印象筆記,Revo uninstaller程序卸載器 Aquasnap:窗口管理 |
代碼管理 | TortoiseSVN VisualSVN Server |
視音頻、圖像類 | 錄音: totalRecord 音頻編輯:WavePad Audio File Splitter https://www.nch.com.au/splitter/index.html 桌面廣播直播/錄像:OBS, Open Broadcaster Software:https://obsproject.com 屏幕錄像:LiceCap 屏幕截取取色:PicPick 非編:shotcut:https://www.shotcut.org/ 非編:Lightworks 圖像命令、API:ImageMagick PotPlayer: 媒體播放器 VLC/VideoLan:媒體播放器 FormatFactory:格式工廠 IVONA Reader: 合成語音閱讀器 FreeOCR: FSPViewer: pano viewer Pano creator: Hugin MobileScreen/Screen.md(github):手機投屏 paint.net : 圖標處理(修改,建立,支持PNG) IVONA reader(收費): TTS , 語音 |