1. exception objectc++
Python用異常對象(exception object)來表示異常狀況。若是異常對象未被處理或捕捉,程序就會用所謂的回溯(Traceback)終止執行:編程
def div_func(a, b): return (a / b) val = div_func(1, 0) >>> Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/code_practice/python_exercise/exception_demo.py", line 4, in <module> val = div_func(1, 0) File "E:/code_practice/python_exercise/exception_demo.py", line 2, in div_func return (a / b) ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
try: val = div_func(1, 0) print(val) except ZeroDivisionError: print('division by zero') >>> division by zero
2.常見的exception object函數
1)Exception: 全部異常的基類,能夠表示任意類型的異常spa
2)AttributeError: 特性引用或賦值失敗是引起code
3)IOError: 打開不存在的文件或者讀寫文件失敗時引起對象
4)IndexError: 使用序列中不存在的索引時引起索引
5)KeyError: 使用Dict中不存在的key時引起事件
6)NameError: 找不到變量時引起
7)SyntaxError: 代碼爲錯誤形式時引起
8)TypeError: 函數應用於錯誤類型的對象時引起
9)ValueError: 對象賦值爲不合適的值時引起
10)ZeroDivisionError: 除0操做時引起
3. 異常的捕獲
使用過面向對象的編程語言,如c++, Java等,都是經過try...catch來對異常進行捕獲的,那麼在Python中也是如此。大體的語法以下:
try: #statement ... except exception1: #handle type of exception1 ... except exception2: #handle type of exception2 ... except: #handle any type of exception ... else: #when no exception occures, excute here ... finally: #whether exception occures or not, it will excute here ...
若是在執行statement代碼的過程當中,接收到了異常,此時會終止statement的繼續執行,跳轉到異常的捕獲處理狀況,依次判斷每個except分支,直到有符合的except object,則會執行對應的異常處理分支,若是都沒有符合的分支,則會跳轉到執行finally去執行,而且將此異常繼續傳遞給調用者。若是statement代碼沒有發生異常,則會執行else分支的代碼,最後執行finally中的代碼。
#未對引起的異常進行捕獲處理的狀況 list1 = ['a', 'b'] try: print(list1[3]) except KeyError: print('handle KeyError') >>> Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/code_practice/python_exercise/exception_demo.py", line 13, in <module> print(list1[3]) IndexError: list index out of range
#使用finally語句 list1 = ['a', 'b'] try: print(list1[3]) except IndexError: print('index out of range') except: print('catch exception') finally: print('exceute finally statement') >>> index out of range exceute finally statement
執行流程: try-->except IndexError-->finally
3.throw exception
def change_list(list_arg): try: list_arg[len(list_arg)] = 'end' except IndexError: print('raise IndexError') raise IndexError else: print('no exception') finally: print('exit change_list') change_list(list1) >>> Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/code_practice/python_exercise/exception_demo.py", line 24, in change_list list_arg[len(list_arg)] = 'end' IndexError: list assignment index out of range During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/code_practice/python_exercise/exception_demo.py", line 33, in <module> change_list(list1) File "E:/code_practice/python_exercise/exception_demo.py", line 27, in change_list raise IndexError IndexError