新年伊始,不少開發者便開始規劃本身的本年度學習計劃,若是你尚未決定好在 2018 年學什麼,那麼本文將給你一些指引。在這篇文章中,我將分享一些值得開發者學習的優秀框架,以提升他們在移動開發、Web 開發以及大數據方面的開發技能。html
在本文中,我將分享 12 個與 Java 開發、移動開發、Web 開發和大數據相關的有用框架。若是你知道其餘更好的框架值得 Java 和 Web 開發人員學習,那麼請在評論中分享給你們。java
首先推薦一個 JavaScript 框架——Angular。它提供了一個完整的客戶端解決方案。你可使用 AngularJS 在客戶端建立動態網頁。它提供了聲明性模板、依賴注入、端到端工具和集成的最佳實踐,以解決客戶端的常見開發難題。 jquery
因爲它是一個 JavaScript 庫,你可使用 <script> 標籤將其包含在 HTML 頁面中。它使用指令擴展 HTML 屬性,並使用表達式將數據綁定到 HTML。android
因爲谷歌大力支持 Angular,因此在性能和按期更新方面你大可放心。我堅信 AngularJS 會風靡很長一段時間,所以投入時間學習它是很是值得的。ios
毫無疑問,JavaScript 之因此可以在編程語言中排名第一,Node.js 功不可沒。JavaScript 經常使用做客戶端腳本語言,在 HTML 中使用 JavaScript 來實現客戶端的動態效果。它運行在 Web 瀏覽器上,可是 Node.js 則容許你在服務器端運行 JavaScript。web
Node.js 是一個開源、跨平臺的 JavaScript 運行環境,用於在服務器端執行 JavaScript 代碼。你可使用 Node.js 在服務器端建立動態網頁,而後將其發送到客戶端。 spring
這意味着你使用 JavaScript 能夠完成先後端以及客戶端和服務器端的應用程序開發。
三、Spring Boot
我使用 Spring 框架已經多年,因此當我第一次接觸 Spring Boot 時,它簡潔的配置着實令我震驚。使用 Spring Boot 編寫基於 Spring 的 Java 應用程序就像使用 main() 方法編寫核心 Java 應用程序同樣簡單。
儘管我已經嘗試過 Spring Boot,可是瞭解還不夠深刻,所以我將其列在個人 2018 年學習清單上。
React 也是一個用於構建用戶界面的 JavaScript 庫或者框架。它相似於 AngularJS,可是由 Facebook、Instagram 以及我的開發者和公司的社區維護。它容許 Web 開發人員建立大型的 Web 應用程序,能夠隨時更改而不須要從新加載頁面。
Web 開發幾乎被 Angular 和 React 統治,選擇哪個則取決於你,須要視狀況而定。例如,若是你在一個基於 React 的項目中工做,顯然,你須要認真學習 React。
這是用於設計網站和 Web 應用程序的另外一個很是流行的開源前端 Web 框架。Bootstrap 最初由 Twitter 推出,它提供基於 HTML 和 CSS 的設計模板,包含了排版、表單、按鈕、導航和其餘界面組件以及可選的 JavaScript 擴展。
Bootstrap 支持響應式網頁設計,這意味着網頁的佈局能夠根據瀏覽器的屏幕大小動態調整。在移動開發領域,BootStrap 以其移動端優先的設計理念引領潮流,強調默認狀況下的自適應設計。
若是你是一個 Web 開發人員而且不知道 Bootstrap,那麼 2018 年是開始學習它的好時機。
這是又一個統治世界的 JavaScript 框架。長期以來 jQuery 都是個人最愛,我建議每一個開發者都學習 jQuery,它讓客戶端腳本變得很是容易。
你能夠作動畫、發送 HTTP 請求、從新加載頁面,而且僅僅編寫幾行代碼就能夠執行客戶端驗證。
七、Spring Security 5
網絡安全的重要性不言而喻,2018 年將更爲重要。因爲 Spring Security 已經成爲 Java 領域 Web 安全的代名詞,那麼在 2018 年使用 Spring Security 的最新版將是頗有必要的。
Spring Security 在新版本5.0中修復了不少 bug,同時包含了一個全新的 OAuth 2.0 模塊。即便你不瞭解 Spring Security,你應該考慮在 2018 年學習它。
八、Apache Hadoop
大數據和自動化將是許多公司在 2018 年關注的重點,對於程序員來講,學習 Hadoop 和 Spark 等大數據技術變得尤其重要。Apache Hadoop 是一個容許使用簡單編程模型在計算機集羣中分佈式處理大型數據集的框架。
它旨在從單臺服務器擴展到數千臺機器,每臺機器提供本地計算和存儲。它基於流行的 Map Reduce 模式,是開發可靠、可擴展和分佈式軟件計算應用程序的關鍵。
九、Apache Spark
這是另外一個日益普及的大數據框架。Apache Spark 是一個快速的內存數據處理引擎,具備優雅和富有表現力的 API,使數據工做人員可以高效地執行須要快速迭代訪問數據集的流、機器學習或 SQL 工做負載。
你能夠將 Spark 用於 ETL 的內存計算、機器學習以及 Hadoop 的數據科學工做中。
Apache Cordova 最初是由 Nitobi 建立的一個移動應用程序開發框架。Adobe Systems 在2011年收購了 Nitobi,將其從新命名爲 PhoneGap,後來又發佈了一個名爲 Apache Cordova 的開源軟件。
它容許你使用標準的網頁技術(HTML五、CSS3 和 JavaScript)進行跨平臺開發。
Firebase 是谷歌的移動平臺,可幫助你快速開發高品質的移動應用並拓展業務。你能夠選擇 Firebase 做爲 Android 或 iOS 應用程序的後端。
若是你打算在2018年進入移動應用程序開發,那麼學習 Firebase 是一個很是好的主意。
Xamarin 是一種經過單一的共享 C# 代碼庫爲全部平臺快速製做移動應用程序,爲每一個平臺構建自定義本地用戶界面,或者使用 Xamarin.Forms 跨平臺編寫單個共享用戶界面的方法。
它由微軟全部,很快成爲 C、C ++ 和 C# 開發人員建立移動應用程序的熱門。
若是你已經掌握了其中一種 C 語言,而且正在尋找移動應用程序開發的工做,那麼我強烈建議你在 2018 年學習 Xamarin。
以上就是 2018 年值得學習的框架。這些框架需求量很大,尤爲是 Spring、Node.js 和 AngularJS——學習這些框架能夠爲你提供更多、更好的工做機會,即便你不打算更換工做,那麼學習最新的技術也有助於你的職業發展。
若是你是 Java 開發人員,那麼 Apache Spark 是一個不錯的選擇,可是若是相對於框架或者庫來講,你對編程語言更感興趣,那麼能夠試試 Kotlin。
若是你知道其餘更好的框架值得 Java 和 Web 開發人員學習,那麼歡迎在評論中分享給你們。
Hello guys, the New Year is already started and everybody is ready with their goals, but if you haven't decided what to learn in 2018, then you have come to the right place. In today's post, I'll share some of the best frameworks you can learn to improve your knowledge in mobile and web development, as well as on Big Data technologies.
In today's world, good knowledge of various frameworks is very important. They allow you to quickly develop both prototype and real project. If you are working in startup space then you are expected to whip something cool in no time and that's where knowledge of framework excel.
It also helps you to get a better job and take your career to next level, if you are stuck somewhere working on boring jobs, like just starting and stopping the server, setting up some cron jobs, and replying to the same old emails maintaining legacy applications.
In this article, I have shared 12 useful frameworks related to Java development, mobile app development, web development, and Big Data. If you have another good framework which you think Java and web developers should learn in 2018, then feel free to share it in the comments.
This is another JavaScript framework, which is on my list of things to learn in 2018. It provides a completely client-side solution. You can use AngularJS to create dynamic web pages on the client side. It provides declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve common development challenges on the client side.
Since it's a JavaScript library, You can include this on your HTML page using the <script> tag. It extends HTML attributes with Directives and binds data to HTML using Expressions.
Since Google is behind Angular, you can rest assured in terms of performance and regular updates. I strongly believe AngularJS is here for the long run, hence, investing time in it is completely justified. If you decide to learn Angular in 2018, then Angular 5 - The Complete Guide from Udemy is a good starting point.
There is no doubt that JavaScript is the #1 programming language and Node.js has a big part to play in that. Traditionally, JavaScript is used as a client-side scripting language, where it is used with HTML to provide dynamic behavior on the client side. It runs on the web browser, but Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the server side.
Tye Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side. You can use Node.js to create dynamic web pages on the server side before you send them to the client.
This means you can develop a front to back, client-server application in JavaScript. I purchased The Complete Node.js Developer Course last month on Udemy's $10 sale and I look forward to learning it in 2018.
I have been using the Spring framework for many years, so when I was first introduced to Spring Boot, I was totally surprised by the relative lack of configuration. Writing a Spring-based Java application using Spring Boot was as simple as writing a core Java application using the main()method.
Even though I have tried Spring Boot, I have yet to learn many things, and that's why it's on my list of things to learn in 2018.
I have also bought the Spring Boot Masterclass, one of the best online courses to learn Spring Boot, from Udemy for just $10 last month, and I look forward to using that in 2018.
React is another JavaScript library or framework for building user interfaces. It's like AngularJS but maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and a community of individual developers and corporations. It allows web developers to create large web-applications which can change over time without reloading the page.
The web development world is divided between Angular and React and it's up to you what you choose. Most of the time, it's dictated by circumstances; for example, if you are working in a React-based project, then obviously, you need to learn React.
If you decide to learn React in 2018, then the React.js: Getting Started course from Pluarlsight is a good starting point.
This is another popular open-source, front-end web framework for designing websites and web applications. Initially brought to us by Twitter, Bootstrap provides HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.
Bootstrap supports responsive web design, which means the layout of web pages adjusts dynamically depending upon the browser's screen size. In the world of mobile, BootStrap is leading the way with its mobile-first design philosophy, emphasizing on a responsive design by default.
If you are a web developer and don't know Bootstrap, 2018 is the right time to get started with it. BootStrap 4 From Scratch is a good starting point for your Bootstrap journey in 2018.
This is another JavaScript framework which rules the world. jQuery has been my favorite for a long time and I advise every developer to learn jQuery. It makes client-side scripting really easy.
You can do animation, send HTTP request, reload pages, and perform client-side validation by writing just a couple of lines of code.
If you decide to learn jQuery in 2018, then I suggest you take a look at this jQuery master class, a free online course from Udemy for learning jQuery.
There is no substitute for security, and in 2018, it will be even more important. Since Spring Security has become synonymous with web security in the Java world, it makes perfect sense to update yourself with the latest release of Spring Security in 2018.
The new version 5.0 of Spring Security includes many bug fixes and a complete new OAuth 2.0 module. Even if you don't know Spring Security, you should consider learning it in 2018, and there is no better way than joining Eugen Paraschiv's Learn Spring Security MasterClass.
Big Data and automation are the focus of many companies in 2018, and that's why it becomes important for programmers to learn Big Data technologies like Hadoop and Spark. Apache Hadoop is a framework which allows distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models.
It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. It's based upon the popular Map Reduce pattern and is key for developing a reliable, scalable, and distributed software computing application.
I have already enrolled in The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop last month, and if you decide to learn Hadoop in 2018, you can join, too, on Udemy.
This is another Big Data framework which is gaining popularity. Apache Spark is a fast, in-memory data processing engine with elegant and expressive development APIs to allow data workers to efficiently execute streaming, machine learning, or SQL workloads that require fast iterative access to datasets.
You can use Spark for in-memory computing for ETL, machine learning, and data science workloads to Hadoop. I have already shortlisted the Apache Spark Fundamentals course from PluralSight to go through in 2018. If you are in the same boat, you can check out that course to get some inspiration.
Apache Cordova is another mobile application development framework originally created by Nitobi. Adobe Systems purchased Nitobi in 2011, rebranded it as PhoneGap, and later released an open source version of the software called Apache Cordova.
It allows you to use standard web technologies - HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform development, and one is of the hot technologies to learn in 2018. If you'd like to learn Cordova in 2018, then please check out Build iOS & Android Apps with Angular and Cordova, one of the exciting courses for learning Cordova.
Firebase is Google's mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality mobile apps and grow your business. You can choose Firebase as a backend for your Android or iOS application.
If you are looking to move into the lucrative business of mobile application development in 2018, then learning Firebase is a very good idea and Advanced iOS and Firebase: Rideshare is a good place to start.
Xamarin is a way to make mobile apps quickly for all platforms with a single, shared C# code base, build a custom native user interface for each platform, or use Xamarin.Forms to write a single shared user interface across platforms.
It's owned by Microsoft and quickly becoming popular for creating mobile apps for C, C++, and C# developers.
If you already know one of the C languages and you're looking for a career in mobile app development, then I strongly suggest you learn Xamarin in 2018, and The Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android! is a good course to start with.
That's all about what to learn in 2018. These frameworks are in great demand, particularly Spring, Node.js, and AngularJS. Learning these frameworks will not only improve your chances of getting a job, but also open many doors of opportunity.
Even if you are settled down in your job, keeping yourself up-to-date with the latest and greatest technologies is essential for your career growth.
So, I suggest you pick a couple of these frameworks and learn them in 2018. If you are Java developer, then Apache Spark is a good choice, but if you are interested in a programming language rather than a framework or library, then Kotlin looks good in 2018.