

  1. sindresorhus/awesome 這是一個Github上awesome lists的集合
  2. wasabeef/awesome-android-ui 一個精美的Android UI/UX庫的集合(En)
  3. opendigg/awesome-github-android-ui 安卓UI相關開源項目庫彙總
  4. wasabeef/awesome-android-libraries 一個Android經常使用編程庫的集合
  5. unicodeveloper/awesome-opensource-apps 一份各類平臺的開源APP項目列表
  6. zhengxiaopeng/android-dev-bookmarks Android 開發者的瀏覽器書籤
  7. awesome-resources Android 開發實戰資源整合
  8. jiang111/awesome-android-tips 經常使用的一些 Android 代碼
  9. Luosunce/material-design-data 最全面的 Material Design 學習資料
  10. amitshekhariitbhu/awesome-android-complete-reference Awesome Android Complete Reference
  11. amitshekhariitbhu/Fast-Android-Networking 🚀A Complete Fast Android Networking Library that also supports HTTP/2
  12. android-security-awesome A collection of android security related resources
  13. amitshekhariitbhu/Android-Debug-Database A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again
  14. JStumpp/awesome-android A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.


  1. scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Android智能下拉刷新框架-SmartRefreshLayout,是一個強大,穩定,成熟的下拉刷新框架,並集成各類的炫酷、多樣、實用、美觀的Header和Footer
  2. alibaba/fastjson 🚄用於java的快速json解析器/生成器
  3. Bearded-Hen/Android-Bootstrap Bootstrap style widgets for Android, with Glyph Icons
  4. google/agera Reactive Programming for Android
  5. kataras/iris The fastest web framework for Go in the Universe.
  6. zhihu/Matisse A well-designed local image and video selector for Android
  7. lingochamp/FileDownloader Multitask、MultiThread(MultiConnection)、Breakpoint-resume、High-concurrency、Simple to use、Single/NotSingle-process
  8. umano/AndroidSlidingUpPanel This library provides a simple way to add a draggable sliding up panel (popularized by Google Music and Google Maps) to your Android application. Brought to you by Umano.

Google Map 開發

  1. googlemaps/android-maps-utils Google Maps Android API utility library
  2. SkyTreasure/Airbnb-Android-Google-Map-View This is a sample Android Application which has Google Map view similar to what AirBnb Android Application. Moving Markers like Uber/Ola. Custom Google Search for places. Recycler view with Animations added.
  3. car2go/AnyMaps Easily switch between Google, Baidu and OSM maps
  4. aarsy/GoogleMapsAnimations "GoogleMapsAnimations is an awesome android library to show radar and multiple types of circular ripple effects on google map.
  5. Appolica/InteractiveInfoWindowAndroid Library project, developed and maintained by Appolica, offering an interactive info window for Google maps on Android.
  6. miguelhincapie/CustomBottomSheetBehavior Android Studio Project using Support Library focused on get Google Maps 3 states behavior including background image parallax and toolbars animations.
  7. googlemaps/android-samples
  8. jd-alexander/Google-Directions-Android This project allows you to calculate the direction between two locations and display the route on a Google Map using the Google Directions API - This project isn't actively been maintained.