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第二階段一開始會有一個is_first_stage的判斷,因爲以前第一階段最後有設置INIT_SECOND_STAGE, 所以直接跳過一大段代碼。從keyctl開始纔是重點內容,咱們一一展開來看android
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //一樣進行ueventd/watchdogd跳轉及環境變量設置 ... //以前準備工做時將INIT_SECOND_STAGE設置爲true,已經不爲nullptr,因此is_first_stage爲false bool is_first_stage = (getenv("INIT_SECOND_STAGE") == nullptr); //is_first_stage爲false,直接跳過 if (is_first_stage) { ... } // At this point we're in the second stage of init. InitKernelLogging(argv); //上一節有講,初始化日誌輸出 LOG(INFO) << "init second stage started!"; // Set up a session keyring that all processes will have access to. It // will hold things like FBE encryption keys. No process should override // its session keyring. keyctl(KEYCTL_GET_KEYRING_ID, KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING, 1); //初始化進程會話密鑰 // Indicate that booting is in progress to background fw loaders, etc. close(open("/dev/.booting", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0000));//建立 /dev/.booting 文件,就是個標記,表示booting進行中 property_init();//初始化屬性系統,並從指定文件讀取屬性 //接下來的一系列操做都是從各個文件讀取一些屬性,而後經過property_set設置系統屬性 // If arguments are passed both on the command line and in DT, // properties set in DT always have priority over the command-line ones. /* * 1.這句英文的大概意思是,若是參數同時從命令行和DT傳過來,DT的優先級老是大於命令行的 * 2.DT即device-tree,中文意思是設備樹,這裏面記錄本身的硬件配置和系統運行參數,參考http://www.wowotech.net/linux_kenrel/why-dt.html */ process_kernel_dt();//處理DT屬性 process_kernel_cmdline();//處理命令行屬性 // Propagate the kernel variables to internal variables // used by init as well as the current required properties. export_kernel_boot_props();//處理其餘的一些屬性 // Make the time that init started available for bootstat to log. property_set("ro.boottime.init", getenv("INIT_STARTED_AT")); property_set("ro.boottime.init.selinux", getenv("INIT_SELINUX_TOOK")); // Set libavb version for Framework-only OTA match in Treble build. const char* avb_version = getenv("INIT_AVB_VERSION"); if (avb_version) property_set("ro.boot.avb_version", avb_version); // Clean up our environment. unsetenv("INIT_SECOND_STAGE"); //清空這些環境變量,由於以前都已經存入到系統屬性中去了 unsetenv("INIT_STARTED_AT"); unsetenv("INIT_SELINUX_TOOK"); unsetenv("INIT_AVB_VERSION"); ... 複製代碼
這裏並無拿返回值,估計就是爲了新建會話密鑰環了,從註釋Set up a session keyring也可看出緩存
static inline long keyctl(int cmd, ...) { va_list va; unsigned long arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5; //va_start,va_arg,va_end是配合使用的,用於將可變參數從堆棧中讀取出來 va_start(va, cmd); //va_start是獲取第一個參數地址 arg2 = va_arg(va, unsigned long); //va_arg 遍歷參數 arg3 = va_arg(va, unsigned long); arg4 = va_arg(va, unsigned long); arg5 = va_arg(va, unsigned long); va_end(va); //va_end 恢復堆棧 return syscall(__NR_keyctl, cmd, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); //系統調用 } 複製代碼
定義在 platform/system/core/init/property_service.cpp
直接交給 __system_property_area_init 處理
void property_init() { if (__system_property_area_init()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize property area"; exit(1); } } 複製代碼
__system_property_area_init 定義在/bionic/libc/bionic/system_properties.cpp
看名字大概知道是用來初始化屬性系統區域的,應該是分門別類更準確些,首先清除緩存,這裏主要是清除幾個鏈表以及在內存中的映射,新建property_filename目錄,這個目錄的值爲 /dev/_properties_ 而後就是調用initialize_properties加載一些系統屬性的類別信息,最後將加載的鏈表寫入文件並映射到內存
int __system_property_area_init() { free_and_unmap_contexts();//清除一些緩存 mkdir(property_filename, S_IRWXU | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH);//新建目錄property_filename,權限是rwx-x-x if (!initialize_properties()) { //讀取一些文件,把鍵值信息存入到鏈表中 return -1; } bool open_failed = false; bool fsetxattr_failed = false; list_foreach(contexts, [&fsetxattr_failed, &open_failed](context_node* l) { if (!l->open(true, &fsetxattr_failed)) { //將contexts鏈表中的數據寫入到property_filename目錄下文件中,每種context對應一個文件,並經過mmap映射進內存中 open_failed = true; } }); if (open_failed || !map_system_property_area(true, &fsetxattr_failed)) {//增長 properties_serial的映射,跟contexts中的同樣 free_and_unmap_contexts();//映射失敗清除緩存 return -1; } initialized = true; return fsetxattr_failed ? -2 : 0; } 複製代碼
交給 initialize_properties_from_file 處理,指定了一些文件路徑
static bool initialize_properties() { // If we do find /property_contexts, then this is being // run as part of the OTA updater on older release that had // /property_contexts - b/34370523 if (initialize_properties_from_file("/property_contexts")) { return true; } // Use property_contexts from /system & /vendor, fall back to those from / if (access("/system/etc/selinux/plat_property_contexts", R_OK) != -1) { if (!initialize_properties_from_file("/system/etc/selinux/plat_property_contexts")) { return false; } // Don't check for failure here, so we always have a sane list of properties. // E.g. In case of recovery, the vendor partition will not have mounted and we // still need the system / platform properties to function. initialize_properties_from_file("/vendor/etc/selinux/nonplat_property_contexts"); } else { if (!initialize_properties_from_file("/plat_property_contexts")) { return false; } initialize_properties_from_file("/nonplat_property_contexts"); } return true; } 複製代碼
這個函數主要工做是解析屬性類別文件,對屬性作一下分類,具體就是一行行解析,過濾 # 開頭的、只讀到key的、從ctl.開頭的,而後將解析出來的鍵值對放到兩個鏈表中
prefixes鏈表存放key(實際上是一些key的前綴),contexts鏈表存放value(實際上是對應key應當屬於那些類別的信息),這樣的好處是將龐雜的屬性根據前綴分類,存儲到不一樣的context中, 查找和修改是很是高效的,相似map的作法
static bool initialize_properties_from_file(const char* filename) { FILE* file = fopen(filename, "re"); if (!file) { return false; } char* buffer = nullptr; size_t line_len; char* prop_prefix = nullptr; char* context = nullptr; while (getline(&buffer, &line_len, file) > 0) { //一行一行讀取,而後將結果放到buffer中 int items = read_spec_entries(buffer, 2, &prop_prefix, &context); //將buffer的數據,按空格做爲區分,key賦值給prop_prefix,value賦值給context if (items <= 0) { //沒有讀取到,好比 # 這種是註釋 continue; } if (items == 1) { //只讀取到key,釋放key的內存 free(prop_prefix); continue; } /* * init uses ctl.* properties as an IPC mechanism and does not write them * to a property file, therefore we do not need to create property files * to store them. */ if (!strncmp(prop_prefix, "ctl.", 4)) { //以ctl.開頭忽略掉,由於這個不屬於屬性,主要用於IPC機制 free(prop_prefix); free(context); continue; } /* * C++中[ arg1,arg2,... ](T param, T param1,... ){ commond} 這個是lambda表達式,也能夠看做一個函數指針 * []中是引用外部參數 *()中是參數定義,這個跟普通方法的()同樣 * {}中是方法體 */ auto old_context = list_find(contexts, [context](context_node* l) { return !strcmp(l->context(), context); }); // list_find主要是循環contexts這個鏈表,若是發現context的值在鏈表裏已經有,就將對應的鏈表結構context_node返回 if (old_context) { list_add_after_len(&prefixes, prop_prefix, old_context); //list_add_after_len 主要做用是將prop_prefix和old_context按順序放到prefixes鏈表裏 } else { list_add(&contexts, context, nullptr);//將context的值放到contexts鏈表裏 list_add_after_len(&prefixes, prop_prefix, contexts); } free(prop_prefix); //釋放資源 free(context); } free(buffer); fclose(file); return true; } 複製代碼
prop_area 這個在context_node裏引用,屬性data是具體key-value的數據庫,裏面是用 hybrid trie/binary tree(字典樹)這種結構存儲的,也就是一對多,我給張圖就明白了
prop_info 就是具體的key-value了,這個是從prop_area解析出來的
class context_node { public: /* * C++中構造函數後面接 :(冒號) 表示對屬性賦初始值 */ context_node(context_node* next, const char* context, prop_area* pa) : next(next), context_(strdup(context)), pa_(pa), no_access_(false) { lock_.init(false); } ... context_node* next; private: bool check_access(); void unmap(); Lock lock_; char* context_; prop_area* pa_; bool no_access_; }; struct prefix_node { prefix_node(struct prefix_node* next, const char* prefix, context_node* context) : prefix(strdup(prefix)), prefix_len(strlen(prefix)), context(context), next(next) { } ~prefix_node() { free(prefix); } char* prefix; const size_t prefix_len; context_node* context; struct prefix_node* next; }; class prop_area { public: prop_area(const uint32_t magic, const uint32_t version) : magic_(magic), version_(version) { atomic_init(&serial_, 0); memset(reserved_, 0, sizeof(reserved_)); // Allocate enough space for the root node. bytes_used_ = sizeof(prop_bt); } .... private: ... uint32_t bytes_used_; atomic_uint_least32_t serial_; uint32_t magic_; uint32_t version_; uint32_t reserved_[28]; char data_[0]; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(prop_area); }; struct prop_info { atomic_uint_least32_t serial; // we need to keep this buffer around because the property // value can be modified whereas name is constant. char value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; char name[0]; prop_info(const char* name, uint32_t namelen, const char* value, uint32_t valuelen) { memcpy(this->name, name, namelen); this->name[namelen] = '\0'; atomic_init(&this->serial, valuelen << 24); memcpy(this->value, value, valuelen); this->value[valuelen] = '\0'; } private: DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(prop_info); }; 複製代碼
以前有個list_add函數,這個函數是一個模板函數,與Java中的泛型相似,List 和 Args至關於T和T1,這個函數主要做用就是調用T的構造函數, 把list,可變參數args做爲參數傳進去
template <typename List, typename... Args> static inline void list_add(List** list, Args... args) { *list = new List(*list, args...); } 複製代碼
讀取DT(設備樹)的屬性信息,而後經過 property_set 設置系統屬性
static void process_kernel_dt() { if (!is_android_dt_value_expected("compatible", "android,firmware")) { //判斷 /proc/device-tree/firmware/android/compatible 文件中的值是否爲 android,firmware return; } std::unique_ptr<DIR, int (*)(DIR*)> dir(opendir(kAndroidDtDir.c_str()), closedir); // kAndroidDtDir的值爲/proc/device-tree/firmware/android if (!dir) return; std::string dt_file; struct dirent *dp; while ((dp = readdir(dir.get())) != NULL) { //遍歷dir中的文件 if (dp->d_type != DT_REG || !strcmp(dp->d_name, "compatible") || !strcmp(dp->d_name, "name")) { //跳過 compatible和name文件 continue; } std::string file_name = kAndroidDtDir + dp->d_name; android::base::ReadFileToString(file_name, &dt_file); //讀取文件內容 std::replace(dt_file.begin(), dt_file.end(), ',', '.'); //替換 , 爲 . std::string property_name = StringPrintf("ro.boot.%s", dp->d_name); property_set(property_name.c_str(), dt_file.c_str()); // 將 ro.boot.文件名 做爲key,文件內容爲value,設置進屬性 } } 複製代碼
property_set用的地方特別多,做用是設置系統屬性,具體就是經過遍歷以前的prefixs鏈表找到對應的context_node,而後經過context_node的_pa屬性找到對應key-value節點prop_info,能找到就更新value,找不到就設置新值, 另外就是調用property_changed方法觸發trigger,trigger後續講.rc解析時再詳細講,trigger能夠觸發一系列活動
uint32_t property_set(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { size_t valuelen = value.size(); if (!is_legal_property_name(name)) { //檢查key合法性,大概就是 xx.xx.xx 這種 ,xx只能是字母、數字、_、-、@ LOG(ERROR) << "property_set(\"" << name << "\", \"" << value << "\") failed: bad name"; return PROP_ERROR_INVALID_NAME; } if (valuelen >= PROP_VALUE_MAX) {//不能超過最大長度 92 LOG(ERROR) << "property_set(\"" << name << "\", \"" << value << "\") failed: " << "value too long"; return PROP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; } if (name == "selinux.restorecon_recursive" && valuelen > 0) { // 跳過selinux,不容許修改 if (restorecon(value.c_str(), SELINUX_ANDROID_RESTORECON_RECURSE) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to restorecon_recursive " << value; } } prop_info* pi = (prop_info*) __system_property_find(name.c_str()); //找到key對應節點 if (pi != nullptr) { //若是對應節點存在就更新 // ro.* properties are actually "write-once". if (android::base::StartsWith(name, "ro.")) { LOG(ERROR) << "property_set(\"" << name << "\", \"" << value << "\") failed: " << "property already set"; return PROP_ERROR_READ_ONLY_PROPERTY; } __system_property_update(pi, value.c_str(), valuelen); } else { //沒有對應節點就新建 int rc = __system_property_add(name.c_str(), name.size(), value.c_str(), valuelen); if (rc < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "property_set(\"" << name << "\", \"" << value << "\") failed: " << "__system_property_add failed"; return PROP_ERROR_SET_FAILED; } } // Don't write properties to disk until after we have read all default // properties to prevent them from being overwritten by default values. if (persistent_properties_loaded && android::base::StartsWith(name, "persist.")) { //若是以persist開頭的,將值寫入文件 write_persistent_property(name.c_str(), value.c_str()); } property_changed(name, value); //觸發trigger return PROP_SUCCESS; } 複製代碼
後續的一些函數或代碼都是直接或間接調用 property_set 設置系統屬性
static void process_kernel_cmdline() { // The first pass does the common stuff, and finds if we are in qemu. // The second pass is only necessary for qemu to export all kernel params // as properties. import_kernel_cmdline(false, import_kernel_nv); if (qemu[0]) import_kernel_cmdline(true, import_kernel_nv); } static void import_kernel_nv(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, bool for_emulator) { if (key.empty()) return; if (for_emulator) { // In the emulator, export any kernel option with the "ro.kernel." prefix. property_set(StringPrintf("ro.kernel.%s", key.c_str()).c_str(), value.c_str()); return; } if (key == "qemu") { strlcpy(qemu, value.c_str(), sizeof(qemu)); } else if (android::base::StartsWith(key, "androidboot.")) { property_set(StringPrintf("ro.boot.%s", key.c_str() + 12).c_str(), value.c_str()); } } 複製代碼
static void export_kernel_boot_props() { struct { const char *src_prop; const char *dst_prop; const char *default_value; } prop_map[] = { { "ro.boot.serialno", "ro.serialno", "", }, { "ro.boot.mode", "ro.bootmode", "unknown", }, { "ro.boot.baseband", "ro.baseband", "unknown", }, { "ro.boot.bootloader", "ro.bootloader", "unknown", }, { "ro.boot.hardware", "ro.hardware", "unknown", }, { "ro.boot.revision", "ro.revision", "0", }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(prop_map); i++) { std::string value = GetProperty(prop_map[i].src_prop, ""); property_set(prop_map[i].dst_prop, (!value.empty()) ? value.c_str() : prop_map[i].default_value); } } 複製代碼
// Now set up SELinux for second stage. selinux_initialize(false); //第二階段初始化SELinux policy selinux_restore_context();//恢復安全上下文 複製代碼
第二階段只是執行 selinux_init_all_handles
static void selinux_initialize(bool in_kernel_domain) { ... //和以前同樣設置回調函數 if (in_kernel_domain) {//第二階段跳過 ... } else { selinux_init_all_handles(); } } 複製代碼
static void selinux_init_all_handles(void) { sehandle = selinux_android_file_context_handle(); //建立context的處理函數 selinux_android_set_sehandle(sehandle);//將剛剛新建的處理賦值給fc_sehandle sehandle_prop = selinux_android_prop_context_handle();//建立prop的處理函數 } 複製代碼
這個opts只是包含一個簡單的路徑,好比 /system/etc/selinux/plat_file_contexts ,而initfuncs負責去解析它
struct selabel_handle *selabel_open(unsigned int backend, const struct selinux_opt *opts, unsigned nopts) { struct selabel_handle *rec = NULL; if (backend >= ARRAY_SIZE(initfuncs)) { errno = EINVAL; goto out; } if (!initfuncs[backend]) { errno = ENOTSUP; goto out; } rec = (struct selabel_handle *)malloc(sizeof(*rec)); if (!rec) goto out; memset(rec, 0, sizeof(*rec)); rec->backend = backend; rec->validating = selabel_is_validate_set(opts, nopts); rec->subs = NULL; rec->dist_subs = NULL; rec->digest = selabel_is_digest_set(opts, nopts, rec->digest); if ((*initfuncs[backend])(rec, opts, nopts)) { // selabel_close(rec); rec = NULL; } out: return rec; } 複製代碼
/* file contexts */ #define SELABEL_CTX_FILE 0 /* media contexts */ #define SELABEL_CTX_MEDIA 1 /* x contexts */ #define SELABEL_CTX_X 2 /* db objects */ #define SELABEL_CTX_DB 3 /* Android property service contexts */ #define SELABEL_CTX_ANDROID_PROP 4 /* Android service contexts */ #define SELABEL_CTX_ANDROID_SERVICE 5 複製代碼
initfuncs數組中每一項都對應一個init函數,init函數主要做用是解析傳進來的文件,這些傳進來的文件定義了哪些進程能夠訪問哪些文件,執行哪些操做 SELinux的內容比較多,因爲篇幅就暫時不深刻了 能夠參考老羅的SEAndroid安全機制框架分析
static selabel_initfunc initfuncs[] = { &selabel_file_init, CONFIG_MEDIA_BACKEND(selabel_media_init), CONFIG_X_BACKEND(selabel_x_init), CONFIG_DB_BACKEND(selabel_db_init), CONFIG_ANDROID_BACKEND(selabel_property_init), CONFIG_ANDROID_BACKEND(selabel_service_init), }; 複製代碼
定義在 platform/system/core/init/init.cpp
static void selinux_restore_context() { LOG(INFO) << "Running restorecon..."; restorecon("/dev"); restorecon("/dev/kmsg"); restorecon("/dev/socket"); restorecon("/dev/random"); restorecon("/dev/urandom"); restorecon("/dev/__properties__"); restorecon("/file_contexts.bin"); restorecon("/plat_file_contexts"); restorecon("/nonplat_file_contexts"); restorecon("/plat_property_contexts"); restorecon("/nonplat_property_contexts"); restorecon("/plat_seapp_contexts"); restorecon("/nonplat_seapp_contexts"); restorecon("/plat_service_contexts"); restorecon("/nonplat_service_contexts"); restorecon("/plat_hwservice_contexts"); restorecon("/nonplat_hwservice_contexts"); restorecon("/sepolicy"); restorecon("/vndservice_contexts"); restorecon("/sys", SELINUX_ANDROID_RESTORECON_RECURSE); restorecon("/dev/block", SELINUX_ANDROID_RESTORECON_RECURSE); restorecon("/dev/device-mapper"); } 複製代碼
epoll_fd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC);//建立epoll實例,並返回epoll的文件描述符 if (epoll_fd == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "epoll_create1 failed"; exit(1); } signal_handler_init();//主要是建立handler處理子進程終止信號,建立一個匿名socket並註冊到epoll進行監聽 複製代碼
epoll_create1是epoll_create的升級版,能夠動態調整epoll實例中文件描述符的個數 EPOLL_CLOEXEC這個參數是爲文件描述符添加O_CLOEXEC屬性,參考http://blog.csdn.net/gqtcgq/article/details/48767691
init是一個守護進程,爲了防止init的子進程成爲殭屍進程(zombie process), 須要init在子進程在結束時獲取子進程的結束碼,經過結束碼將程序表中的子進程移除, 防止成爲殭屍進程的子進程佔用程序表的空間(程序表的空間達到上限時,系統就不能再啓動新的進程了,會引發嚴重的系統問題)
首先,調用socketpair,這個方法會返回一對文件描述符,這樣當一端寫入時,另外一端就能被通知到, socketpair兩端既能夠寫也能夠讀,這裏只是單向的讓s[0]寫,s[1]讀
而後,新建一個sigaction結構體,sa_handler是信號處理函數,指向SIGCHLD_handler, SIGCHLD_handler作的事情就是往s[0]裏寫個"1",這樣s1就會收到通知,SA_NOCLDSTOP表示只在子進程終止時處理, 由於子進程在暫停時也會發出SIGCHLD信號
sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, 0) 這個是創建信號綁定關係,也就是說當監聽到SIGCHLD信號時,由act這個sigaction結構體處理
ReapAnyOutstandingChildren 這個後文講
void signal_handler_init() { // Create a signalling mechanism for SIGCHLD. int s[2]; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, s) == -1) { //建立socket並返回文件描述符 PLOG(ERROR) << "socketpair failed"; exit(1); } signal_write_fd = s[0]; signal_read_fd = s[1]; // Write to signal_write_fd if we catch SIGCHLD. struct sigaction act; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = SIGCHLD_handler; //act處理函數 act.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, 0); ServiceManager::GetInstance().ReapAnyOutstandingChildren();//具體處理子進程終止信號 register_epoll_handler(signal_read_fd, handle_signal);//註冊signal_read_fd到epoll中 } void register_epoll_handler(int fd, void (*fn)() ) { epoll_event ev; ev.events = EPOLLIN; //監聽事件類型,EPOLLIN表示fd中有數據可讀 ev.data.ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(fn); //回調函數賦值給ptr if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev) == -1) { //註冊事件 PLOG(ERROR) << "epoll_ctl failed"; } } 複製代碼
首先清空signal_read_fd中的數據,而後調用ReapAnyOutstandingChildren,以前在signal_handler_init中調用過一次, 它實際上是調用ReapOneProcess
static void handle_signal() { // Clear outstanding requests. char buf[32]; read(signal_read_fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); ServiceManager::GetInstance().ReapAnyOutstandingChildren(); } 複製代碼
bool ServiceManager::ReapOneProcess() { int status; pid_t pid = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)); //用waitpid函數獲取狀態發生變化的子進程pid //waitpid的標記爲WNOHANG,即非阻塞,返回爲正值就說明有進程掛掉了 if (pid == 0) { return false; } else if (pid == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "waitpid failed"; return false; } Service* svc = FindServiceByPid(pid);//經過pid找到對應的Service std::string name; std::string wait_string; if (svc) { name = android::base::StringPrintf("Service '%s' (pid %d)", svc->name().c_str(), pid); if (svc->flags() & SVC_EXEC) { wait_string = android::base::StringPrintf(" waiting took %f seconds", exec_waiter_->duration_s()); } } else { name = android::base::StringPrintf("Untracked pid %d", pid); } if (WIFEXITED(status)) { LOG(INFO) << name << " exited with status " << WEXITSTATUS(status) << wait_string; } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { LOG(INFO) << name << " killed by signal " << WTERMSIG(status) << wait_string; } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { LOG(INFO) << name << " stopped by signal " << WSTOPSIG(status) << wait_string; } else { LOG(INFO) << name << " state changed" << wait_string; } if (!svc) { //沒有找到,說明已經結束了 return true; } svc->Reap();//清除子進程相關的資源 if (svc->flags() & SVC_EXEC) { exec_waiter_.reset(); } if (svc->flags() & SVC_TEMPORARY) { RemoveService(*svc); } return true; } 複製代碼
property_load_boot_defaults();//從文件中加載一些屬性,讀取usb配置 export_oem_lock_status();//設置ro.boot.flash.locked 屬性 start_property_service();//開啓一個socket監聽系統屬性的設置 set_usb_controller();//設置sys.usb.controller 屬性 複製代碼
void property_load_boot_defaults() { if (!load_properties_from_file("/system/etc/prop.default", NULL)) { //從文件中讀取屬性 // Try recovery path if (!load_properties_from_file("/prop.default", NULL)) { // Try legacy path load_properties_from_file("/default.prop", NULL); } } load_properties_from_file("/odm/default.prop", NULL); load_properties_from_file("/vendor/default.prop", NULL); update_sys_usb_config(); } static void export_oem_lock_status() { if (!android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.oem_unlock_supported", false)) { return; } std::string value = GetProperty("ro.boot.verifiedbootstate", ""); if (!value.empty()) { property_set("ro.boot.flash.locked", value == "orange" ? "0" : "1"); } } static void set_usb_controller() { std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)>dir(opendir("/sys/class/udc"), closedir); if (!dir) return; dirent* dp; while ((dp = readdir(dir.get())) != nullptr) { if (dp->d_name[0] == '.') continue; property_set("sys.usb.controller", dp->d_name); break; } } 複製代碼
以前咱們看到經過property_set能夠輕鬆設置系統屬性,那幹嗎這裏還要啓動一個屬性服務呢?這裏其實涉及到一些權限的問題,不是全部進程均可以隨意修改任何的系統屬性, Android將屬性的設置統一交由init進程管理,其餘進程不能直接修改屬性,而只能通知init進程來修改,而在這過程當中,init進程能夠進行權限控制,咱們來看看這些是如何實現的
首先建立一個socket並返回文件描述符,而後設置最大併發數爲8,其餘進程能夠經過這個socket通知init進程修改系統屬性, 最後註冊epoll事件,也就是當監聽到property_set_fd改變時調用handle_property_set_fd
void start_property_service() { property_set("ro.property_service.version", "2"); property_set_fd = create_socket(PROP_SERVICE_NAME, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0666, 0, 0, NULL);//建立socket用於通訊 if (property_set_fd == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "start_property_service socket creation failed"; exit(1); } listen(property_set_fd, 8);//監聽property_set_fd,設置最大併發數爲8 register_epoll_handler(property_set_fd, handle_property_set_fd);//註冊epoll事件 } 複製代碼
static void handle_property_set_fd() { static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultSocketTimeout = 2000; /* ms */ int s = accept4(property_set_fd, nullptr, nullptr, SOCK_CLOEXEC);//等待客戶端鏈接 if (s == -1) { return; } struct ucred cr; socklen_t cr_size = sizeof(cr); if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &cr, &cr_size) < 0) {//獲取鏈接到此socket的進程的憑據 close(s); PLOG(ERROR) << "sys_prop: unable to get SO_PEERCRED"; return; } SocketConnection socket(s, cr);// 創建socket鏈接 uint32_t timeout_ms = kDefaultSocketTimeout; uint32_t cmd = 0; if (!socket.RecvUint32(&cmd, &timeout_ms)) { //讀取socket中的操做信息 PLOG(ERROR) << "sys_prop: error while reading command from the socket"; socket.SendUint32(PROP_ERROR_READ_CMD); return; } switch (cmd) { //根據操做信息,執行對應處理,二者區別一個是以char形式讀取,一個以String形式讀取 case PROP_MSG_SETPROP: { char prop_name[PROP_NAME_MAX]; char prop_value[PROP_VALUE_MAX]; if (!socket.RecvChars(prop_name, PROP_NAME_MAX, &timeout_ms) || !socket.RecvChars(prop_value, PROP_VALUE_MAX, &timeout_ms)) { PLOG(ERROR) << "sys_prop(PROP_MSG_SETPROP): error while reading name/value from the socket"; return; } prop_name[PROP_NAME_MAX-1] = 0; prop_value[PROP_VALUE_MAX-1] = 0; handle_property_set(socket, prop_value, prop_value, true); break; } case PROP_MSG_SETPROP2: { std::string name; std::string value; if (!socket.RecvString(&name, &timeout_ms) || !socket.RecvString(&value, &timeout_ms)) { PLOG(ERROR) << "sys_prop(PROP_MSG_SETPROP2): error while reading name/value from the socket"; socket.SendUint32(PROP_ERROR_READ_DATA); return; } handle_property_set(socket, name, value, false); break; } default: LOG(ERROR) << "sys_prop: invalid command " << cmd; socket.SendUint32(PROP_ERROR_INVALID_CMD); break; } } 複製代碼
這就是最終的處理函數,以"ctl."開頭的key就作一些Service的Start,Stop,Restart操做,其餘的就是調用property_set進行屬性設置, 不論是前者仍是後者,都要進行SELinux安全性檢查,只有該進程有操做權限才能執行相應操做
static void handle_property_set(SocketConnection& socket, const std::string& name, const std::string& value, bool legacy_protocol) { const char* cmd_name = legacy_protocol ? "PROP_MSG_SETPROP" : "PROP_MSG_SETPROP2"; if (!is_legal_property_name(name)) { //檢查key的合法性 LOG(ERROR) << "sys_prop(" << cmd_name << "): illegal property name \"" << name << "\""; socket.SendUint32(PROP_ERROR_INVALID_NAME); return; } struct ucred cr = socket.cred(); //獲取操做進程的憑證 char* source_ctx = nullptr; getpeercon(socket.socket(), &source_ctx); if (android::base::StartsWith(name, "ctl.")) { //若是以ctl.開頭,就執行Service的一些控制操做 if (check_control_mac_perms(value.c_str(), source_ctx, &cr)) {//SELinux安全檢查,有權限才進行操做 handle_control_message(name.c_str() + 4, value.c_str()); if (!legacy_protocol) { socket.SendUint32(PROP_SUCCESS); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "sys_prop(" << cmd_name << "): Unable to " << (name.c_str() + 4) << " service ctl [" << value << "]" << " uid:" << cr.uid << " gid:" << cr.gid << " pid:" << cr.pid; if (!legacy_protocol) { socket.SendUint32(PROP_ERROR_HANDLE_CONTROL_MESSAGE); } } } else { //其餘的屬性調用property_set進行設置 if (check_mac_perms(name, source_ctx, &cr)) {//SELinux安全檢查,有權限才進行操做 uint32_t result = property_set(name, value); if (!legacy_protocol) { socket.SendUint32(result); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "sys_prop(" << cmd_name << "): permission denied uid:" << cr.uid << " name:" << name; if (!legacy_protocol) { socket.SendUint32(PROP_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED); } } } freecon(source_ctx); } 複製代碼