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Object.defineProperty() 方法會直接在對象上定義一個新的的屬性,或者已經存在的屬性
語法是 Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descript)
obj: 目標對象
prop: 須要定義或修改的屬性的名字
descript: 將被定義或修改的屬性的描述符函數
這個方法精確添加或修改對象的屬性,咱們添加的屬性是能夠枚舉的屬性(Object.keys()/ for...in)this
存取描述符:由一對getter-setter 函數功能來描述的屬性(方法)prototype
var o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "a", {value : 37, writable : true, enumerable : true, configurable : true}); console.log(o.a); Object.defineProperty(o, "b", {get : function(){ /*console.log( bValue)*/ return value }, set : function(newValue){ bValue = newValue; }, enumerable : true, configurable : true}); o.b = 38;
當屬性特性(property attribute) writable 設置爲false時,表示 non-writable,屬性不能被修改。 var o = {}; // 建立一個新對象 Object.defineProperty(o, "a", { value : 37, writable : false }); console.log(o.a); // 打印 37 o.a = 25; // 沒有錯誤拋出(在嚴格模式下會拋出,即便以前已經有相同的值) console.log(o.a); // 打印 37, 賦值不起做用。
var pattern = { get: function () { return 'I alway return this string,whatever you have assigned'; }, set: function () { this.myname = 'this is my name string'; } }; function TestDefineSetAndGet() { Object.defineProperty(this, 'myproperty', pattern); } var instance = new TestDefineSetAndGet(); instance.myproperty = 'test'; // 'I alway return this string,whatever you have assigned' console.log(instance.myproperty); // 'this is my name string' console.log(instance.myname);
function Observer(property) { this.data = {}; this.recursion(data); } Observer.prototype.recursion = function(obj) { var val = null; for (key in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { val = obj[val]; if(typeof val === 'object' && !!val) { new Observer(val); } this.access(key, val); } } } Observer.prototype.access = function(key, val) { Object.defineProperty(this.data, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function () { console.log('你訪問了' + key); return val }, set: function (newVal) { console.log('你設置了' + key); console.log('新的' + key + ' = ' + newVal) if (newVal === val) return; val = newVal } }) } let app1 = new Observer({ name: 'youngwind', age: 25 }); let app2 = new Observer({ university: 'bupt', major: 'computer' }); // 要實現的結果以下: app1.data.name // 你訪問了 name app1.data.age = 100; // 你設置了 age,新的值爲100 app2.data.university // 你訪問了 university app2.data.major = 'science' // 你設置了 major,新的值爲 science
當傳入的對象是 let app1 = new Observer({ user: { name: "liangshaofeng", age: "24" }, address: { city: "beijing" } });
function Observer(data) { this.data = data; this.recursion(this.data); } Observer.prototype.recursion = function(obj) { var val = null; for (key in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { val = obj[key]; if(typeof val === 'object' && !!val) { new Observer(val); } this.access(key, val); } } } Observer.prototype.access = function(key, val) { Object.defineProperty(this.data, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function () { console.log('你訪問了' + key); return val }, set: function (newVal) { console.log('你設置了' + key); console.log('新的' + key + ' = ' + newVal) if (newVal === val) return; val = newVal } }) } let app1 = new Observer({ user: { name: "liangshaofeng", age: "24" }, address: { city: "beijing" } }); app1.data.user.name // 你訪問了 name app1.data.user.age = 100; // 你設置了 age,新的值爲100
// 事件系統 function Event() { this.events = {}; } Event.prototype.emit = function(attr, val, newVal) { this.events[attr] && this.events[attr].forEach(function(item){ item(val, newVal) }) } Event.prototype.on = function(attr, callback){ if(this.events[attr]){ this.events[attr].push(callback); }else{ this.events[attr] = [callback]; } } function Observer(data) { this.data = data; this.recursion(this.data); this.eventsBus = new Event(); } Observer.prototype.recursion = function(obj) { var val = null; for (key in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { val = obj[key]; if(typeof val === 'object' && !!val) { new Observer(val); } this.access(key, val); } } } Observer.prototype.access = function(key, val) { var self = this; Object.defineProperty(this.data, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function () { console.log('你訪問了' + key); return val }, set: function (newVal) { if (typeof newVal === 'object' && !!newVal) { new Observer(newVal); } console.log('你設置了' + key); console.log('新的' + key + ' = ' + newVal) self.eventsBus.emit(key, val, newVal); if (newVal === val) return; val = newVal } }) } Observer.prototype.$watch = function(attr, callback){ this.eventsBus.on(attr, callback); } let app1 = new Observer({ user: { name: "liangshaofeng", age: "24" }, address: { city: "beijing" } }); app1.data.user.name // 你訪問了 name app1.data.user.age = 100; // 你設置了 age,新的值爲100 app1.data.user.name = { lastName: 'liang', firstName: 'shaofeng' }; app1.data.user.name.lastName; // 這裏還須要輸出 '你訪問了 lastName ' app1.data.user.name.firstName = 'lalala'; // 這裏還須要輸出 '你設置了firstName, 新的值爲 lalala' var app1 = new Observer({ name: 'liujianhuan', age: 25, company: 'Qihoo 360', address: 'Chaoyang, Beijing' }) app1.$watch('age', function(oldVal, newVal){ console.log(`個人年齡變了,原來是: ${oldVal}歲,如今是:${newVal}歲了`) }) app1.$watch('age', function(oldVal, newVal){ console.log(`個人年齡真的變了誒,居然年輕了${oldVal - newVal}歲`) }) app1.data.age = 20;