
對象的 prototype 屬性的方法、屬性爲對象所屬的那一「類」所共有。對象原型鏈經過 __proto__ 屬性向上尋找。
__proto__ 指定 null 以外的原始類型(Number, String, Boolean, undefined, Symbol)值是無效的。
經過構造函數或者 {} 方式建立的對象的 prototype 屬性默認爲 undefined函數

{} 的繼承

var a = {
  x: 10,
  calculate: function (z) {
    return this.x + this.y + z;
var b = {
  y: 20,
  __proto__: a
var c = {
  y: 30,
  __proto__: a
// call the inherited method
b.calculate(30); // 60
c.calculate(40); // 80

若是沒有明確指定,那麼 __proto__ 默認爲 Object.prototype,而Object.prototype 自身也有 __proto__ ,值爲 null,是原型鏈的終點。this

If a prototype is not specified for an object explicitly, then the default value for __proto__ is taken — Object.prototype. Object Object.prototype itself also has a __proto__, which is the final link of a chain and is set to

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// a constructor function
function Foo(y) {
  // which may create objects
  // by specified pattern: they have after
  // creation own "y" property
  this.y = y;
// also "Foo.prototype" stores reference
// to the prototype of newly created objects,
// so we may use it to define shared/inherited
// properties or methods, so the same as in
// previous example we have:
// inherited property "x"
Foo.prototype.x = 10;
// and inherited method "calculate"
Foo.prototype.calculate = function (z) {
  return this.x + this.y + z;
// now create our "b" and "c"
// objects using "pattern" Foo
var b = new Foo(20);
var c = new Foo(30);
// call the inherited method
b.calculate(30); // 60
c.calculate(40); // 80
// let's show that we reference
// properties we expect

  b.__proto__ === Foo.prototype, // true
  c.__proto__ === Foo.prototype, // true
  // also "Foo.prototype" automatically creates
  // a special property "constructor", which is a
  // reference to the constructor function itself;
  // instances "b" and "c" may found it via
  // delegation and use to check their constructor
  b.constructor === Foo, // true
  c.constructor === Foo, // true
  Foo.prototype.constructor === Foo, // true
  b.calculate === b.__proto__.calculate, // true
  b.__proto__.calculate === Foo.prototype.calculate // true

若是沒有明確指定,經過構造函數建立的對象的 __proto__ 屬性值爲構造函數的 prototype 屬性。prototype

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