__proto__ && prototypeide
一個對象的__proto__ 屬性和本身的內部屬性[[Prototype]]指向一個相同的值 (一般稱這個值爲原型),原型的值能夠是一個對象值也能夠是null(好比說Object.prototype.__proto__的值就是null)。該屬性可能會引起一些錯誤,由於用戶可能會不知道該屬性的特殊性,而給它賦值,從而改變了這個對象的原型。若是須要訪問一個對象的原型,應該使用方法Object.getPrototypeOf。函數
當一個對象被建立時,它的 __proto__ 屬性和內部屬性[[Prototype]]指向了相同的對象 (也就是它的構造函數的prototype屬性)。改變__proto__ 屬性的值同時也會改變內部屬性[[Prototype]]的值,除非該對象是不可擴展的。.net
Be aware that __proto__ is not the same as prototype, since __proto__is a property of the instances (objects), whereas prototype is a property of the constructor functions used to create those objects. code
Consider another object called monkey and use it as a prototype when creating objects with the Human() constructor.對象
var monkey = { feeds: 'bananas', breathes: 'air' }; function Human() { } Human.prototype = monkey;////使用monkey對象重寫Human的prototype屬性 var developer = new Human(); developer.feeds = 'pizza'; developer.hacks = 'JavaScript'; console.log(developer.hacks);//JavaScript console.log(developer.feeds);//pizza console.log(developer.breathes); //air console.log(developer.__proto__ === monkey); //true console.log(typeof developer.__proto__); //object console.log(typeof developer.prototype);//undefined console.log(typeof developer.constructor.prototype);//object console.log(typeof developer.constructor); //function
The secret link is exposed in most modern JavaScript environments as the __proto__ property (the word "proto" with two underscores before and two after).blog
Be aware that __proto__is not the same as prototype, since __proto__is a property of the instances (objects), whereas prototype is a property of the constructor functions used to create those objects.ip