search package: sudo apt-cache search dtrace-*github
dtrac && readline install :sudo apt-get install systemtap-sdt-dev libssl-dev libpam-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libtcl8.4 libperl-dev python-devsql
./configure --prefix=/home/pg5/pgsql9.5-devel --with-port=5433 --with-perl --without-tcl --with-python --with-openssl --with-pam --without-ldap --with-libxml --with-libxslt --enable-thread-safety --with-blocksize=32 --enable-dtrace --enable-debugshell
make 數據庫
sudo make installbash
cd postgresql源碼目錄/contriboracle
make app
sudo make install(後面要用到fdw)
export PGHOME=/home/pg5/pgsql9.5-devel export PATH=$PATH:$PGHOME/bin export PGDATA=/home/pg5/data export PGUSER=pg5 export PGPORT=5433
create database eachma ENCODING=UTF8; create table tbl(id int primary key,info text,crt_time timestamp); insert into tbl select generate_series(1,100000),md5(random()::text),clock_timestamp(); create materialized view tbl_view as select * from tbl where id<1000 with no data; create materialized view tbl_view1 as select * from tbl with no data; create unique index idx_tbl_view_id on tbl_view(id); create unique index idx_tbl_view1_id on tbl_view1(id); refresh materialized view tbl_view; refresh materialized view tbl_view1; \timing #打開事務執行時間
增量刷新;refresh materialized view concurrently tbl_view1;
非增量刷新:refresh materialized view tbl_view1;
select * from pg_matviews;
eachma=# select * from pg_matviews; -[ RECORD 1 ]+------------------------- schemaname | public matviewname | tbl_view matviewowner | pg5 tablespace | hasindexes | t ispopulated | t definition | SELECT, + |, + | tbl.crt_time + | FROM tbl + | WHERE ( < 1000); -[ RECORD 2 ]+------------------------- schemaname | public matviewname | tbl_view1 matviewowner | pg5 tablespace | hasindexes | t ispopulated | t definition | SELECT, + |, + | tbl.crt_time + | FROM tbl; Time: 0.758 ms
增量刷新不會鎖表,阻斷其餘查詢。可是視圖的非增量刷新會鎖表。二者利弊不一,前者不鎖表,可是執行須要的時間比較長,由於是Join查詢須要一條條的數據進行對比,以時間來換取查詢鎖。以致於不會影響到物化視圖的查詢工做 。然後者的執行等待時間比較短.但其餘的查詢須要等待刷新以後才能完成:
eachma=# begin; BEGIN Time: 0.117 ms eachma=# refresh materialized view concurrently tbl_view1; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW Time: 2085.527 ms eachma=# commit; COMMIT Time: 2.718 ms eachma=# end
#非增量刷新 eachma=# begin; BEGIN Time: 0.104 ms eachma=# refresh materialized view tbl_view1; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW Time: 209.312 ms eachma=# commit; COMMIT Time: 9.777 ms eachma=# end; WARNING: there is no transaction in progress COMMIT Time: 0.318 ms
eachma=# CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
eachma=# \df List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------+------------------------+------------------+---------------------+-------- public | postgres_fdw_handler | fdw_handler | | normal public | postgres_fdw_validator | void | text[], oid | normal
create server pg4 VERSION '9.4' foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '',dbname 'tech',port '5432'); #建立server CREATE USER MAPPING for pg5 server pg4 options(user 'eachma',password '612345');#建立映射用戶 CREATE FOREIGN TABLE orders(order_num integer not null,order_date date not null,cust_id character(10) not null) server pg4 OPTIONS (schema_name 'public',table_name 'orders');#外部表目前不支持主健約束 eachma=# select * from pg_foreign_table; #外部表 -[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------- ftrelid | 16579 ftserver | 16577 ftoptions | {schema_name=public,table_name=orders}
eachma=# select * from orders; order_num | order_date | cust_id -----------+------------+------------ 20005 | 2012-05-01 | 1000000001 20006 | 2012-01-12 | 1000000003 20007 | 2012-01-30 | 1000000004 20008 | 2012-02-03 | 1000000005 20009 | 2012-02-08 | 1000000001 (5 rows) eachma=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+------+-------+------- public | tbl | table | pg5 (1 row)
eachma=# create materialized view order_view as select * from orders with no data; SELECT 0 eachma=# select * from order_view; #沒有刷新 ERROR: materialized view "order_view" has not been populated HINT: Use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command. eachma=# refresh materialized view order_view; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW eachma=# select * from order_view; order_num | order_date | cust_id -----------+------------+------------ 20005 | 2012-05-01 | 1000000001 20006 | 2012-01-12 | 1000000003 20007 | 2012-01-30 | 1000000004 20008 | 2012-02-03 | 1000000005 20009 | 2012-02-08 | 1000000001 (5 rows) eachma=# select * from pg_matviews; -[ RECORD 1 ]+-------------------------- schemaname | public matviewname | order_view matviewowner | pg5 tablespace | hasindexes | f ispopulated | t definition | SELECT orders.order_num,+ | orders.order_date, + | orders.cust_id + | FROM orders;