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xposed依賴的maven地址 , 在jcenter上的下載地址
因爲Android 5.0以上採用ART,而5.0如下默認採用Dalvik,因此是有兩個版本的Xposed,一些下載連接:
Android 4.0.3-4.4官網地址 , Android 5.0以上官網地址(訪問很是慢)
Xposed_installer_3.1.4百度網盤下載地址 , Xposed_installer_3.1.5官網下載地址java
Xposed 是一款能夠在不修改APK的狀況下影響程序運行(修改系統)的框架服務。基於它能夠製做出許多功能強大的模塊,且在功能不衝突的狀況下同時運做。好比:直接把APP的界面改爲本身想要的樣子(好比修改文字、背景),去掉界面裏不喜歡的東西(好比廣告、彈窗),自動搶紅包,消息防撤回,步數修改、修改定位等等,簡直酷得不行,網上有不少插件做者開發出來的優秀插件。android
Xposed 理論上可以hook到系統任意一個Java進程,能夠說Xposed真的能夠隨心所欲,任何事情均可以作!git
The most important thing is finding good methods to hook微信
,該文件完成類庫的加載以及一些函數的調用工做。在Zygote進程建立後,再fork出SystemServer進程和其餘進程。而Xposed Framework呢,就是用本身實現的app_process替換掉了系統本來提供的app_process,加載一個額外的jar包,而後入口從原來的
Before beginning with your modification, you should get a rough idea how Xposed works (you might skip this section though if you feel too bored).
There is a process that is called "Zygote". This is the heart of the Android runtime. Every application is started as a copy ("fork") of it. This process is started by an /init.rc
script when the phone is booted. The process start is done with /system/bin/app_process
, which loads the needed classes and invokes the initialization methods.
This is where Xposed comes into play. When you install the framework, an extended app_process executable is copied to /system/bin
. This extended startup process adds an additional jar to the classpath and calls methods from there at certain places. For instance, just after the VM has been created, even before the main
method of Zygote has been called. And inside that method, we are part of Zygote and can act in its context.
The jar is located at /data/data/
and its source code can be found here. Looking at the class XposedBridge, you can see the main
method. This is what I wrote about above, this gets called in the very beginning of the process. Some initializations are done there and also the modules are loaded (I will come back to module loading later).
What really creates the power of Xposed is the possibility to "hook" method calls. When you do a modification by decompiling an APK, you can insert/change commands directly wherever you want. However, you will need to recompile/sign the APK afterwards and you can only distribute the whole package.
With the hooks you can place with Xposed, you can't modify the code inside methods (it would be impossible to define clearly what kind of changes you want to do in which place). Instead, you can inject your own code before and after methods, which are the smallest unit in Java that can be addressed clearly.
XposedBridge has a private, native method hookMethodNative
. This method is implemented in the extended app_process
as well. It will change the method type to "native" and link the method implementation to its own native, generic method. That means that every time the hooked method is called, the generic method will be called instead without the caller knowing about it.
In this method, the method handleHookedMethod
in XposedBridge is called, passing over the arguments to the method call, the this
reference etc. And this method then takes care of invoking callbacks that have been registered for this method call. Those can change the arguments for the call, change instance/static variables, invoke other methods, do something with the result... or skip anything of that. It is very flexible.
Ok, enough theory.
Xposed is a framework for modules that can change the behavior of the system and apps without touching any APKs.
That's great because it means that modules can work for different versions and even ROMs without any changes (as long as the original code was not changed too much). It's also easy to undo. As all changes are done in the memory, you just need to deactivate the module and reboot to get your original system back.
這很好,由於它意味着模塊能夠在不作任何更改的狀況下爲不一樣的版本甚至ROM工做(只要原始代碼沒有太多改變)。 撤消也很容易。 因爲全部更改都在內存中完成,您只須要停用模塊並從新啓動便可恢復原始系統。
There are many other advantages, but here is just one more: Multiple modules can do changes to the same part of the system or app. With modified APKs, you to decide for one. No way to combine them, unless the author builds multiple APKs with different combinations.
還有許多其餘優勢,但這裏只有一個:多個模塊能夠對系統或應用程序的同一部分進行更改。 使用通過修改的APK,您能夠選擇一個。 除非做者使用不一樣的組合構建多個APK,不然沒法組合它們。
Note that this only works with root access on Android 4.0.3 up to Android 4.4.
請注意,這僅適用於Android 4.0.3到Android 4.4 的具備root訪問權限的設備。
參考了 官方教程 和 WrBug的簡書 和 慢啄網的文章 和 coder-pig的文章
- 模擬器爲 x86 架構,實體機通常爲 ARM 結構,其所需安裝的 Xposed framework 是不同的
- 模擬器通常具備 root 權限,實體機通常沒有 root 權限,且很難使用工具對手機 root,這是一個很棘手的問題
- 在模擬器上你能夠肆無忌憚的隨意折騰,可是在實體機上就要顧忌不少,由於使用 Xposed 有可能讓你的手機變磚
- 模擬器上安裝第三方插件不用擔憂隱式泄露、資金安全,可是在實體機上你可就要悠着點了
一、根據Android設備系統版本到 framework官網 下載對應的框架,選擇.zip
結尾的文件,例如 sdk22 系統 x86 環境最新版本下載地址爲,下載完成後運行模擬器,將 zip 包拖到模擬器界面便可刷入,完成後重啓模擬器
二、到 installer官網 下載安裝XposedInstaller
應用(可能比較慢),例如最新的 XposedInstaller_3.1.5.apk,也可百度搜索後下載安裝。安裝完畢後打開此app,會提示你沒有激活,再次重啓
咱們能夠經過Xposed installer右上角菜單中的"軟重啓"來重啓設備,固然此APP還提供了一切經常使用的其餘功能。
compileOnly '' //xposed依賴,注意這個版本號和framework版本號並非一致的 compileOnly '' //非必須
Every Xposed modules needs to reference the API.
The Xposed Framework API is published on Bintray/jCenter,maven 地址在這裏
It is very important that you use compileOnly
instead of compile
! The latter would include the API classes in your APK, which can cause issues especially on Android 4.x. Using compileOnly
just makes the API classes usable from your module, but there will only be references to them in the APK. The actual implementation will be provided when the user installs the Xposed Framework.
是很是重要的! 後者將在您的APK中包含API類,這可能會致使問題,特別是在Android 4.x上。 使用compileOnly
只是使API類能夠從您的模塊中使用,但在APK中只會引用它們。當用戶安裝 Xposed Framework 時,將提供實際的實現。
Please make sure to disable Instant Run (File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Instant Run
), otherwise your classes aren't included directly in the APK, but loaded via a stub application which Xposed can't handle.
請確保禁用Instant Run,不然您的類不會直接包含在APK中,而是經過Xposed沒法處理的stub應用程序加載。
API versions
Generally, the API version
equals the Xposed version
that it was built on. However, only some framework
changes actually result in API
changes, as you can see in the change log. I only publish a new API version
when there were API
changes, and I try to keep them compatible with existing modules as good as possible. So when you build a module with API version 82
, it will most likely also work withXposed version 90
一般。可是,只有個別一些 framework 更改實際上會致使API更改,您能夠在更改日誌中看到。我只在API更改時發佈了新的API版本,並嘗試儘量地使它們與現有模塊兼容。所以,當您使用API版本82構建模塊時,它極可能也適用於Xposed版本90。
I always recommend that end-users use the latest Xposed version, so there's nothing wrong with using the highest API version that's available. You should usually set the xposedminversion
in your AndroidManifest.xml
to the API version that you use. If you depend on a framework change that didn't cause an API change (e.g. because a certain bug has been fixed), feel free to set you xposedminversion
to the least Xposed version that your module requires.
If you want to support ROMs before Lollipop, you can only use API version 53, as the latest Xposed version for Android 4.x was 54. Note that the sources jar provided for this version doesn't match the actual implementation, it only makes the documentation available.
若是你想在Lollipop以前支持ROM,你只能使用API版本53,由於Android 4.x的最新Xposed版本是54.請注意,爲此版本提供的源jar與實際實現不匹配,它只會使可用的文件。
<meta-data android:name="xposedmodule" android:value="true"/> <meta-data android:name="xposeddescription" android:value="這是對你使用xposed能完成功能的簡要描述"/> <meta-data android:name="xposedminversion" android:value="89"/>
xposeddescription:a very short description of your module
xposedminversion:the API version from the previous step,注意這裏的版本號要和安裝的framework版本號一致
public class XposedActivity extends Activity { TextView textView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); textView = new TextView(this); setContentView(textView); } }
下面經過 xposed 給 textView 設置文本 Hello Xposed。
思路:Xposed hook onCreate方法,在該方法執行完後獲取TextView的實例,經過setText方法設置文本。
A module can have a few entry points. Which one(s) you choose depends on the what you want to modify. You can have Xposed call a function in your module when the Android system boots, when a new app is about to be loaded, when the resources for an app are initialised and so on.
一個模塊能夠有幾個入口點。 您選擇哪個取決於您要修改的內容。 當Android系統啓動,即將加載新應用程序,應用程序的資源等初始化時,您可讓Xposed調用模塊中的方法。
Keep in mind that you can "only" hook methods. So you have to find a place where you can insert some code to do the magic either before, after or replacing a method. You should hook methods that are as specific as possible, not ones that are called thousands of times to avoid performance issues and unintended side-effects.
Using reflection to find and hook a method
public class XposedInit implements IXposedHookLoadPackage { private static String HOOK_PACKAGE_NAME = ""; private static String HOOK_CLASS_NAME = ""; @Override public void handleLoadPackage(final XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam lpparam) { Log.i("bqt", "【handleLoadPackage】" + lpparam.packageName);//任何一個app啓動時都會調用 if (lpparam.packageName.equals(HOOK_PACKAGE_NAME)) { //匹配指定的包名 //參數:String className, ClassLoader classLoader, String methodName, Object... parameterTypesAndCallback XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(lpparam.packageName, lpparam.classLoader, "onCreate", Bundle.class, new XC_MethodHook() { @Override protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable { Log.i("bqt", "【afterHookedMethod】" + param.method.getName()); //當Hook成功後回調 Class c = lpparam.classLoader.loadClass(HOOK_CLASS_NAME);//不能經過Class.forName()來獲取Class,在跨應用時會失效 Field field = c.getDeclaredField("textView"); field.setAccessible(true); TextView textView = (TextView) field.get(param.thisObject);//param.thisObject爲執行該方法的對象,在這裏指Activity textView.setText("Hello Xposed"); //能夠調用param.setResult()設置方法的返回值! } }); } } }
is a helper function. This method looks up the class_A
using the ClassLoader_B
for the package_C
. Then it looks for the method_D
in it. If there were any parameters_E
to this method, you would have to list the types (classes) of these parameters afterwards. As the last argument, you need to provide an implementation of the XC_MethodHook_F
class. For smaller modifications, you can use a anonymous class. If you have much code, it's better to create a normal class and only create the instance here. The helper will then do everything necessary to hook the method as described above.
是一個helper 函數。 這個方法使用classLoader_B
。 而後它在其中查找method_D
。 若是此方法有任何parameters_E
,則必須在以後列出這些參數的類型(classes)。 做爲最後一個參數,您須要提供XC_MethodHook_F
類的實現。 對於較小的修改,您可使用匿名類。 若是你有不少代碼,最好建立一個普通的類,只在這裏建立實例。 而後,幫助程序將執行hook方法所需的全部操做,如上所述。
There are two methods in XC_MethodHook
that you can override. You can override both or even none, but the latter makes absolutely no sense These methods are beforeHookedMethod
and afterHookedMethod
. It's not too hard to guess that the are executed before/after the original method.
中有兩種方法能夠覆蓋。 你能夠覆蓋二者,甚至沒有,但若是兩個方法都不重寫那沒任何意義。 這些方法是beforeHookedMethod
。 猜想在原始方法以前/以後執行並非很難。
You can use the "before" method to evaluate/manipulate the parameters of the method call (via param.args
) and even prevent the call to the original method (sending your own result). The "after" method can be used to do something based on the result of the original method. You can also manipulate the result at this point. And of course, you can add your own code which should be executed exactly before/after the method call.
),甚至阻止調用原始方法(發送您本身的結果)。 「after」方法可用於根據原始方法的結果執行某些操做。 您也能夠在此處操縱結果。 固然,您能夠添加本身的代碼,這些代碼應該在方法調用以前/以後執行。
If you want to replace a method completely, have a look at the subclass XC_MethodReplacement
instead, where you just need to override replaceHookedMethod
XposedBridge keeps a list of registered callbacks for each hooked method. Those with highest priority (as defined in hookMethod) are called first. The original method has always the lowest priority. So if you have hooked a method with callbacks A (prio high) and B (prio default), then whenever the hooked method is called, the control flow will be this: A.before -> B.before -> original method -> B.after -> A.after
. So A could influence the arguments B gets to see, which could further change them before passing them on. The result of the original method can be processed by B first, but A has the final word what the original caller gets.
XposedBridge爲每一個掛鉤方法保留一個已註冊的回調列表。 優先級最高的那些(在hookMethod中定義)首先被調用。 原始方法始終具備最低優先級。 所以,若是您使用回調A(高優先級)和B(默認優先級)hook了一個方法,那麼每當調用hooked方法時,控制流將是:
A.before -> B.before -> original method -> B.after -> A.after
。 因此A能夠影響B看到的參數,這能夠在傳遞它們以前進一步改變它們。原始方法的結果由B首先處理,但A具備原始調用者所能得到結果的最終話語權。
public static Class<?> forName(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { return forName(className, true, VMStack.getCallingClassLoader()); //注意ClassLoader的獲取方式 }
public static Class<?> forName(String name, boolean initialize, ClassLoader loader) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (loader == null) { loader = BootClassLoader.getInstance(); } Class<?> result; try { result = classForName(name, initialize, loader); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof LinkageError) { throw (LinkageError) cause; } throw e; } return result; }
static native Class<?> classForName(String className, boolean shouldInitialize, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException;
Provide a hint for XposedBridge which classes contain such entry points.
文件(文件名固定),在文件中填寫 XposedInit 的 fully qualified class name:
,重啓後打開app,這時textView將顯示Hello Xposed
Save your files. Then run your project as Android application. As this is the first time you install it, you need to enable it before you can use it. Open the Xposed Installer app and make sure you have installed the framework. Then go to the "Modules" tab. You should find your app in there. Check the box to enable it. Then reboot.
保存文件。 而後將您的項目做爲Android應用程序運行 因爲這是您第一次安裝它,所以您須要啓用它才能使用它。 打開Xposed Installer應用程序並確保已安裝框架。 而後轉到「模塊」選項卡。 你應該在那裏找到你的應用程序。 選中此框以啓用它。 而後重啓。
//Marker interface for Xposed modules. Cannot be implemented directly interface IXposedMod {}
IXposedMod 接口有四個子接口,咱們可使用的有三個,經常使用的也就兩個,具體以下:
//Get notified when an app ("Android package") is loaded. //This is especially useful to hook some app-specific methods. //This interface should be implemented by the module's main class. Xposed will take care of registering it as a callback automatically. public interface IXposedHookLoadPackage extends IXposedMod { //This method is called when an app is loaded. It's called very early, even before Application#onCreate is called. //Modules can set up their app-specific hooks here. //@param lpparam Information about the app. //@throws Throwable Everything the callback throws is caught and logged. void handleLoadPackage(LoadPackageParam lpparam) throws Throwable; }
//This class is only used for internal purposes, except for the LoadPackageParam subclass. public abstract class XC_LoadPackage extends XCallback implements IXposedHookLoadPackage { /Wraps information about the app being loaded. public static final class LoadPackageParam extends XCallback.Param { public String packageName; //The name of the package being loaded public String processName; // The process in which the package is executed public ClassLoader classLoader; //The ClassLoader used for this package public ApplicationInfo appInfo; //More information about the application being loaded public boolean isFirstApplication; //Set to true if this is the first (and main) application for this process } }
//Callback class for method hooks. //Usually, anonymous subclasses of this class are created which override beforeHookedMethod and/or afterHookedMethod. public abstract class XC_MethodHook extends XCallback { //Creates a new callback with default priority. public XC_MethodHook() { super(); } //Creates a new callback with a specific priority. public XC_MethodHook(int priority) { super(priority); } //Called before the invocation of the method. //You can use MethodHookParam#setResult and MethodHookParam#setThrowable to prevent the original method from being called. //Note that implementations shouldn't call super(param), it's not necessary. //@param param Information about the method call. //@throws Throwable Everything the callback throws is caught and logged. protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {} //Called after the invocation of the method. protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {} //Wraps information about the method call and allows to influence it. public static final class MethodHookParam extends XCallback.Param { public Member method; //The hooked method/constructor public Object thisObject; //The 【this】 reference for an instance method, or null for static methods public Object[] args; //Arguments to the method call private Object result = null; //the result of the method call。 經過 get/set 方法訪問 private Throwable throwable = null; //the exception thrown of the method call, 經過 get/set/has 方法訪問 boolean returnEarly = false; //Returns the result of the method call, or throws the Throwable caused by it. public Object getResultOrThrowable() throws Throwable { if (throwable != null) throw throwable; return result; } } //An object with which the method/constructor can be unhooked. public class Unhook implements IXUnhook<XC_MethodHook> { private final Member hookMethod; // the method/constructor that has been hooked @Override public XC_MethodHook getCallback() { return XC_MethodHook.this; } @Override public void unhook() { XposedBridge.unhookMethod(hookMethod, XC_MethodHook.this); } } }
//Get notified when the resources for an app are initialized. //In handleInitPackageResources(), resource replacements can be created. //This interface should be implemented by the module's main class. Xposed will take care of registering it as a callback automatically. public interface IXposedHookInitPackageResources extends IXposedMod { //This method is called when resources for an app are being initialized. //Modules can call special methods of the XResources class in order to replace resources. //@param resparam Information about the resources. //@throws Throwable Everything the callback throws is caught and logged. void handleInitPackageResources(InitPackageResourcesParam resparam) throws Throwable; }
//This class is only used for internal purposes, except for the InitPackageResourcesParam subclass. public abstract class XC_InitPackageResources extends XCallback implements IXposedHookInitPackageResources { //Wraps information about the resources being initialized. public static final class InitPackageResourcesParam extends XCallback.Param { public String packageName; //The name of the package for which resources are being loaded public XResources res; //Reference to the resources that can be used for calls to XResources#setReplacement(String, String, String, Object) } }
//Callback for hooking layouts. Such callbacks can be passed to {@link XResources#hookLayout} and its variants. public abstract class XC_LayoutInflated extends XCallback { //Creates a new callback with default priority. public XC_LayoutInflated() { super(); } //Creates a new callback with a specific priority. See XCallback#priority. public XC_LayoutInflated(int priority) { super(priority); } //Wraps information about the inflated layout. public static final class LayoutInflatedParam extends XCallback.Param { public View view; //The view that has been created from the layout. public ResourceNames resNames; //Container with the ID and name of the underlying resource. public String variant; //Directory from which the layout was actually loaded (e.g. "layout-sw600dp"). public XResources res; //Resources containing the layout. } //This method is called when the hooked layout has been inflated. //@param liparam Information about the layout and the inflated view. public abstract void handleLayoutInflated(LayoutInflatedParam liparam) throws Throwable; //An object with which the callback can be removed. public class Unhook implements IXUnhook<XC_LayoutInflated> { private final String resDir; private final int id; //the resource ID of the hooked layout @Override public XC_LayoutInflated getCallback() { return XC_LayoutInflated.this; } @Override public void unhook() { XResources.unhookLayout(resDir, id, XC_LayoutInflated.this); } } }
There are many helper methods in Xposed that can make developing a module much easier.
This class contains most of Xposed's central logic, such as initialization and callbacks used by the native side. It also includes methods to add new hooks.
The log
method is an easy way of logging debug output to the standard logcat
and a file called /data/xposed/debug.log
. It can take the log message or a Throwable
. In the latter case, it will print the stack trace.
XposedBridge.log(「日誌內容」):輸入日誌和寫入到/data/xposed/debug.log,Xposed Installer的日誌那裏能夠看到!
You can use these methods if you want to hook all methods with a specific name or all constructors in a class. This is useful if there are different variants, but you want to execute some code before/after any of them has been called. Keep in mind that other ROMs might have additional variants that will also be hooked by this. Especially, be careful about the args
you get in the callback.
若是要hook具備特定名稱的全部方法或類中的全部構造函數,則可使用這兩種方法。 若是存在不一樣的變量,可是您但願在調用任何代碼以前/以後執行某些代碼,這將很是有用。 請記住,其餘ROM可能還有其餘變量,也會被hook。 特別是要當心你在回調中獲得的args
Helpers that simplify hooking and calling methods/constructors, getting and settings fields, ...
public class XposedActivity2 extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.i("bqt", "【setContentView前】"); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Log.i("bqt", "【setContentView後】"); Log.i("bqt", "【inflate前】"); getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.fragment_tab, null); Log.i("bqt", "【inflate後】"); } }
public class XposedInit implements IXposedHookInitPackageResources { private static String HOOK_PACKAGE_NAME = ""; private static String HOOK_LAYOUT_NAME = "activity_main"; private static String HOOK_LAYOUT_NAME2 = "fragment_tab"; @Override public void handleInitPackageResources(XC_InitPackageResources.InitPackageResourcesParam resparam) { Log.i("bqt", "【handleInitPackageResources】" + resparam.packageName);//任何一個app的包資源初始化時都會調用 if (resparam.packageName.equals(HOOK_PACKAGE_NAME)) { resparam.res.hookLayout(resparam.packageName, "layout", HOOK_LAYOUT_NAME, new XC_LayoutInflated() { @Override public void handleLayoutInflated(LayoutInflatedParam liparam) { Log.i("bqt", "【handleLayoutInflated】" + liparam.variant + "," + liparam.resNames.fullName); printView((ViewGroup) liparam.view, 1); TextView textView = liparam.view.findViewById(; textView.setText("Hello Xposed"); } }); resparam.res.hookLayout(resparam.packageName, "layout", HOOK_LAYOUT_NAME2, new XC_LayoutInflated() { @Override public void handleLayoutInflated(LayoutInflatedParam liparam) { Log.i("bqt", "【handleLayoutInflated2】" + liparam.variant + "," + liparam.resNames.fullName); } }); } } //遍歷資源佈局樹,並打印出來 private void printView(ViewGroup view, int deep) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String viewDeepFormat; for (int i = 0; i < deep - 1; i++) { builder.append("\t"); } viewDeepFormat = builder + "\t"; Log.i("bqt", "【printView】" + builder.toString() + view.toString()); int count = view.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (view.getChildAt(i) instanceof ViewGroup) { printView((ViewGroup) view.getChildAt(i), deep + 1); } else { Log.i("bqt", "【printView】" + viewDeepFormat + view.getChildAt(i).toString()); } } } }
【handleInitPackageResources】 【setContentView前】 【handleLayoutInflated】layout, 【printView】android.widget.FrameLayout{2077e3cd V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #1020002 android:id/content} 【printView】 android.widget.LinearLayout{1802a482 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0} 【printView】 android.widget.TextView{5cbd793 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f07009f app:id/tv_title} 【printView】 android.view.View{222bc3d0 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 【printView】 android.widget.FrameLayout{252befc9 V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f070044 app:id/id_container} 【printView】 android.view.View{353a86ce V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-0,0} 【printView】 android.widget.LinearLayout{105259ef V.E..... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f07005a app:id/ly_main_tab_bottom} 【printView】 android.widget.TextView{8514cfc V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f07009e app:id/tv_tab_bottom_weixin} 【printView】 android.widget.TextView{16fabf85 V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f07009c app:id/tv_tab_bottom_friend} 【printView】 android.widget.TextView{14fc41da V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f07009b app:id/tv_tab_bottom_contact} 【printView】 android.widget.TextView{1414a60b V.ED.... ......ID 0,0-0,0 #7f07009d app:id/tv_tab_bottom_setting} 【setContentView後】 【inflate前】 【handleLayoutInflated2】layout, 【inflate後】