1 |
private final Map<String, Long> wordCounts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
3 |
public long increase(String word) { |
4 |
Long oldValue = wordCounts.get(word); |
5 |
Long newValue = (oldValue == null ) ? 1L : oldValue + 1 ; |
6 |
wordCounts.put(word, newValue); |
1 |
public interface ConcurrentMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V> { |
2 |
V putIfAbsent(K key, V value); |
3 |
boolean remove(Object key, Object value); |
4 |
boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue); |
5 |
V replace(K key, V value); |
這是個被不少人忽略的接口,也常常見有人錯誤地使用這個接口。ConcurrentMap接口定義了幾個基於 CAS(Compare and Set)操做,很簡單,但很是有用,下面的代碼用ConcurrentMap解決上面問題:google
01 |
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Long> wordCounts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
03 |
public long increase(String word) { |
04 |
Long oldValue, newValue; |
06 |
oldValue = wordCounts.get(word); |
07 |
if (oldValue == null ) { |
08 |
// Add the word firstly, initial the value as 1 |
10 |
if (wordCounts.putIfAbsent(word, newValue) == null ) { |
14 |
newValue = oldValue + 1 ; |
15 |
if (wordCounts.replace(word, oldValue, newValue)) { |
01 |
private final ConcurrentMap<String, AtomicLong> wordCounts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
03 |
public long increase(String word) { |
04 |
AtomicLong number = wordCounts.get(word); |
06 |
AtomicLong newNumber = new AtomicLong( 0 ); |
07 |
number = wordCounts.putIfAbsent(word, newNumber); |
12 |
return number.incrementAndGet(); |
01 |
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Future<ExpensiveObj>> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); |
03 |
public ExpensiveObj get( final String key) { |
04 |
Future<ExpensiveObj> future = cache.get(key); |
06 |
Callable<ExpensiveObj> callable = new Callable<ExpensiveObj>() { |
08 |
public ExpensiveObj call() throws Exception { |
09 |
return new ExpensiveObj(key); |
12 |
FutureTask<ExpensiveObj> task = new FutureTask<>(callable); |
14 |
future = cache.putIfAbsent(key, task); |
23 |
} catch (Exception e) { |
25 |
throw new RuntimeException(e); |
解決方法其實就是用一個Proxy對象來包裝真正的對象,跟常見的lazy load原理相似;使用FutureTask主要是爲了保證同步,避免一個Proxy建立多個對象。注意,上面代碼裏的異常處理是不許確的。對象