第一種: add those files below %files sectionsql
To make it build you just add the unpacked files to the listui
第二種: 對於安裝後的文件會被修改的狀況, 利用%config(noreplace)宏處理spa
第三種: 使用 %exclude 告知rpm不包含哪些文件ci
%exclude %{_datadir}/heartbeat-gui/haclient.pycgui
%exclude %{_libexecdir}/mod_sql_mysql.socli
the %exclude directive would exclude them from the package, but also tell RPM, "Yes, these files will be left behind as artifacts of the 'make install', and I know that, so don't crap out telling me that files were left over" (or whatever).
一、找到 /usr/lib/rpm/macros 中