CE 451/551 – Computer-Aided Research in the Chemical and Materials Sciences:
Homework #9 (Bonus #4)
(Due: Thursday, 9 May 2019, 5:00pm)
For each of the following assignments you have to prove that you successfully completed it. A simple way to do
so is to email me screenshots. Note, that these screenshots have to somewhere contain your name or UBIT to
identify you and confirm your authorship. They also have to demonstrate conclusively that you completed the
assignment in full – if they do not, you will not get credit. Please compile your screenshots in a pdf or MS Word
document and send it to me via email. Please use the following email subject line 「CE 451/551 HW09
submission by <your name>」.
1) Show that you used Eclipse (or another suitable IDE such as Spyder, PyCharm, Emacs) for your coding
assignments in this class. An easy way to demonstrate this is to provide a screenshot of Eclipse with the Package
explorer that shows all your coding projects, modules, source code files, etc.
(Bonus: 3 points.)
2) Show that your used Eclipse for coding purposes other than Python, e.g., to work on independent LaTeX,
C/C++, Fortran, Java, HTML, git, SVN, CVS,… projects. An easy way to demonstrate this is to provide a screenshot
of Eclipse with the Package explorer that shows all your coding projects, modules, source code files, etc of a
particular language/application domain, while keeping those of all others collapsed. You should also have the
corresponding Eclipse Perspective open (e.g., the TexLipse perspective if you show a LaTeX coding project, the
CDT perspective for a C/C++ project, the Photran perspective for a Fortran project, etc). Note, that you have to
show your own code, not someone else’s. Only real coding projects count, not demo, toy, or practice codes.
(Bonus: 2 points for each additional language/application domain.)
Note: There are a number of very useful Eclipse tutorials, which you may be interested in exploring. Here is a
brief selection:
Reminder of the rules:
CE 451/551 has no exams. Grades are determined primarily on the basis of ten graded assignments, each
contributing 10% to the final grade. Each graded assignment (and thus the final grade) has a 0-100 points scale.
In addition to the graded assignments, there are four pass/fail assignments covering essential content every
student has to master to succeed in this class. Failure to complete the latter results in a predetermined number
of penalty points that are deducted from the final grade. In addition to the mandatory assignments, there are
eight voluntary bonus assignments. Completion of the latter is rewarded by a predetermined number of bonus
CE 451/551做業代作、代寫Materials Sciences做業、代寫C/C++實驗做業、C/C++編程語言做業調試
points that are added to the final grade. Active in-class participation throughout the semester is rewarded as
well. It is recorded after each class and tallied for each student at the end of the semester. Up to 5 bonus points
may be added to the final grade for outstanding contributions. Note that no bonus points are required to
receive a perfect grade, but that they can compensate for points lost in other places.
The overall letter grades are based on 5-points brackets:
Points 100-96 95-91 90-86 85-81 80-76 75-71 70-66 65-61 60-56 55-51 50-0
Letter A A? B+ B B? C+ C C? D+ D F
In past years, the course average has been around an A?/B+ and grades have strongly correlated with individual
students’ engagement in the class. I reserve the right to curve the grades, should the need arise (this has never
been necessary). I will provide intermediate grades and/or grade projections at regular intervals throughout the
semester and you can proactively request updates as well.
The performance expectations that form the basis for the grading of the assignments differ for the graduate vs
undergraduate section of the course. In particular for the coding projects, the graduate students are expected
to deliver more extensive and technically advanced products that tie into their research work. The grading scale
is adjusted correspondingly.
Assignments come in different shapes and forms, including traditional homework, projects, reports, or
presentations – either for groups or on an individual basis. Assignments and due dates are posted on UB Learns
(or given individually), and instructions for (electronic) submissions will be provided. Please follow the naming
conventions required for the submissions and send each assignment in an individual email. Unless stated
otherwise, there is a 20-point penalty for late assignments, and additional 20 points are deducted after each
additional 24h (given a good reason, I may reduce or wave a late penalty). Late penalties start to apply once the
assignment deadline passes.
Late >0h, <24h >24h, <48h >48h, <72h >72h, <96h >96h
Penalty ?20 pts ?40 pts ?60 pts ?80 pts ?100 pts
Failure to follow all assignment instructions will result in penalty points. Work that is not suitably well
organized or clear may have points deducted or be returned without a grade. Subsequent resubmission may
be considered late. Marked papers and master solutions are given out to the class. To receive full credit, you
must show all the logical steps of your work. Extra points may be awarded for particularly original solutions,
and penalty points may be deducted for obviously nonsensical answers (i.e., you may want to leave blanks
rather than submit wild guesses). Precision is a virtue, so please avoid fluffed out and waffling answers.
Homework that is disorganized, illegible, or otherwise unprofessionally presented may have points deducted
at my discretion. Make-up or do-over assignments are not offered. These rules may seem strict, but there are
many assignments to grade and failure to comply with the rules makes life unnecessary hard for me and the
Mistakes happen and if you think that you unjustly lost points on an assignment, please write a few sentences
explaining your position and making a substantive case for a revision. Attach that note to your assignment and
return it to me for review. I will evaluate if you make a good argument and your claim has merit, and correct the
corresponding grade if warranted. You can submit claims via email, in class, or leave them in my mailbox in 308
Furnas Hall. Regrade requests will only be accepted within a week after an assignment is returned, so that
issues can be resolved in a timely fashion. Note that we have procedures in place to identify attempts of
While you are encouraged to collaborate and exchange ideas with your class mates, your work has to be
individually and independently written up (unless stated otherwise). No two students' solutions can be
identical, nor can they be verbatim copies from solution manuals, the internet, or similar sources. Collaborators
should be listed and contributions should be credited. Failure to do so constitutes academic dishonesty and
carries penalties as discussed below.
Breaches of academic integrity (e.g., plagiarism, cheating) are unacceptable and will result in a failing grade
for the particular assignment and/or for the entire course. It’s not right and it’s not worth it! It is expected
that you behave in an honorable and respectful way as you learn and share ideas. To summarize UB’s policy on
dishonesty: A student will not present, as his or her own, the work of another, or any work that has not been
honestly performed; will not take any examination by improper means, and will not aid and abet another in any
dishonesty. Please consult UB’s Academic Integrity Policies at:
由於專業,因此值得信賴。若有須要,請加QQ:99515681 或郵箱:99515681@qq.com python