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I am having troubles generating the C header file for JNI using javah
Here's the script I use while standing in the <project-dir>\bin
javah -classpath C:\PROGRA~2\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-8\android.jar com.test.JniTest
As return I get:app
ERROR: Could not find class file for 'com.test.JniTest'.
Even though the class JniTest
certainly is in \com\test
What am I doing wrong?post
android java-native-interface android-ndk javahthis
242k5050 gold badges491491 silver badges567567 bronze badges
asked Oct 3 '11 at 13:26
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You specify the classpath to contain only android.jar
You also need to include the location where your classes are stored. In your case it is the current directory, so you need to use .
(separated by ;
on Windows). The invocation should look like this:
javah -classpath C:\PROGRA~2\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-8\android.jar;. com.test.JniTest
answered Oct 3 '11 at 13:38
242k5050 gold badges491491 silver badges567567 bronze badges
just adding, apparently you have to be outside the directory of the actual file. You can't just specify the name of the file. – L7ColWinters Mar 9 '12 at 17:45
Error: no classes specified errror cant get inside android.jar – Sunil Chaudhary May 23 '16 at 7:48
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If you are on Linux or MAC-OS, use ":"
to separate the directories for classpath
rather than ";"
character: Example:
javah -cp /Users/Android/android-sdk/platforms/android-xy/android.jar:. com.test.JniTest
6,58055 gold badges3838 silver badges4747 bronze badges
answered Sep 21 '13 at 5:24
4,95744 gold badges4040 silver badges6262 bronze badges
that : in linux saved me :P – Sundeep1501 Oct 7 '15 at 10:31
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You should change the directory to <project-dir>\bin\classes
; then, run the following command:
javah -classpath C:\PROGRA~2\Android\android-sdk\platforms\android-8\android.jar;. com.test.JniTest
I'm using the following command file to generate headers: jHdr.cmd
on my desktop:
@echo on SET PLATFORM=android-8 SET ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=C:\Android\android-sdk SET PRJ_DIR=D:\Workspaces\sqLite\raSQLite SET CLASS_PKG_PREFIX=ra.sqlite cd %PRJ_DIR%\bin\classes javah -classpath %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\platforms\%PLATFORM%\android.jar;. %CLASS_PKG_PREFIX%.%~n1 pause
adjust variables to your needs ...
put this file on your desktop, then drag you .java file from eclise to jHdr.cmd
, result is under %PRJ_DIR%\bin\classes directory