Sometimes you may need to define your own data type in your VB code -- structures allow you to create composite values.
Primitive variables always hold one value related to one piece of information. For example: ide
Dim employeeID As Integer
Dim employeeFirstName As String
Dim employeeStartDate As Date ui
VB uses a structure to group related variables together to make a new data type. The VB keywords Structure and End Structure allow you to define a structure. this
Structure EmployeeRecord
Dim employeeID As Integer
Dim employeeFirstName As String
Dim employeeStartDate As Date
End Structure code
By default a Structure is Public but can be made Private or Friend.orm
' Module-level declarations.
Private Structure Product
Dim productID As Integer
Dim productSKU As String
End Structure ci
Structures cannot be declared inside a procedure.
Structures are usually placed at the top of a file with other module-scope declarations or in a separate file.
Once you have created a structure, you can declare variables of that structure. element
Dim permEmployee As EmployeeRecord
Dim officeEmployee(100) As EmployeeRecord get
Each field of data in a structure is referred to as an element of the structure. To access elements use the dot notation similar to that used for objects as in Variable.Element it
permEmployee.employeeID = 100 permEmployee.employeeFirstName = "John" permEmployee.StartDate = Date.Now
Arrays can be included as elements within a Structure. VB does not allow you to declare the number of elements in the array within the Structure declaration. Use the ReDim keyword inside a procedure to define the size of the array.
' Module-level declarations.
Private Structure Product
Dim productID As Integer
Dim productSKU As String
Dim priceHistory( ) As Decimal
End Structure
Private warehouse As Product
Public Sub findCheapestPrice()
' Set the number of elements in the array.
ReDim warehouse.priceHistory(10)
End Sub
Although it may lead to complicated coding, structures may be defined inside other structures. The dot notation in this case would apply left to right. Structures may not be defined within their own structures (no recursive structures).
Private Structure Product
Dim productID As Integer
Dim productSKU As String
Dim priceHistory( ) As Decimal
End Structure
Structure warehouse
Dim prodList() As Product
End Structure
Public Sub findCheapestPrice()
Dim warehouseBC As warehouse
ReDim warehouseBC.prodList(5)
warehouseBC.prodList(0).productID = 10
End Sub
Structures are similar to classes -- they both have properties and procedures, and can implement interfaces, and they can have parameterized constructors. They differ in that structures are value types while classes are reference types. Structures use stack allocation; classes use heap allocation. Structures are not inheritable; classes are. A structure does not require a constructor; a class does.
Public Structure employee
' Public members, accessible from throughout declaration region.
Public firstName As String
Public middleName As String
Public lastName As String
' Friend members, accessible from anywhere within the same assembly.
Friend employeeNumber As Integer
Friend workPhone As Long
' Private members, accessible only from within the structure itself.
Private homePhone As Long
Private level As Integer
Private salary As Double
Private bonus As Double
' Procedure member, which can access structure's private members.
Friend Sub calculateBonus(ByVal rate As Single)
bonus = salary * CDbl(rate)
End Sub
' Property member to return employee's eligibility.
Friend ReadOnly Property eligible() As Boolean
Return level >= 25
End Get
End Property
' Event member, raised when business phone number has changed.
Public Event changedWorkPhone(ByVal newPhone As Long)
End Structure
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