[譯] 天天一段 Spring 5 官方文檔(5.1.4.RELEASE)—— Spring Framework Overview 08

Spring 框架概覽

開始時間 10:05,結束時間 10:25,用時 20 min,今天時間早翻譯了兩段。spring

Over time, the role of Java EE in application development has evolved. In the early days of Java EE and Spring, applications were created to be deployed to an application server. Today, with the help of Spring Boot, applications are created in a devops- and cloud-friendly way, with the Servlet container embedded and trivial to change. As of Spring Framework 5, a WebFlux application does not even use the Servlet API directly and can run on servers (such as Netty) that are not Servlet containers.服務器

Spring continues to innovate and to evolve. Beyond the Spring Framework, there are other projects, such as Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring Cloud, Spring Batch, among others. It’s important to remember that each project has its own source code repository, issue tracker, and release cadence. See spring.io/projects for the complete list of Spring projects.app


隨時間推移,Java 企業級開發的規則也不斷髮展。在 Java EE 和 Spring 的早期開發中,在一臺應用服務器上部署多個應用。現現在,在 Spring Boot 的幫助下,使用內嵌 Servlet 容器以及沒必要要的配置,應用以「開發-運維」雲平臺部署的方式被建立。自 Spring 5 開始,WebFlux 應用甚至不須要直接使用 Servlet API,也能運行在不須要 Servlet 容器的環境中(如 Netty)。框架

Spring 繼續創新和發展,除 Spring 框架外,也有像 Spring Boot、Spring Security、Spring Data、Spring Cloud、Spring Batch 等其餘框架。每一個項目都有其源代碼倉庫、issue 追蹤以及發佈週期。詳情請見 spring.io/projects運維


evolve [ɪ'vɒlv] 發展進化 trivial ['trɪvɪəl] 不重要的,瑣碎的 innovate ['ɪnəveɪt] v. 創新翻譯
