衆所周知,系統裏有不少好比訂單狀態、審覈狀態;性別、結算方式、交易類型等屬性,這些屬性只有幾個值,通常用0、一、二、3等的數字標識存入數據庫,每次對這些屬性所屬對象的增刪改操做,都會在代碼裏給狀態設置值,因爲項目是多人開發的,若是每次設置值的時候都直接set 0、一、2,容易出錯,並且狀態假設不用0、一、2表示了,用一、二、3表示,這時候全部set狀態的地方都得改變,維護麻煩。因此用常量表示狀態值,甚好。html
1, 接口常量數據庫
2, 類常量express
3, 枚舉後端
public interface SwingConstants { /** * The central position in an area. Used for * both compass-direction constants (NORTH, etc.) * and box-orientation constants (TOP, etc.). */ public static final int CENTER = 0; // // Box-orientation constant used to specify locations in a box. // /** * Box-orientation constant used to specify the top of a box. */ public static final int TOP = 1; /** * Box-orientation constant used to specify the left side of a box. */ public static final int LEFT = 2; //。。。省略其餘代碼 }
如:在其餘地方須要用到 SwingConstants.CENTER 的含義,必須看類裏的註釋,知道他表示中心。若是常量不少的話,把全部的常量都放在這一個接口裏邊,這種方式感受也不是很友好。dom
public interface UtilConstants { /** * * 公共常量 * */ public static class Public { public static final String ID = "TESTID"; } /** * JSP路徑 */ public static class JspFilePath { public static final String TESTCONTROLLER = "jsp/basic/"; public static final String TEMPLATE_PAGEPATH = "basic/template/"; // 模板(測試) } /** * vo 對象的一些公共的屬性名稱 * */ public static class VoFields { public static final String ACTIONTIME = "operateTime";//操做時間 public static final String ACTIONUSERNAME = "operatorName";//操做人姓名 public static final String CHECKTIME = "auditTime";//審覈時間 public static final String CHECKUSERID = "checkUserId";//審覈人ID public static final String CHECKUSERNAME = "auditPerson";//審覈人姓名 public static final String CREATETIME = "createTime"; // 建立時間 public static final String CREATEUSERID = "createUserId";// 建立人code public static final String INSERTUSERNAME = "createUserName";// 建立人姓名 public static final String UPDATETIME = "updateTime"; // 修改時間 public static final String UPDATEUSERID = "updateUserId";// 修改人CODE public static final String UPDATEUSERNAME = "updateUserName";// 修改人姓名 public static final String DELFLAG = "delFlag"; // 刪除標記 public static final String DBID = "dbid"; // 主鍵 } }
UtilConstants.JspFilePath.TEMPLATE_PAGEPATH UtilConstants.VoFields.CHECKTIME
定義了類常量,用一個Map<Integer, String>來封裝常量對應的信息,在static代碼塊裏,類初始化的時候執行一次put。用的時候
因爲項目是先後端分離,在接口文檔裏須要寫上狀態碼,還得寫上狀態碼對應的提示信息,並且咱們的響應類 RespInfo 有message屬性,就是保存常量類裏狀態碼對應的信息的。
public class ResponseCode { /** 系統處理正常 */ public static final int SUCCESS_HEAD = 0; /** 系統處理未知異常 */ public static final int EXCEPTION_HEAD = 1; /** JSON解析錯誤 */ public static final int JSON_RESOLVE = 2; /** 類型不匹配 */ public static final int TRANSTYPE_NO = 3; /** Head - messageID未賦值 */ public static final int HEAD_messageID = 4; /** Head - timeStamp未賦值 */ public static final int HEAD_timeStamp = 5; /** Head - messengerID未賦值 */ public static final int HEAD_messengerID = 6; /** Head - transactionType 未賦值 */ public static final int HEAD_transactionType = 7; /** digest校驗不經過 */ public static final int HEAD_DIGEST = 8; /** src校驗不經過 */ public static final int HEAD_SRC_NULL = 10; /** 協議包含非法字符 */ public static final int ILLEGAL_MESSAGE = 11; /** 數據庫異常 */ public static final int DATABASE_EXCEPTION = 9; public static final Map<Integer, String> RESP_INFO = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); static { // Head 相關 RESP_INFO.put(SUCCESS_HEAD, "系統處理正常"); RESP_INFO.put(EXCEPTION_HEAD, "系統處理未知異常"); RESP_INFO.put(JSON_RESOLVE, "JSON解析錯誤"); RESP_INFO.put(TRANSTYPE_NO, "類型不匹配"); RESP_INFO.put(HEAD_messageID, "messageID未賦值"); RESP_INFO.put(HEAD_timeStamp, "timeStamp未賦值"); RESP_INFO.put(HEAD_messengerID, "messengerID未賦值"); RESP_INFO.put(HEAD_transactionType, "transactionType未賦值"); RESP_INFO.put(HEAD_DIGEST, "digest校驗不經過"); RESP_INFO.put(DATABASE_EXCEPTION, "數據庫異常"); RESP_INFO.put(HEAD_SRC_NULL, "src未賦值"); RESP_INFO.put(ILLEGAL_MESSAGE, "協議包含非法字符"); } }
public enum Season { SPRING,SUMMER,AUTUMN ,WINTER }
System.out.println(Season.AUTUMN); System.out.println(Season.values()); Season[] values = Season.values(); System.out.println(values[0]);
/** * 衣服尺寸 */ public enum Size { SMALL("S"), MEDIUM("M"), LARGE("L"), EXTRA_LARGE("XL"); /** * 縮寫 */ private String suoxie; private Size(String suoxie){ this.suoxie = suoxie; } public String getSuoxie(){ return suoxie; } public static void main(String[] args) { //1:toString()方法返回常量的名 System.out.println(Size.SMALL.toString());//SMALL //2:valueOf() System.out.println(Size.valueOf("LARGE")); //3:values:返回每一個常量名 //SMALL MEDIUM LARGE EXTRA_LARGE Size[] sizes = Size.values(); /*for (Size size : sizes) { System.out.println(size); }*/ //4:ordinal 返回常量的位置,從0開始 System.out.println(Size.LARGE.ordinal()); int i = Size.EXTRA_LARGE.compareTo(Size.EXTRA_LARGE); System.out.println(i); System.out.println(Size.LARGE.getSuoxie()); } }
public class Constants { public static enum Dict{ PROSTA("PROSTA","產品狀態"), COUNTRY("COUNTRY","國家"), YWLX("YWLX","業務類型"), INDUSTRYCOMPANYTYPE("IndustryCompanyType","公司類型"), JSFS("JSFS","結算方式"), COMMISSIONTYPE("COMMISSIONTYPE","返傭類型"), BALUNITTYPE("BALUNITTYPE","結算單位類型"), ORDERSTATS("OrderStats","訂單狀態"), BACKORDERSTATUS("BackOrderStatus","退單審覈狀態"), BUSINESSPAYMENT("BusinessPayment","業務款項"), ENABLESTATE("enableState","啓用禁用"), APPROVESTATE("approveState","審批狀態"), // 分銷系統所需是商品系統的xml PRODUCTCONTENTTYPE("productContentType","商品內容分類"), IDENTITY("identity","適應人羣"), AREA("area","領區"), VISATYPE("visatype","簽證類型"), SERVICETYPE("serviceType","公證認證商品內容分類"), PRODUCTTYPEQUALITY("productTypeQuality","公證認證商品性質"), EXPRESSTYPE("expresstype","公證認證加急種類"), IDETIFICATIONTYPE("identificationType","認證類別"), QYKHLX("QYKHLX","客戶類型"), ZILIAONAME("ziliaoName","資料名稱"), YESORNO("yesOrNo","是否"); private Dict(String value,String name){ this.value=value; this.name=name; } private final String value; private final String name; public String getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 訂單狀態 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-14 */ public static enum OrderStats{ DELETE(0,"刪除"),RESERVE(1,"訂單預約"),CONFIRM(2,"訂單確認"),COMPLETE(3,"訂單完成"),CLOSE(4,"訂單關閉"); private OrderStats(Integer value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final Integer value; private final String name; public Integer getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 性別 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-14 */ public static enum sex{ MAN("1","男"),FEMAN("2","女"); private sex(String value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final String value; private final String name; public String getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 退單審覈狀態 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-14 */ public static enum BackOrderStatus{ WAIT(1,"待審覈"),AUDIT(2,"審覈中"),PASS(3,"審覈經過"),NOTPASS(4,"審覈不經過"); private BackOrderStatus(Integer value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final Integer value; private final String name; public Integer getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 結算方式 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-14 */ public static enum jiesuan{ XIANJIE("1","現結"),YUEJIE("2","月結"); private jiesuan(String value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final String value; private final String name; public String getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 業務款項 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-14 */ public static enum BusinessPayment{ VISA("FUND18","簽證費"),PREMIUMS("FUND07","保險"),DEPOSIT("FUND10","押金"),CANCELLING("FUND12","取消金"),FUND20("FUND20","單項服務"),FUND14("FUND14","認證費"),FUND09("FUND09","團款"); private BusinessPayment(String value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final String value; private final String name; public String getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 通用的啓用禁用狀態 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-14 */ public static enum EnableState{ DISABLE(0,"禁用"),ENABLE(1,"啓用"); private EnableState(Integer value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final Integer value; private final String name; public Integer getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 通用的審批狀態 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-14 */ public static enum ApproveState{ REJECT(0,"不經過"),PASS(1,"經過"); private ApproveState(Integer value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final Integer value; private final String name; public Integer getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 通用的是否 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-14 */ public static enum YesOrNo{ NO(0,"否"),YES(1,"是"); private YesOrNo(Integer value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final Integer value; private final String name; public Integer getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 業務狀態 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-18 */ public static enum ServiceStatus{ NORMAL(1,"正常辦理"),CHANGEING(2,"應收變動中"),BACKING(3,"退單中"),BACK(4,"退單"); private ServiceStatus(Integer value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final Integer value; private final String name; public Integer getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 支付狀態 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-16 */ public static enum PayStatus{ NOTPAY("01","未支付"),PARTPAY("02","部分支付"),FINISHPAY("03","支付完成"); private PayStatus(String value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final String value; private final String name; public String getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } public static enum DeleteStatus{ NORMAL(1,"正常"),DELETE(0,"刪除"); private DeleteStatus(Integer value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final Integer value; private final String name; public Integer getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 訂單類型,主要是判斷訂單是從哪一個系統推送過來的, * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-16 */ public static enum OrderType{ SALE("DDLY010301","ERP"),DISTRIBUTION("DDLY0104","分銷平臺"); private OrderType(String value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final String value; private final String name; public String getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } public static enum CommonFieldEnum { DBID("dbid",UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "")), //主鍵 CREATEPERSONNAME("createpersonname","username"),//建立人姓名 CREATEPERSONCODE("createpersoncode","usercode"),//建立人姓名 CREATEUSTIME("createtime",new Date()),//建立時間 UPDATEPERSONNAME("updatepersonname","username"),//更新人姓名 UPDATEPERSONCODE("updatepersoncode","usercode"),//更新人姓名 UPDATETIME("updatetime",new Date()),//更新時間 ACTIONPERSONNAME("actionpersonname","username"),//操做人姓名 ACTIONPERSONCODE("actionpersoncode","usercode"),//操做人code ACTIONTIME("actiontime",new Date()),//操做時間 ; private CommonFieldEnum(String value, Object type) { this.value = value; this.type = type; } private final String value; private final Object type; public String getValue() { return value; } public Object getType() { return type; } } /** * 業務類型 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author xudf * @date 2016-6-17 */ public static enum BusinessType{ NOTARY("YWLX09","簽證-公證認證"),VISA("YWLX10","簽證-單辦簽證"),NOTVISA("YWLX16","簽證其餘"),INSURANCE("YWLX11","保險-單辦保險"); private BusinessType(String value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final String value; private final String name; public String getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } /** * 鎖單狀態 * <p>Company:rayootech</p> * @author zhangxueshen * @date 2016-6-16 */ public static enum LockStatus{ NORMAL(0,"正常"),RECEIVCHANGE(1,"應收變動鎖單中"),SEALED(2,"客人封存更鎖單中"),BACK(3,"退單更鎖單中"); private LockStatus(Integer value,String name){ this.value = value; this.name = name; } private final Integer value; private final String name; public Integer getValue() { return value; } public String getName() { return name; } } public static void main(String[] args) { String key = Constants.ServiceStatus.NORMAL.getName(); int value = Constants.ServiceStatus.NORMAL.getValue(); System.out.println(key+":"+ value); } }