pillow的文檔頁面,documentation of Pillowapp
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw img = Image.new(mode, size, color) img.save(filename)
There are various values for mode listed in the documentation of Pillow. For example RGB and RGBA can be modes. The size is a tuple in the form of (width, height) in pixels. The color can be a word such as 'red', or a triplet for RGB colors of 3 values between 0-255.字體
from PIL import Image img = Image.new('RGB', (60, 30), color = 'red') img.save('pil_red.png')
from PIL import Image img = Image.new('RGB', (60, 30), color = (73, 109, 137)) img.save('pil_color.png')
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw img = Image.new('RGB', (100, 30), color = (73, 109, 137)) d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) d.text((10,10), "Hello World", fill=(255,255,0)) img.save('pil_text.png')
There are a number of ways to select the font used for writing on the image. We need to import and use the ImageFont to load a TrueType font. Mac OSX supplies a bunch of fonts that are located in the /Library/Fonts/. On other platforms you'll need to locate the files yourself and then pass the full path to the function. Alternatively you could include the font-file in your application and then you can know where is the font-file relative to your code.code
In this example we load the font using the truetype method of the ImageFont passing to it the path to the fonts and the size of the fonts to be loaded.orm
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont img = Image.new('RGB', (100, 30), color = (73, 109, 137)) fnt = ImageFont.truetype('/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf', 15) d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) d.text((10,10), "Hello world", font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 0)) img.save('pil_text_font.png')