1.《Methods for non-linear least squares problems》這本書將非線性最小二乘問題的優化方法講了一大通,很是值得一看。由於LM算法是從Gauss-Newton方法演進來的,而Gauss-Newton方法又是從Newton方法演進過來的,因此追根溯源應該從Newton法開始看起。而比Newton法更簡潔的就是最速降低法了,這本書將全部的非線性優化問題講了個底朝天,聰明人仔細讀一讀不吃虧。
2.A Brief Description of the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Implemened by levmar
5.[blog]另外一篇python實現:Python 算例實現Levenberg-Marquardt算法
我按照文章A Brief Description of the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Implemened by levmar中的步驟,從新寫了python代碼,代碼實現步驟以下:
1.我隨機產生了100個input_data,設定正確的參數a和b,而後按照我要擬合的公式a×np.exp(b×input_data)加上一些高斯噪聲計算出了100個對應的output_data, 做爲觀察。
''' #Implement LM algorithm only using basic python #Author:Leo Ma #For csmath2019 assignment4,ZheJiang University #Date:2019.04.28 ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #input data, whose shape is (num_data,1) #data_input=np.array([[0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8]]).T #data_output=np.array([[19.21, 18.15, 15.36, 14.10, 12.89, 9.32, 7.45, 5.24, 3.01]]).T tao = 10**-3 threshold_stop = 10**-15 threshold_step = 10**-15 threshold_residual = 10**-15 residual_memory = [] #construct a user function def my_Func(params,input_data): a = params[0,0] b = params[1,0] #c = params[2,0] #d = params[3,0] return a*np.exp(b*input_data) #return a*np.sin(b*input_data[:,0])+c*np.cos(d*input_data[:,1]) #generating the input_data and output_data,whose shape both is (num_data,1) def generate_data(params,num_data): x = np.array(np.linspace(0,10,num_data)).reshape(num_data,1) # 產生包含噪聲的數據 mid,sigma = 0,5 y = my_Func(params,x) + np.random.normal(mid, sigma, num_data).reshape(num_data,1) return x,y #calculating the derive of pointed parameter,whose shape is (num_data,1) def cal_deriv(params,input_data,param_index): params1 = params.copy() params2 = params.copy() params1[param_index,0] += 0.000001 params2[param_index,0] -= 0.000001 data_est_output1 = my_Func(params1,input_data) data_est_output2 = my_Func(params2,input_data) return (data_est_output1 - data_est_output2) / 0.000002 #calculating jacobian matrix,whose shape is (num_data,num_params) def cal_Jacobian(params,input_data): num_params = np.shape(params)[0] num_data = np.shape(input_data)[0] J = np.zeros((num_data,num_params)) for i in range(0,num_params): J[:,i] = list(cal_deriv(params,input_data,i)) return J #calculating residual, whose shape is (num_data,1) def cal_residual(params,input_data,output_data): data_est_output = my_Func(params,input_data) residual = output_data - data_est_output return residual ''' #calculating Hessian matrix, whose shape is (num_params,num_params) def cal_Hessian_LM(Jacobian,u,num_params): H = Jacobian.T.dot(Jacobian) + u*np.eye(num_params) return H #calculating g, whose shape is (num_params,1) def cal_g(Jacobian,residual): g = Jacobian.T.dot(residual) return g #calculating s,whose shape is (num_params,1) def cal_step(Hessian_LM,g): s = Hessian_LM.I.dot(g) return s ''' #get the init u, using equation u=tao*max(Aii) def get_init_u(A,tao): m = np.shape(A)[0] Aii = [] for i in range(0,m): Aii.append(A[i,i]) u = tao*max(Aii) return u #LM algorithm def LM(num_iter,params,input_data,output_data): num_params = np.shape(params)[0]#the number of params k = 0#set the init iter count is 0 #calculating the init residual residual = cal_residual(params,input_data,output_data) #calculating the init Jocobian matrix Jacobian = cal_Jacobian(params,input_data) A = Jacobian.T.dot(Jacobian)#calculating the init A g = Jacobian.T.dot(residual)#calculating the init gradient g stop = (np.linalg.norm(g, ord=np.inf) <= threshold_stop)#set the init stop u = get_init_u(A,tao)#set the init u v = 2#set the init v=2 while((not stop) and (k<num_iter)): k+=1 while(1): Hessian_LM = A + u*np.eye(num_params)#calculating Hessian matrix in LM step = np.linalg.inv(Hessian_LM).dot(g)#calculating the update step if(np.linalg.norm(step) <= threshold_step): stop = True else: new_params = params + step#update params using step new_residual = cal_residual(new_params,input_data,output_data)#get new residual using new params rou = (np.linalg.norm(residual)**2 - np.linalg.norm(new_residual)**2) / (step.T.dot(u*step+g)) if rou > 0: params = new_params residual = new_residual residual_memory.append(np.linalg.norm(residual)**2) #print (np.linalg.norm(new_residual)**2) Jacobian = cal_Jacobian(params,input_data)#recalculating Jacobian matrix with new params A = Jacobian.T.dot(Jacobian)#recalculating A g = Jacobian.T.dot(residual)#recalculating gradient g stop = (np.linalg.norm(g, ord=np.inf) <= threshold_stop) or (np.linalg.norm(residual)**2 <= threshold_residual) u = u*max(1/3,1-(2*rou-1)**3) v = 2 else: u = u*v v = 2*v if(rou > 0 or stop): break; return params def main(): #set the true params for generate_data() function params = np.zeros((2,1)) params[0,0]=10.0 params[1,0]=0.8 num_data = 100# set the data number data_input,data_output = generate_data(params,num_data)#generate data as requested #set the init params for LM algorithm params[0,0]=6.0 params[1,0]=0.3 #using LM algorithm estimate params num_iter=100 # the number of iteration est_params = LM(num_iter,params,data_input,data_output) print(est_params) a_est=est_params[0,0] b_est=est_params[1,0] #老子畫個圖看看情況 plt.scatter(data_input, data_output, color='b') x = np.arange(0, 100) * 0.1 #生成0-10的共100個數據,而後設置間距爲0.1 plt.plot(x,a_est*np.exp(b_est*x),'r',lw=1.0) plt.xlabel("2018.06.13") plt.savefig("result_LM.png") plt.show() plt.plot(residual_memory) plt.xlabel("2018.06.13") plt.savefig("error-iter.png") plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': main()