Spring Data Jpa代碼講解

JpaRepository 繼承於 PagingAndSortingRepository 接口, 擁有PagingAndSortingRepository 的全部方法,而JpaSpecificationExecutor 不屬於Repository 體系。因爲JpaSpecificationExecutor 並不繼承repository 接口,因此它不能單獨使用,只能和jpa Repository 一塊兒用。

2.1 Repository(資源庫):經過用來訪問領域對象的一個相似集合的接口,在領域與數據映射層之間進行協調。這個叫法就相似於咱們一般所說的DAO,在這裏,咱們就按照這一習慣把數據訪問層叫Repository 
Spring Data給咱們提供幾個Repository,基礎的Repository提供了最基本的數據訪問功能,其幾個子接口則擴展了一些功能。它們的繼承關係以下: 
Repository: 僅僅是一個標識,代表任何繼承它的均爲倉庫接口類,方便Spring自動掃描識別 
CrudRepository: 繼承Repository,實現了一組CRUD相關的方法 
PagingAndSortingRepository: 繼承CrudRepository,實現了一組分頁排序相關的方法 
JpaRepository: 繼承PagingAndSortingRepository,實現一組JPA規範相關的方法 
JpaSpecificationExecutor: 比較特殊,不屬於Repository體系,實現一組JPA Criteria查詢相關的方法 

2.2 JpaRepository 所提供的基本功能 
2.2.1 CrudRepository<T, ID extends Serializable>: 
T save(T entity);//保存單個實體 
        Iterable<T> save(Iterable<? extends T> entities);//保存集合 
        T findOne(ID id);//根據id查找實體 
        boolean exists(ID id);//根據id判斷實體是否存在 
        Iterable<T> findAll();//查詢全部實體,不用或慎用! 
        long count();//查詢實體數量 
        void delete(ID id);//根據Id刪除實體 
        void delete(T entity);//刪除一個實體 
void delete(Iterable<? extends T> entities);//刪除一個實體的集合 
        void deleteAll();//刪除全部實體,不用或慎用! 
2.2.2 PagingAndSortingRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> 
Iterable<T> findAll(Sort sort);//排序 
        Page<T> findAll(Pageable pageable);//分頁查詢(含排序功能) 
2.2.3 JpaRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> 
List<T> findAll();//查找全部實體 
        List<T> findAll(Sort sort);//排序 查找全部實體 
        List<T> save(Iterable<? extends T> entities);//保存集合 
        void flush();//執行緩存與數據庫同步 
        T saveAndFlush(T entity);//強制執行持久化 
void deleteInBatch(Iterable<T> entities);//刪除一個實體集合 
3.Spring data 查詢 
3.1 簡單條件查詢:查詢某一個實體類或者集合 
按照Spring data 定義的規則,查詢方法以find|read|get開頭 
class User{ 
private String firstname; 
private String lastname; 
findByLastnameAndFirstname(String lastname,String firstname); 

3.2 使用JPA NamedQueries (標準規範實現) 
這種查詢是標準的JPA規範所定義的,直接聲明在Entity實體類上,調用時採用在接口中定義與命名查詢對應的method,由Spring Data根據方法名自動完成命名查詢的尋找。 
@NamedQuery(name = "User.findByEmailAddress", 
  query = "select u from User u where u.emailAddress = ?1") 
public class User { 

@NamedQueries(value = { 
                @NamedQuery(name = User.QUERY_FIND_BY_LOGIN, 
                                        query = "select u from User u where u." + User.PROP_LOGIN 
                                                + " = :username"), 
        @NamedQuery(name = "getUsernamePasswordToken", 
                        query = "select new com.aceona.weibo.vo.TokenBO(u.username,u.password) from User u where u." + User.PROP_LOGIN 
                            + " = :username")}) 
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> { 

  List<User> findByLastname(String lastname); 

  User findByEmailAddress(String emailAddress); 
3.3 使用@Query自定義查詢(Spring Data提供的) 
這種查詢能夠聲明在Repository方法中,擺脫像命名查詢那樣的約束,將查詢直接在相應的接口方法中聲明,結構更爲清晰,這是Spring data的特有實現。 
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> { 

  @Query("select u from User u where u.emailAddress = ?1") 
  User findByEmailAddress(String emailAddress); 
3.4 @Query與 @Modifying 執行更新操做 
@Query("update User u set u.firstname = ?1 where u.lastname = ?2") 
int setFixedFirstnameFor(String firstname, String lastname); 

3.5 索引參數與命名參數 
(1)索引參數以下所示,索引值從1開始,查詢中 」?X」 個數須要與方法定義的參數個數相一致,而且順序也要一致 
@Query("update User u set u.firstname = ?1 where u.lastname = ?2") 
int setFixedFirstnameFor(String firstname, String lastname); 

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> { 

  @Query("select u from User u where u.firstname = :firstname or u.lastname = :lastname") 
  User findByLastnameOrFirstname(@Param("lastname") String lastname, 
                                 @Param("firstname") String firstname); 

4. Transactionality(事務) 
4.1 操做單個對象的事務 
Spring Data提供了默認的事務處理方式,即全部的查詢均聲明爲只讀事務,對於持久化,更新與刪除對象聲明爲有事務。 
參見org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.support.SimpleJpaRepository<T, ID> 
@Transactional(readOnly = true) 
public class SimpleJpaRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> implements JpaRepository<T, ID>, 
                JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> { 
        public void delete(ID id) { 

對於自定義的方法,如需改變spring data提供的事務默認方式,能夠在方法上註解@Transactional聲明 

4.2 涉及多個Repository的事務處理 
class UserManagementImpl implements UserManagement { 

  private final UserRepository userRepository; 
  private final RoleRepository roleRepository; 

  public UserManagementImpl(UserRepository userRepository, 
    RoleRepository roleRepository) { 
    this.userRepository = userRepository; 
    this.roleRepository = roleRepository; 

  public void addRoleToAllUsers(String roleName) { 

    Role role = roleRepository.findByName(roleName); 

    for (User user : userRepository.readAll()) { 

public interface UserDao extends JpaRepository<User, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {
   @Query("select a from User a where a.mobile = :mobile")
   User queryByMobile(@Param("mobile") String mobile);

   @Query("select a from User a where a.mobile = :mobile and a.password=:password")
   List<User> findByMobilePassword(@Param("mobile") String mobile, @Param("password") String password);

   @Query("select a from User a where a.mobile = :mobile and a.cardNo=:cardNo")
   User queryByMobileAndIdentify(@Param("mobile") String mobile, @Param("cardNo") String cardNo);

   @Query("select a from User a where a.id = :id and a.password=:password")
   User queryByIdAndPassword(@Param("id") Long id, @Param("password") String password);

    @Query(value = "select c.id from User c where (:status is null or c.status = :status) " +
            "and (:mobile is null or c.mobile = :mobile) " +
            "and (:name is null or c.name = :name) order by id desc")
    List<Long> findAllByParam(@Param("status")Integer status, @Param("name")String name,
                              @Param("mobile")String mobile);

   @Query(value = "select c from User c where c.company.id = :companyId " +
         "and (:status is null or c.status = :status) " +
         "and (:mobile is null or c.mobile = :mobile) " +
         "and (:name is null or c.name = :name) ")
   Page<User> queryAllByParam(@Param("status")Integer status, @Param("companyId")Long companyId,
                          @Param("mobile")String mobile, @Param("name")String name, Pageable page);

   @Query(value = "select c.id from User c where (:status is null or c.status = :status) " +
         "and (:name is null or c.name = :name) order by id desc")
   List<Long> queryCompanyIdsByParam(@Param("status")Integer status, @Param("name")String name);

   @Query(value = "select a from User a where a.role.id = :roleId ")
   List<User> findAllByRole(@Param("roleId")Long roleId);

   @Query(value = "select a from User a where a.id in :ids ")
   List<User> findAllByIds(@Param("ids")List<Long> ids);

   @Query(value = "select c.id from User c where :name is null or c.name = :name ")
   List<Long> findALLByName(@Param("name")String name);
   @Query(value = "select c from User c where  c.company.id = :companyId and c.status=1 ")
   List<User> queryByCompanyId(@Param("companyId")Long companyId);
   @Query(value = "select c from User c where  c.company.id = :companyId and c.status in(1,3)")
   List<User> queryByCompanyId2(@Param("companyId")Long companyId);
   @Query("select a from User a where a.name = :name and a.password=:password and a.role.id in (1,5,6)")
   List<User> findByNamePassword(@Param("name")String name,  @Param("password")String password);
   @Query("select a from User a where a.company.id = :companyId and a.role.id=:roleId and a.status=1")
   List<User> queryByCompanyIdAndRoleId(@Param("companyId")Long companyId,@Param("roleId") Long roleId);
   @Query(value = "select a from User a where a.role.id = :roleId and a.status = :status")
   List<User> findAllByRoleAndStatus(@Param("roleId")Long roleId, @Param("status") int status);

   @Query(value = "select a.* from t_user a left join t_company c on c.create_by = a.id where c.id = :companyId and a.role_id=:roleId and a.status=1",nativeQuery = true)
   List<User> findAllByCompanyIdAndRoleId(@Param("companyId")Long companyId,@Param("roleId") Long roleId);
