如何使CentOS 6.6自動關閉控制檯屏幕的電源?

On CentOS 6.6, I find that it can make the screen (console, not X) blank after a while. However, it does not power the screen off.

在CentOS 6.6上,我發現一段時間後它可以使屏幕 (控制檯,不是X)空白。 但是,它不會關閉屏幕電源。

This usually work on Fedora or other releases. I guess this is caused by some configurations specific in CentOS 6.6.

這通常適用於Fedora或其他發行版。 我猜這是由CentOS 6.6中的某些特定配置引起的。

How to make CentOS 6.6 power off the console screen automatically?

如何使CentOS 6.6自動關閉控制檯屏幕的電源?

You may try removing the nomodeset. It plays the trick for me.

您可以嘗試刪除nomodeset 。 這對我來說是個竅門。

What is nomodeset? It disables Kernel Mode Set (KMS). KMS moves the initialization of the graphics mode from the X server to the kernel.

什麼是nomodeset ? 它禁用內核模式設置(KMS)。 KMS將圖形模式的初始化從X 服務器移到內核。

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Linux kernel video
Answered by Eric Z Ma.
埃裏克·馬(Eric Z Ma)回答。

翻譯自: https://www.systutorials.com/how-to-make-centos-6-6-power-off-the-console-screen-automatically/