

  • 安裝支持rz和sz命令的lrzsz:brew install lrzsz
  • 在本地/usr/local/bin/目錄下保存 和iterm2-recv-zmodem.sh兩個腳本 兩個文件連接:

  • 設置一下兩個腳本的權限,通常 chmod 777 就好了
  • 設置Iterm2的Tirgger特性,profiles->default->editProfiles->Advanced中的Tirggershell

    添加兩條trigger,分別設置Regular expression,Action,Parameters,Instant以下: 1.第一條 Regular expression: rz waiting to receive.\*\*B0100  Action: Run Silent Coprocess  Parameters: /usr/local/bin/  Instant: checked 2.第二條 Regular expression: \*\*B00000000000000  Action: Run Silent Coprocess  Parameters: /usr/local/bin/  Instant: checked




#!/bin/bash # Author: Matt Mastracci ( # AppleScript from # licensed under cc-wiki with attribution required # Remainder of script public domain osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to version' > /dev/null 2>&1 && NAME=iTerm2 || NAME=iTerm if [[ $NAME = "iTerm" ]]; then FILE=`osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm" to activate' -e 'tell application "iTerm" to set thefile to choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder to place received files in"' -e "do shell script (\"echo \"&(quoted form of POSIX path of thefile as Unicode text)&\"\")"` else FILE=`osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to activate' -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to set thefile to choose folder with prompt "Choose a folder to place received files in"' -e "do shell script (\"echo \"&(quoted form of POSIX path of thefile as Unicode text)&\"\")"` fi if [[ $FILE = "" ]]; then echo Cancelled. # Send ZModem cancel echo -e \\x18\\x18\\x18\\x18\\x18 sleep 1 echo echo \# Cancelled transfer else cd "$FILE" /usr/local/bin/rz -E -e -b sleep 1 echo echo echo \# Sent \-\> $FILE fi 
#!/bin/bash # Author: Matt Mastracci ( # AppleScript from # licensed under cc-wiki with attribution required # Remainder of script public domain osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to version' > /dev/null 2>&1 && NAME=iTerm2 || NAME=iTerm if [[ $NAME = "iTerm" ]]; then FILE=`osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm" to activate' -e 'tell application "iTerm" to set thefile to choose file with prompt "Choose a file to send"' -e "do shell script (\"echo \"&(quoted form of POSIX path of thefile as Unicode text)&\"\")"` else FILE=`osascript -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to activate' -e 'tell application "iTerm2" to set thefile to choose file with prompt "Choose a file to send"' -e "do shell script (\"echo \"&(quoted form of POSIX path of thefile as Unicode text)&\"\")"` fi if [[ $FILE = "" ]]; then echo Cancelled. # Send ZModem cancel echo -e \\x18\\x18\\x18\\x18\\x18 sleep 1 echo echo \# Cancelled transfer else /usr/local/bin/sz "$FILE" -e -b sleep 1 echo echo \# Received $FILE fi 