root@localhost :/home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/dir_operation# ./detect_dir_loop /home/James/mypro/
Error occured when getting realpath of [link2]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [link3]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [link5]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [link4]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [link6]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [link1]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [bar]: Too many levels of symbolic links
/home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/dir_operation/mnt1/dir1/link1 recursively reference itself!
/home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/dir_operation/mnt1/dir2/link2/link1 recursively reference itself! 函數
root@localhost :/home/James/proto3-standard/external/alsa-lib/include# grep -Ri "xxxxxxxxxx" /home/James/mypro/
grep: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Toys/symlink/link2: 沒有那個文件或目錄
grep: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Toys/symlink/link3: 沒有那個文件或目錄
grep: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Toys/symlink/link5: 沒有那個文件或目錄
grep: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Toys/symlink/link4: 沒有那個文件或目錄
grep: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Toys/symlink/link6: 沒有那個文件或目錄
grep: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Toys/symlink/link1: 沒有那個文件或目錄
grep: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Toys/symlink/bar: 符號鏈接的層數過多
grep: 警告: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/dir_operation/mnt1/dir1/link1: 遞歸目錄循環ui
grep: 警告: /home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/dir_operation/mnt1/dir2/link2/link1: 遞歸目錄循環
root@localhost :/home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/dir_operation# time ./detect_dir_loop /home/James/proto3-standard/
Error occured when getting realpath of [fsl_cache.h]: No such file or directory
/home/James/proto3-standard/external/alsa-lib/include/alsa recursively reference itself!
Error occured when getting realpath of [target]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [testsuite]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [en-US]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [testsuite]: No such file or directory
Error occured when getting realpath of [en-US]: No such file or directory code
real 0m17.783s
user 0m0.444s
sys 0m2.340s遞歸
/** * detect_dir_loop.c * * detect recursive references in a specified directory **/ #include <unistd.h> #include <limits.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #define MAX_NESTED_DIR_DEPTH 256 #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #define PDEBUG(fmt, arg...) printf(fmt, ##arg) #else #define PDEBUG(fmt, arg...) #endif struct stack { char **stack; int top; }; struct stack stack_dir; /* store absolute path of a directory */ struct stack stack_relative_path; static void parse(const char *path); static void parse_dir(const char *dir); static void parse_link(const char *link); static void init_stack(struct stack *st); static void clean_stack(struct stack *st); static void push_stack(const char *dir, struct stack *st); /* alloc memory, push dir into stack, called only after check_collision's called */ static void pop_stack(struct stack *st); /* pop the top element out, free corresponding memory */ static char* top_stack(struct stack *st); static void print_stack_from_bottom_to_up(struct stack *st, const char *sep); static int check_collision(char *dir, struct stack *st); /* check whether dir conflicts, if so, it recursively reference itself*/ static void parse(const char *path) { assert(path != NULL); // PDEBUG("parse: %s\n", path); if (strcmp(".", path) == 0 || strcmp("..", path) == 0) return; struct stat statbuf; int ret = lstat(path, &statbuf); if (ret < 0) { /* read status of a path failed */ fprintf(stderr, "lstat [%s] failed: %s \n", path, strerror(errno)); return; } /* success */ if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { parse_dir(path); } else if (S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode)) { parse_link(path); } else { /* do something with other files */ ; } } static void parse_dir(const char *dir) { /* parse_dir is called from parse, so dir must be a valid directory */ PDEBUG("parse_dir: %s\n", dir); char *real_path = realpath(dir, NULL); if (real_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error occured when getting realpath of [%s]: %s \n", dir, strerror(errno)); return; } int ret = check_collision(real_path, &stack_dir); if (ret == 0) /* no collision */ { /* push stack */ push_stack(real_path, &stack_dir); free(real_path); real_path = NULL; push_stack(dir, &stack_relative_path); /* traverse the directory */ DIR *dp; struct dirent *entry; if ((dp = opendir(dir)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open diretory [%s]: %s\n", dir, strerror(errno)); return; } /* enter dir */ chdir(dir); while ((entry=readdir(dp)) != NULL) { parse(entry->d_name); } /* restore current dir */ chdir(".."); closedir(dp); /* pop stack */ pop_stack(&stack_relative_path); pop_stack(&stack_dir); } else /* detect recursive reference */ { print_stack_from_bottom_to_up(&stack_relative_path, "/"); printf("%s recursively reference itself! \n", dir); } } static void parse_link(const char *link) { /* parse_link is called from pase, so link must be a valid link */ PDEBUG("parse_link: %s\n", link); char *cur_dir; char *real_path = realpath(link, NULL); if (real_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error occured when getting realpath of [%s]: %s \n", link, strerror(errno)); return; } struct stat statbuf; lstat(real_path, &statbuf); cur_dir = getcwd(NULL, 256); int ret = S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode); if (ret == 0) return; /* link does not points to a directory */ ret = check_collision(real_path, &stack_dir); if (ret == 0) /* directory */ { /* push stack */ push_stack(real_path, &stack_dir); push_stack(link, &stack_relative_path); /* traverse the directory */ DIR *dp; struct dirent *entry; if ((dp = opendir(real_path)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open diretory [%s]: %s\n", link, strerror(errno)); return; } free(real_path); real_path = NULL; chdir(link); while ((entry=readdir(dp)) != NULL) { parse(entry->d_name); } chdir(cur_dir); free(cur_dir); closedir(dp); /* pop stack */ pop_stack(&stack_relative_path); pop_stack(&stack_dir); } else /* detect recursive reference */ { print_stack_from_bottom_to_up(&stack_relative_path, "/"); printf("%s recursively reference itself! \n", link); } } static void init_resource() { init_stack(&stack_dir); init_stack(&stack_relative_path); } static void clean_resource() { clean_stack(&stack_relative_path); clean_stack(&stack_dir); } static void init_stack(struct stack *st) { int i; st->stack = (char **)malloc( sizeof(char *) * MAX_NESTED_DIR_DEPTH ); if (st->stack == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "allocate stack failed: %s \n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (i=0; i<MAX_NESTED_DIR_DEPTH; i++) st->stack[i] = NULL; st->top = 0; /* there're totally top elements in stack */ } static void clean_stack(struct stack *st) { int i; for (i=0; i<MAX_NESTED_DIR_DEPTH; i++) { free(st->stack[i]); st->stack[i] = NULL; } free(st->stack); st->top = 0; } static void print_stack_from_bottom_to_up(struct stack *st, const char *sep) { assert(sep != NULL); int i=0; for (i=0; i<st->top; i++) { if (i==0) { printf("%s", st->stack[i]); } else { printf("%s%s", st->stack[i], sep); } } } static char* top_stack(struct stack *st) { assert(st->top >= 0); if (st->top == 0) return NULL; else return (st->stack[st->top-1]); } static void pop_stack(struct stack *st) { assert(st->top >= 0); if (st->top == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Error in pop stack: stack empty!\n"); else { st->top--; free(st->stack[st->top]); st->stack[st->top] = NULL; } } static void push_stack(const char *path, struct stack *st) { assert (path != NULL); assert(st->top >= 0); assert(st->stack[st->top] == NULL); /* everytime we pop, we make it NULL */ if (st->top >= MAX_NESTED_DIR_DEPTH) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in push_stack: stack overflow!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int len = strlen(path); st->stack[st->top] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (len+1)); if (st->stack[st->top] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation in push_stack failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(st->stack[st->top], 0, len+1); strcpy(st->stack[st->top], path); st->top++; } static int is_or_is_parent(char *dir2, char *dir1) { /* dir2 and dir1 are all absolute path */ assert(dir2[0] == '/'); assert(dir1[0] == '/'); // PDEBUG("is_or_is_parent: [%s] [%s] \n", dir2, dir1); int i=0; while (dir2[i]!='\0' && dir1[i]!='\0') { if (dir2[i] != dir1[i]) return 0; i++; } if (dir2[i] == '\0') return 1; return 0; /* dir2[i] != 0 but dir1[i] == 0 */ } static int check_collision(char *dir, struct stack *st) { assert(dir != NULL); assert(dir[0] == '/'); /* dir must be an absolute path */ // PDEBUG("check_collision: [%s] \n", dir); int i=0; for (i=0; i<st->top; i++) { if (is_or_is_parent(dir, st->stack[i])) return 1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { assert(argc == 2); const char *targetpath = argv[1]; init_resource(); parse(targetpath); clean_resource(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
1. C語言對沒有內存自動回收機制,在內存處理上要當心。說實話,本身寫個stack,而後每次獲得real path時還要注意釋放內存,這個真的有點讓人不爽。
2. 主要算法是「遞歸降低分析」。遞歸遞歸就解決了。(數學和算法就是讓人看起來比他原來要聰明)
3. 該算法中,限制了目錄的嵌套層數是256.說實在的,你目錄嵌套了256層是位了啥吧,確定有問題!因此,若是目錄嵌套了256層以上,會有stack overflow提示。雖然能夠作stack自動擴展,可是,我認爲,更好的處理方法,就是提示stack overflow,讓執行者知道,有個目錄嵌套過多!
4. 參見http://www.oschina.net/question/158589_56229 (Linux對symbolic link的限制)。注意這裏既是有超過40層的link,只要總數沒有超過256(stack overflow),也能夠正確解析,緣由是咱們作的是path resolution,每次遇到link,會作解析出絕對路徑,而後進棧的操做。因而系統用lstat等函數時,獲得的是一個最多隻帶一個link的路徑名,天然不到達到40這個數目。