做者: 負雪明燭
id: fuxuemingzhu
我的博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/java
Total Accepted: 126017 Total Submissions: 291619 Difficulty: Easy算法
Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are the same or not.ide
Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value.spa
Example 1:code
Input: 1 1 / \ / \ 2 3 2 3 [1,2,3], [1,2,3] Output: true
Example 2:遞歸
Input: 1 1 / \ 2 2 [1,2], [1,null,2] Output: false
Example 3:leetcode
Input: 1 1 / \ / \ 2 1 1 2 [1,2,1], [1,1,2] Output: false
/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ public class Solution { public boolean isSameTree(TreeNode p, TreeNode q) { if(p==null && q==null){ return true; } if(p==null || q==null){//注意是在p/q都不爲空的狀況下有一個爲空,說明另一個不爲空 return false; } if(p.val!=q.val){//注意是不相等返回False,相等的話須要繼續進行子節點的判斷 return false; } return isSameTree(p.left,q.left) && isSameTree(p.right,q.right); } }
# Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode(object): # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None class Solution(object): def isSameTree(self, p, q): """ :type p: TreeNode :type q: TreeNode :rtype: bool """ if not p and not q: return True if not p or not q: return False return p.val == q.val and self.isSameTree(p.left, q.left) and self.isSameTree(p.right, q.right)
2016/4/30 1:17:33 2018 年 10 月 8 日 —— 終於開學了。 2018 年 11 月 14 日 —— 很嚴重的霧霾