這一章的習題不知道咋樣?可是無論了, let's go !安全
update(...) | D.update([E, ]**F) -> None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. | If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] | If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v | In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
1 >>> dist1={'a':1,'b':2} 2 >>> dist2={'c':3,'d':4} 3 >>> dist3={'a':5,'e':6} 4 >>> dist2.update(dist1) 5 >>> dist2 6 {'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2, 'd': 4} 7 >>> dist3.update(dist1) 8 >>> dist3 9 {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'e': 6} 10 >>> dist1.update(dist3) 11 >>> dist1 12 {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'e': 6}
1 >>> dist1={'a':1,'b':2} 2 >>> dist2={'c':3,'d':4} 3 >>> dist3={'a':5,'e':6} 4 >>> dist1.update(dist3) 5 >>> dist1 6 {'a': 5, 'b': 2, 'e': 6}
1 #!usr/bin/env python 2 #-*-coding=utf-8-*- 3 4 import string 5 6 ss = string.lowercase 7 dict1 = dict([(ss[i-1],26+1-i) for i in range(1,27)]) 8 print 'dictionary is :' 9 print dict1 10 dict2 = sorted(dict1.keys()) 11 print '(a) :',dict2 12 print '(b) :' 13 for key in dict2: 14 print 'key = %s , value = %d ' % (key,dict1[key]) 15 16 dict3 = sorted(dict1.values()) 17 print '(c) :' 18 for value in dict3: 19 for (u,v) in dict1.items(): 20 if value == v: 21 print 'key = %s , value = %d' % (u,v)
1 #!usr/bin/env python 2 #-*-coding=utf-8-*- 3 4 def merge(list1,list2): 5 return dict(zip(list1,list2)) 6 7 if __name__ == '__main__': 8 list1 = [1,2,3] 9 list2 = ['abc','def','ghi'] 10 print merge(list1,list2)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*-coding=utf-8-*- 3 4 import time #導入time模塊 5 import sha #導入sha模塊 6 import string #導入string模塊 7 import re #導入re模塊(正則匹配) 8 9 db = {} #創建字典 10 11 def newuser(): 12 prompt = 'login desired : ' 13 while True: 14 name = raw_input(prompt) 15 k ='\W+',name) 16 if k != None: 17 prompt = 'Your name contains illegal characters,try another: ' 18 continue 19 if db.has_key(name): 20 prompt = 'name taken,try another: ' 21 continue 22 else: 23 break 24 pwd = raw_input('password: ') 25 hash = #新建哈希表 26 hash.update(pwd) 27 psd = hash.hexdigest() #Sha-1碼 28 lt = list(time.localtime()[:-3]) #定義如今的時間戳 29 info = [psd,lt] #創建用戶的我的信息(沒有結構體真蛋疼) 30 db[string.lower(name)] = info 31 print "Logining in %d/%d/%d -- %d:%d:%d" % (info[1][0],info[1][1],info[1][2],info[1][3],info[1][4],info[1][5]) 32 33 def olduser(): 34 while True: 35 name = raw_input('login: ') 36 k ='\W+',name) 37 if k != None: 38 prompt = 'Your name contains illegal characters,try another: ' 39 continue 40 else: 41 break 42 if db.has_key(string.lower(name)) == False: 43 c = raw_input('This username does not exist.Do you want to create a user ?') 44 if string.lower(c) == 'y': 45 pwd = raw_input('password: ') 46 hash = #新建哈希表 47 hash.update(pwd) 48 psd = hash.hexdigest() #Sha-1碼 49 lt = list(time.localtime()[:-3]) #定義如今的時間戳 50 info = [psd,lt] #創建用戶的我的信息(沒有結構體真蛋疼) 51 db[string.lower(name)] = info 52 print "Logining in %d/%d/%d -- %d:%d:%d" % (info[1][0],info[1][1],info[1][2],info[1][3],info[1][4],info[1][5]) 53 else: 54 pwd = raw_input('password: ') 55 hash = 56 hash.update(pwd) 57 psd = hash.hexdigest() 58 info = db.get(string.lower(name)) 59 temp = list(time.localtime()[:-3]) #更新時間 60 if info[0] == psd: 61 print 'welcome back',string.lower(name) 62 print "Logining in %d/%d/%d -- %d:%d:%d" % (temp[0],temp[1],temp[2],temp[3],temp[4],temp[5]) 63 if(abs(info[1][3] - temp[3]) < 4): 64 print "You already logged in at:%d/%d/%d -- %d:%d:%d" % (info[1][0],info[1][1],info[1][2],info[1][3],info[1][4],info[1][5]) 65 info[1] = temp 66 else: 67 print 'login incorrect' 68 69 def manage(): 70 #設定用戶權限 71 while True: 72 name = raw_input('login(root): ') 73 k ='\W+',name) 74 if k != None: 75 prompt = 'Your name contains illegal characters,try another: ' 76 continue 77 else: 78 break 79 pwd = raw_input('password: ') 80 if pwd != 'root': 81 print 'login(root) incorrect!' 82 else: 83 prompt = """ 84 (D)elete A User 85 (S)how All Users 86 87 Enter choice:""" 88 choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower() 89 if choice == 'd': 90 user = raw_input('Please input user:') 91 if db.has_key(user): 92 db.pop(user) 93 print 'Finish!' 94 else: 95 print 'No such user.' 96 if choice == 's': 97 print 'All users are as follows:' 98 for key in db.keys(): 99 print key 100 101 def showmenu(): 102 prompt = """ 103 (N)ew User Login 104 (E)xisting User Login 105 (Q)uit 106 (M)anage 107 108 Enter choice:""" 109 110 done = False 111 while not done: 112 chosen = False 113 while not chosen: 114 try: 115 choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0].lower() 116 except (EOFError,KeyboardInterrupt): 117 choice = 'q' 118 print '\nYou picked:[%s]' % choice 119 if choice not in 'neqm': 120 print 'invalid option,try again' 121 else: 122 chosen = True 123 if choice == 'q':done = True 124 if choice == 'n':newuser() 125 if choice == 'e':olduser() 126 if choice == 'm':manage() 127 128 if __name__ == '__main__': 129 showmenu()
1 #!usr/bin/env python 2 #-*-coding=utf-8-*- 3 4 def change(before): 5 after = {} 6 for key in before.keys(): 7 after[before[key]] = key 8 return after 9 10 if __name__ == '__main__': 11 dic = {'x':1,'y':2} 12 print change(dic)