在生產環境中,常常遇到docker image 在資源池中的主機上存留的數據,因爲隨着業務系統的升級,舊的image 須要進行清理。這裏梳理下,docker image的在linux 系統上的存儲目錄,以針對性的進行數據清理。python
在3.10內核上 docker基於aufs管理存儲linux
cat /var/lib/docker/repositories-aufs | python -m json.toolgithub
該命令的結果與docker images看到的images數目相同docker
cat /var/lib/docker/repositories-aufs | python -m json.tool
"Repositories": {
"": {
"latest": "e099197b794f459b777cc82ba53f2ecdcfb52c0a3245a9b010ca239b50fd72ad"
"centos": {
"6": "b9aeeaeb5e17b5414e5caa9a6b2f99e9ccef50561bdfe137cd05956961f1cec6",
"latest": "fd44297e2ddb050ec4fa9752b7a4e3a8439061991886e2091e7c1f007c906d75",
"new": "8390535f8e613861a3715cf1af4a082ac80108c1d098944def5aa1391207e33a",
"new2": "e099197b794f459b777cc82ba53f2ecdcfb52c0a3245a9b010ca239b50fd72ad"
"hello-world": {
"latest": "91c95931e552b11604fea91c2f537284149ec32fff0f700a4769cfd31d7696ae"
"quay.io/coreos/etcd": {
"v2.0.11": "c02fd8670851ce85ace68db5cff8694a3ed3656bedd9fa8054de8aff2f39e631"
"registry": {
"latest": "204704ce31375bcf4afecf672563b4881bbef0d59135c68d273235bb7254fb4b"
"ubuntu": {
"14.04": "07f8e8c5e66084bef8f848877857537ffe1c47edd01a93af27e7161672ad0e95"
上述出現的image的ID全局惟一和image hub上相同ubuntu
能夠看到經過docker images看到的IMAGE ID實際就是上面的ID的前幾位centos
docker images
quay.io/coreos/etcd v2.0.11 c02fd8670851 11 days ago 12.83 MB latest e099197b794f 12 days ago 306.1 MB
centos new2 e099197b794f 12 days ago 306.1 MB
centos new 8390535f8e61 12 days ago 306.1 MB
registry latest 204704ce3137 13 days ago 413.9 MB
ubuntu 14.04 07f8e8c5e660 3 weeks ago 188.3 MB
centos 6 b9aeeaeb5e17 5 weeks ago 202.6 MB
centos latest fd44297e2ddb 5 weeks ago 215.7 MB
hello-world latest 91c95931e552 5 weeks ago 910 Bbash
docker images -tree能夠看到image的層級結構, docker 的image是一層層疊加的, -tree參數能夠看到具體的疊加方式。測試
可是tree中第0層的image ID和 docker image命令的中的ID相符
docker images -tree
Warning: '-tree' is deprecated, it will be removed soon. See usage.
?..8093db4276d5 Virtual Size: 0 B
?.?..f9c3a06edd7a Virtual Size: 6.642 MB
?. ?..546a4b0d3153 Virtual Size: 12.83 MB
?. ?..9caa77989e25 Virtual Size: 12.83 MB
?. ?..c02fd8670851 Virtual Size: 12.83 MB Tags: quay.io/coreos/etcd:v2.0.11
?..e9e06b06e14c Virtual Size: 188.1 MB
?.?..a82efea989f9 Virtual Size: 188.3 MB
?. ?..37bea4ee0c81 Virtual Size: 188.3 MB
?. ?..07f8e8c5e660 Virtual Size: 188.3 MB Tags: ubuntu:14.04
?. ?..1f4ab7282e19 Virtual Size: 375.1 MB
?. ?..0e4483abe66b Virtual Size: 377.5 MB
?. ?..c6153b5d8f1f Virtual Size: 377.5 MB
?. ?..2bc4611f2ed7 Virtual Size: 389.1 MB
?. ?..30887473610f Virtual Size: 413.9 MB
?. ?..3f8e22c413b1 Virtual Size: 413.9 MB
?. ?..22b1c756fa19 Virtual Size: 413.9 MB
?. ?..90607d8d09d1 Virtual Size: 413.9 MB
?. ?..4f4a5acb19eb Virtual Size: 413.9 MB
?. ?..204704ce3137 Virtual Size: 413.9 MB Tags: registry:latest
?..f1b10cd84249 Virtual Size: 0 B
?.?..b9aeeaeb5e17 Virtual Size: 202.6 MB Tags: centos:6
?. ?..8390535f8e61 Virtual Size: 306.1 MB Tags: centos:new
?. ?..0570b3aa38fb Virtual Size: 306.1 MB
?. ?..e099197b794f Virtual Size: 306.1 MB Tags:, centos:new2
?..6941bfcbbfca Virtual Size: 0 B
?.?..41459f052977 Virtual Size: 215.7 MB
?. ?..fd44297e2ddb Virtual Size: 215.7 MB Tags: centos:latest
?..a8219747be10 Virtual Size: 910 B
?..91c95931e552 Virtual Size: 910 B Tags: hello-world:latest
能夠看到graph目錄的imageID數目和 docker images -tree看到的相同
進入到每一個image ID的目錄,每一個目錄下有兩個文件
json layersize
ls /var/lib/docker/graph/
0570b3aa38fbdd1defba6929282656a39cfabcf70dc39e68848139d649d8921b 41459f052977938b824dd011e1f2bec2cb4d133dfc7e1aa0e90f7c5d337ca9c4 a82efea989f94b1d9fac76e26e37b0bbde11047a3afcaa47064949dfa3b3209b
07f8e8c5e66084bef8f848877857537ffe1c47edd01a93af27e7161672ad0e95 9caa77989e25e788a5a75faff4e77b011e68d2fd5975a0bd20f5d14f61154bc0 fd44297e2ddb050ec4fa9752b7a4e3a8439061991886e2091e7c1f007c906d75
3f8e22c413b1783145e785a4729c4d5f98f9baca025b74d73774ed438ac82ba2 a8219747be10611d65b7c693f48e7222c0bf54b5df8467d3f99003611afa1fd8 _tmp
/var/lib/docker/graph/0570b3aa38fbdd1defba6929282656a39cfabcf70dc39e68848139d649d8921b# ls
json layersize
根據image tree,進入到某個imageID的0層目錄,可能沒有數據,再往上,能夠看到文件系統的目錄,就是咱們操做docker生成的文件
當咱們pull 一個images時, /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff 目錄下會多一個image ID
當咱們在容器中操做時,建立的數據會保存在該容器ID的目錄中,容器退出時,該目錄不會刪除。每次 根據image運行一次都會建立新的容器ID的兩個目錄。docker ps -a能夠看到退出狀態的容器,執行刪除後,這兩個目錄消失。當咱們commit修改後的容器時,又會生成一個新的目錄。
docker images tree看到的結構 image從0層到最後一層或者tag,都是直接從hub上pull下來的各類imageID層次。
在新版本的docker中,docker使用vfs driver存儲數據 /var/lib/docker/volumes/只存儲元數據,實際數據存儲在/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/<volume id>
每當docker建立一個數據卷時,就會在目錄/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/* 下建立一個隨機ID的目錄,表示這個數據卷,若是數據卷不是和host共享的,寫入數據卷中的數據會在這個目錄。 元數據信息在/var/lib/docker/volumes/*中。
每當docker建立一個數據卷時,就會在目錄/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/* 下建立一個隨機ID的目錄,表示這個數據卷,若是數據卷不是和host共享的,寫入數據卷中的數據會在這個目錄。 元數據信息在/var/lib/docker/volumes/*中。
docker rm -v containerid 當指定-v時,若是卷沒有關聯容器,會刪除該卷的數據。
可能有些狀況下,一些異常或者docker rm -v潛在的bug,致使存儲空間有殘留,這種狀況就須要手動清理。
1 對於image或者容器數據文件: docker image -a 以及docker ps -a 看到的ID是全部有效的文件ID,/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/下的ID不在這個範圍中的就是失效的文件。 這種狀況狀況其實比較少。
2 對於數據卷, 經過docker inspect 查看全部的容器id會獲得全部合法的volume的範圍,/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/不在這個範圍內的的ID就是失效文件。這種狀況比較多,由於刪除容器時可能沒有指定-v,在docker低版本中好像有bug,不能刪除卷數據。
腳本2來源於: https://github.com/chadoe/docker-cleanup-volumes/blob/master/docker-cleanup-volumes.sh
cat docker_images_clean.sh
#! /bin/bash set -eou pipefail #usage: sudo ./docker-cleanup-volumes.sh [--dry-run] docker_bin="$(which docker.io 2> /dev/null || which docker 2> /dev/null)" # Default dir dockerdir=/var/lib/docker # Look for an alternate docker directory with -g/--graph option dockerpid=$(ps ax | grep "$docker_bin" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1; exit}') || : if [[ -n "$dockerpid" && $dockerpid -gt 0 ]]; then next_arg_is_dockerdir=false while read -d $'\0' arg do if [[ $arg =~ ^--graph=(.+) ]]; then dockerdir=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} break elif [ $arg = '-g' ]; then next_arg_is_dockerdir=true elif [ $next_arg_is_dockerdir = true ]; then dockerdir=$arg break fi done < /proc/$dockerpid/cmdline fi dockerdir=$(readlink -f "$dockerdir") volumesdir=${dockerdir}/volumes vfsdir=${dockerdir}/vfs/dir allvolumes=() dryrun=false verbose=false function log_verbose() { if [ "${verbose}" = true ]; then echo "$1" fi; } function delete_volumes() { local targetdir=$1 echo if [[ ! -d "${targetdir}" || ! "$(ls -A "${targetdir}")" ]]; then echo "Directory ${targetdir} does not exist or is empty, skipping." return fi echo "Delete unused volume directories from $targetdir" local dir while read -d $'\0' dir do dir=$(basename "$dir") if [[ -d "${targetdir}/${dir}/_data" || "${dir}" =~ [0-9a-f]{64} ]]; then if [ ${#allvolumes[@]} -gt 0 ] && [[ ${allvolumes[@]} =~ "${dir}" ]]; then echo "In use ${dir}" else if [ "${dryrun}" = false ]; then echo "Deleting ${dir}" rm -rf "${targetdir}/${dir}" else echo "Would have deleted ${dir}" fi fi else echo "Not a volume ${dir}" fi done < <(find "${targetdir}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 2>/dev/null) } if [ $UID != 0 ]; then echo "You need to be root to use this script." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$docker_bin" ] ; then echo "Please install docker. You can install docker by running \"wget -qO- https://get.docker.io/ | sh\"." exit 1 fi while [[ $# > 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in -n|--dry-run) dryrun=true ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=true ;; *) echo "Cleanup docker volumes: remove unused volumes." echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [--dry-run] [--verbose]" echo " -n, --dry-run: dry run: display what would get removed." echo " -v, --verbose: verbose output." exit 1 ;; esac shift done # Make sure that we can talk to docker daemon. If we cannot, we fail here. ${docker_bin} version >/dev/null container_ids=$(${docker_bin} ps -a -q --no-trunc) #All volumes from all containers SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b") for container in $container_ids; do #add container id to list of volumes, don't think these #ever exists in the volumesdir but just to be safe allvolumes+=${container} #add all volumes from this container to the list of volumes log_verbose "Inspecting container ${container}" for volpath in $( ${docker_bin} inspect --format='{{range $key, $val := .}}{{if eq $key "Volumes"}}{{range $vol, $path := .}}{{$path}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if eq $key "Mounts"}}{{range $mount := $val}}{{$mount.Source}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' ${container} \ ); do log_verbose "Processing volumepath ${volpath}" #try to get volume id from the volume path vid=$(echo "${volpath}" | sed 's|.*/\(.*\)/_data$|\1|;s|.*/\([0-9a-f]\{64\}\)$|\1|') # check for either a 64 character vid or then end of a volumepath containing _data: if [[ "${vid}" =~ ^[0-9a-f]{64}$ || (${volpath} =~ .*/_data$ && ! "${vid}" =~ "/") ]]; then log_verbose "Found volume ${vid}" allvolumes+=("${vid}") else #check if it's a bindmount, these have a config.json file in the ${volumesdir} but no files in ${vfsdir} (docker 1.6.2 and below) for bmv in $(find "${volumesdir}" -name config.json -print | xargs grep -l "\"IsBindMount\":true" | xargs grep -l "\"Path\":\"${volpath}\""); do bmv="$(basename "$(dirname "${bmv}")")" log_verbose "Found bindmount ${bmv}" allvolumes+=("${bmv}") #there should be only one config for the bindmount, delete any duplicate for the same bindmount. break done fi done done IFS=$SAVEIFS delete_volumes "${volumesdir}" delete_volumes "${vfsdir}"
cat docker_volumes_clean.sh
#! /bin/bash set -eo pipefail #usage: sudo ./docker-cleanup-volumes.sh [--dry-run] dockerdir=/var/lib/docker volumesdir=${dockerdir}/volumes vfsdir=${dockerdir}/vfs/dir allvolumes=() dryrun=false function delete_volumes() { targetdir=$1 echo if [[ ! -d ${targetdir} ]]; then echo "Directory ${targetdir} does not exist, skipping." return fi echo "Delete unused volume directories from $targetdir" for dir in $(ls -d ${targetdir}/* 2>/dev/null) do dir=$(basename $dir) if [[ "${dir}" =~ [0-9a-f]{64} ]]; then if [[ ${allvolumes[@]} =~ "${dir}" ]]; then echo In use ${dir} else if [ "${dryrun}" = false ]; then echo Deleting ${dir} rm -rf ${targetdir}/${dir} else echo Would have deleted ${dir} fi fi else echo Not a volume ${dir} fi done } if [ $UID != 0 ]; then echo "You need to be root to use this script." exit 1 fi docker_bin=$(which docker.io || which docker) if [ -z "$docker_bin" ] ; then echo "Please install docker. You can install docker by running \"wget -qO- https://get.docker.io/ | sh\"." exit 1 fi if [ "$1" = "--dry-run" ]; then dryrun=true else if [ -n "$1" ]; then echo "Cleanup docker volumes: remove unused volumes." echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [--dry-run]" echo " --dry-run: dry run: display what would get removed." exit 1 fi fi # Make sure that we can talk to docker daemon. If we cannot, we fail here. docker info >/dev/null #All volumes from all containers for container in `${docker_bin} ps -a -q --no-trunc`; do #add container id to list of volumes, don't think these #ever exists in the volumesdir but just to be safe allvolumes+=${container} #add all volumes from this container to the list of volumes for vid in `${docker_bin} inspect --format='{{range $vol, $path := .Volumes}}{{$path}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' ${container}`; do if [[ ${vid} == ${vfsdir}* && "${vid##*/}" =~ [0-9a-f]{64} ]]; then allvolumes+=("${vid##*/}") else #check if it's a bindmount, these have a config.json file in the ${volumesdir} but no files in ${vfsdir} for bmv in `grep --include config.json -Rl "\"IsBindMount\":true" ${volumesdir} | xargs grep -l "\"Path\":\"${vid}\""`; do bmv="$(basename "$(dirname "${bmv}")")" allvolumes+=("${bmv}") #there should be only one config for the bindmount, delete any duplicate for the same bindmount. break done fi done done delete_volumes ${volumesdir} delete_volumes ${vfsdir}