#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define MAX 100 typedef int ElemType; typedef int Status; typedef struct{ ElemType * base; ElemType * top; } Stack; Status initStack(Stack *s){ s->base = (ElemType*)malloc(MAX * sizeof(ElemType)); s->top = s->base; return OK; } Status Push(Stack *s,ElemType e){ if( s->top - s->base == MAX )return ERROR; *s->top++ = e; return OK; } Status Pop(Stack *s,ElemType *e){ if( s->top - s->base == 0 )return ERROR; *e = *(--s->top); return OK; } Status convertion(int val){ int popvalue; Stack s; initStack(&s); do{ Push(&s,val%2); }while(val/=2); while(s.top!=s.base){ Pop(&s,&popvalue); printf("%d",popvalue); } printf("\n"); return OK; } int main(){ int value; printf("This is binary convertioner\n"); printf("enter Ctrl + C to stop programe\n"); while(1){ printf("enter a value:"); scanf("%d",&value); convertion(value); } } /* 8 / 2 = 4 ------ 0 push first 4 / 2 = 2 ------ 0 push second 2 / 2 = 1 ------ 0 push third 1 / 2 = 0 ------ 1 push fourth */ /* 1 pop first 0 pop second 0 pop third 0 pop fourth */
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define MAX 100 typedef char ElemType; typedef int Status; typedef struct{ ElemType * base; ElemType * top; } Stack; Status initStack(Stack * s){ s->base = (ElemType*)malloc(MAX * sizeof(ElemType)); s->top = s->base; return OK; } Status Push(Stack *s,ElemType e){ if(s->top - s->base == MAX)return ERROR; *(s->top++)=e; return OK; } Status Pop(Stack *s,ElemType *e){ if(s->top - s->base == 0)return ERROR; *e = *(--s->top); return OK; } Status checkPalindrome(char * str){ char c; Stack s; char * p = str; initStack(&s); while( *p != '\n') Push(&s,*p++); while(s.top != s.base){ Pop(&s,&c); if(c != *str++)return ERROR; } return OK; } int main(){ char text[100]; printf("This is check text if it is palindarome\n"); printf("enter the Ctrl + C to exit progrme\n"); while(1){ printf("enter a string:"); fgets(text,100,stdin); if(checkPalindrome(text)) printf("yes it is palindarome\n"); else printf("no it isn't palindarome\n"); } }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 typedef char ElemType; typedef int Status; typedef struct Node{ ElemType data; struct Node * next; } Node; Node * initStack(){ Node * s = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); s->next =NULL; return s; } Status Push(Node *s,ElemType e){ Node * new = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); new->data = e; new->next = s->next; s->next = new; return OK; } Status Pop(Node *s,ElemType *e){ Node * top = s->next; *e = top->data; s->next = top->next; free(top); return OK; } Status stackEmpty(Node *s){ if(!s->next)return OK; else return ERROR; } Status checkBrackets(char str[]){ Node * s = initStack(); char v; int i = 0; while(str[i] != '\n'){ switch(str[i]){ case '(': Push(s,str[i]); break; case '[': Push(s,str[i]); break; case '{': Push(s,str[i]); break; case ')': if(stackEmpty(s))return ERROR; else{ Pop(s,&v); if(v == '(')break; else return ERROR; } case ']': if(stackEmpty(s))return ERROR; else{ Pop(s,&v); if(v=='[')break; else return ERROR; } case '}': if(stackEmpty(s))return ERROR; else{ Pop(s,&v); if(v == '{')break; else return ERROR; } } i++; } if(stackEmpty(s))return OK; } int main(){ char str[100]; printf("enter a string:"); fgets(str,100,stdin); if(checkBrackets(str))printf("it is matches all\n"); else printf("sorry it didn't matches\n"); return 0; }