xml -> dict

這個工具沒有本身寫, github上有現成的。詳細代碼以下:node

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
XML2Dict: Convert xml string to python dict
@author: Mc.Spring
@contact: Heresy.Mc@gmail.com
@since: Created on 2009-5-18
@todo: Add namespace support
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2009 MC.Spring Team. All rights reserved.
@license: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    import cElementTree as ET # for 2.4

__all__ = ['XML2Dict']

class XML2Dict(object):

    def __init__(self, coding='UTF-8'):
        self._coding = coding

    def _parse_node(self, node):
        tree = {}

        #Save childrens
        for child in node.getchildren():
            ctag = child.tag
            cattr = child.attrib
            ctext = child.text.strip().encode(self._coding) if child.text is not None else ''
            ctree = self._parse_node(child)

            if not ctree:
                cdict = self._make_dict(ctag, ctext, cattr)
                cdict = self._make_dict(ctag, ctree, cattr)

            if ctag not in tree: # First time found

            atag = '@' + ctag
            atree = tree[ctag]
            if not isinstance(atree, list):
                if not isinstance(atree, dict):
                    atree = {}

                if atag in tree:
                    atree['#'+ctag] = tree[atag]
                    del tree[atag]

                tree[ctag] = [atree] # Multi entries, change to list

            if cattr:
                ctree['#'+ctag] = cattr


        return  tree

    def _make_dict(self, tag, value, attr=None):
        '''Generate a new dict with tag and value
        If attr is not None then convert tag name to @tag
        and convert tuple list to dict
        ret = {tag: value}

        # Save attributes as @tag value
        if attr:
            atag = '@' + tag

            aattr = {}
            for k, v in attr.items():
                aattr[k] = v

            ret[atag] = aattr

            del atag
            del aattr

        return ret

    def parse(self, xml):
        '''Parse xml string to python dict
        EL = ET.fromstring(xml)

        return self._make_dict(EL.tag, self._parse_node(EL), EL.attrib)


  1. 安裝: pip install XML2Dict , 具體見連接;
  2. 導入: from encoder import XML2Dict
  3. 讀取成字符串, 進行解析