只要接觸過c/c++網路編程人均可能會知道select io 模式,網絡書籍都說 fd_set {int num; SOCKET arr[64]} 有所限制,由於數組的長度只有64,那麼超過64你就不能放,要麼你就是用多線程分別實用select.。linux
一些書籍經過改定義宏 使數組的長度變長,但也不實用,不能動態的變化,我總不能定一個很是的長的長度,畢竟是在棧上。c++
struct win_fd_set {數組
u_int fd_count;網絡
SOCKET fd_array[1];多線程
win_fd_set * Set = (win_fd_set*)malloc(sizeof(win_fd_set) + sizoef(SCOEKT) * 10);
Set->fd_array 能夠放11 個 SOCKET,由於個人內存大小足夠放11個SOCKET。
有時候感慨:高手用c 寫着漂亮的c++代碼,而我等菜鳥卻用c++ 寫醜陋的c代碼。。
volatile double SIGFPE_REQ = 0.0f; struct idx_info { int read_pos_plus1; int write_pos_plus1; }; struct win32op { unsigned num_fds_in_fd_sets; int resize_out_sets; struct win_fd_set *readset_in; struct win_fd_set *writeset_in; struct win_fd_set *readset_out; struct win_fd_set *writeset_out; struct win_fd_set *exset_out; unsigned signals_are_broken : 1; }; static void *win32_init(struct event_base *); static int win32_add(struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short old, short events, void *_idx); static int win32_del(struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short old, short events, void *_idx); static int win32_dispatch(struct event_base *base, struct timeval *); static void win32_dealloc(struct event_base *); struct eventop win32ops = { "win32", win32_init, win32_add, win32_del, win32_dispatch, win32_dealloc, 0, /* doesn't need reinit */ 0, /* No features supported. */ sizeof(struct idx_info), }; #define FD_SET_ALLOC_SIZE(n) ((sizeof(struct win_fd_set) + ((n)-1)*sizeof(SOCKET))) static int grow_fd_sets(struct win32op *op, unsigned new_num_fds) { size_t size; EVUTIL_ASSERT(new_num_fds >= op->readset_in->fd_count && new_num_fds >= op->writeset_in->fd_count); EVUTIL_ASSERT(new_num_fds >= 1); size = FD_SET_ALLOC_SIZE(new_num_fds); if (!(op->readset_in = mm_realloc(op->readset_in, size))) return (-1); if (!(op->writeset_in = mm_realloc(op->writeset_in, size))) return (-1); op->resize_out_sets = 1; op->num_fds_in_fd_sets = new_num_fds; return (0); } static int do_fd_set(struct win32op *op, struct idx_info *ent, evutil_socket_t s, int read) { struct win_fd_set *set = read ? op->readset_in : op->writeset_in; if (read) { if (ent->read_pos_plus1 > 0) return (0); } else { if (ent->write_pos_plus1 > 0) return (0); } if (set->fd_count == op->num_fds_in_fd_sets) { if (grow_fd_sets(op, op->num_fds_in_fd_sets*2)) return (-1); /* set pointer will have changed and needs reiniting! */ set = read ? op->readset_in : op->writeset_in; } set->fd_array[set->fd_count] = s; if (read) ent->read_pos_plus1 = set->fd_count+1; else ent->write_pos_plus1 = set->fd_count+1; return (set->fd_count++); } static int do_fd_clear(struct event_base *base, struct win32op *op, struct idx_info *ent, int read) { int i; struct win_fd_set *set = read ? op->readset_in : op->writeset_in; if (read) { i = ent->read_pos_plus1 - 1; ent->read_pos_plus1 = 0; } else { i = ent->write_pos_plus1 - 1; ent->write_pos_plus1 = 0; } if (i < 0) return (0); if (--set->fd_count != (unsigned)i) { struct idx_info *ent2; SOCKET s2; s2 = set->fd_array[i] = set->fd_array[set->fd_count]; ent2 = evmap_io_get_fdinfo(&base->io, s2); if (!ent2) /* This indicates a bug. */ return (0); if (read) ent2->read_pos_plus1 = i+1; else ent2->write_pos_plus1 = i+1; } return (0); } #define NEVENT 32 void * win32_init(struct event_base *_base) { struct win32op *winop; size_t size; if (!(winop = mm_calloc(1, sizeof(struct win32op)))) return NULL; winop->num_fds_in_fd_sets = NEVENT; size = FD_SET_ALLOC_SIZE(NEVENT); if (!(winop->readset_in = mm_malloc(size))) goto err; if (!(winop->writeset_in = mm_malloc(size))) goto err; if (!(winop->readset_out = mm_malloc(size))) goto err; if (!(winop->writeset_out = mm_malloc(size))) goto err; if (!(winop->exset_out = mm_malloc(size))) goto err; winop->readset_in->fd_count = winop->writeset_in->fd_count = 0; winop->readset_out->fd_count = winop->writeset_out->fd_count = winop->exset_out->fd_count = 0; if (evsig_init(_base) < 0) winop->signals_are_broken = 1; return (winop); err: XFREE(winop->readset_in); XFREE(winop->writeset_in); XFREE(winop->readset_out); XFREE(winop->writeset_out); XFREE(winop->exset_out); XFREE(winop); return (NULL); } int win32_add(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short old, short events, void *_idx) { struct win32op *win32op = base->evbase; struct idx_info *idx = _idx; if ((events & EV_SIGNAL) && win32op->signals_are_broken) return (-1); if (!(events & (EV_READ|EV_WRITE))) return (0); event_debug(("%s: adding event for %d", __func__, (int)fd)); if (events & EV_READ) { if (do_fd_set(win32op, idx, fd, 1)<0) return (-1); } if (events & EV_WRITE) { if (do_fd_set(win32op, idx, fd, 0)<0) return (-1); } return (0); } int win32_del(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short old, short events, void *_idx) { struct win32op *win32op = base->evbase; struct idx_info *idx = _idx; event_debug(("%s: Removing event for "EV_SOCK_FMT, __func__, EV_SOCK_ARG(fd))); if (events & EV_READ) do_fd_clear(base, win32op, idx, 1); if (events & EV_WRITE) do_fd_clear(base, win32op, idx, 0); return 0; } static void fd_set_copy(struct win_fd_set *out, const struct win_fd_set *in) { out->fd_count = in->fd_count; memcpy(out->fd_array, in->fd_array, in->fd_count * (sizeof(SOCKET))); } /* static void dump_fd_set(struct win_fd_set *s) { unsigned int i; printf("[ "); for(i=0;i<s->fd_count;++i) printf("%d ",(int)s->fd_array[i]); printf("]\n"); } */ int win32_dispatch(struct event_base *base, struct timeval *tv) { struct win32op *win32op = base->evbase; int res = 0; unsigned j, i; int fd_count; SOCKET s; if (win32op->resize_out_sets) { size_t size = FD_SET_ALLOC_SIZE(win32op->num_fds_in_fd_sets); if (!(win32op->readset_out = mm_realloc(win32op->readset_out, size))) return (-1); if (!(win32op->exset_out = mm_realloc(win32op->exset_out, size))) return (-1); if (!(win32op->writeset_out = mm_realloc(win32op->writeset_out, size))) return (-1); win32op->resize_out_sets = 0; } fd_set_copy(win32op->readset_out, win32op->readset_in); fd_set_copy(win32op->exset_out, win32op->writeset_in); fd_set_copy(win32op->writeset_out, win32op->writeset_in); fd_count = (win32op->readset_out->fd_count > win32op->writeset_out->fd_count) ? win32op->readset_out->fd_count : win32op->writeset_out->fd_count; if (!fd_count) { long msec = tv ? evutil_tv_to_msec(tv) : LONG_MAX; /* Sleep's DWORD argument is unsigned long */ if (msec < 0) msec = LONG_MAX; /* Windows doesn't like you to call select() with no sockets */ Sleep(msec); return (0); } EVBASE_RELEASE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock); res = select(fd_count, (struct fd_set*)win32op->readset_out, (struct fd_set*)win32op->writeset_out, (struct fd_set*)win32op->exset_out, tv); EVBASE_ACQUIRE_LOCK(base, th_base_lock); event_debug(("%s: select returned %d", __func__, res)); if (res <= 0) { return res; } if (win32op->readset_out->fd_count) { i = rand() % win32op->readset_out->fd_count; for (j=0; j<win32op->readset_out->fd_count; ++j) { if (++i >= win32op->readset_out->fd_count) i = 0; s = win32op->readset_out->fd_array[i]; evmap_io_active(base, s, EV_READ); } } if (win32op->exset_out->fd_count) { i = rand() % win32op->exset_out->fd_count; for (j=0; j<win32op->exset_out->fd_count; ++j) { if (++i >= win32op->exset_out->fd_count) i = 0; s = win32op->exset_out->fd_array[i]; evmap_io_active(base, s, EV_WRITE); } } if (win32op->writeset_out->fd_count) { SOCKET s; i = rand() % win32op->writeset_out->fd_count; for (j=0; j<win32op->writeset_out->fd_count; ++j) { if (++i >= win32op->writeset_out->fd_count) i = 0; s = win32op->writeset_out->fd_array[i]; evmap_io_active(base, s, EV_WRITE); } } return (0); } void win32_dealloc(struct event_base *_base) { struct win32op *win32op = _base->evbase; evsig_dealloc(_base); if (win32op->readset_in) mm_free(win32op->readset_in); if (win32op->writeset_in) mm_free(win32op->writeset_in); if (win32op->readset_out) mm_free(win32op->readset_out); if (win32op->writeset_out) mm_free(win32op->writeset_out); if (win32op->exset_out) mm_free(win32op->exset_out); /* XXXXX free the tree. */ memset(win32op, 0, sizeof(win32op)); mm_free(win32op); }
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