替代微軟txt文本編輯器_如何在Microsoft Excel中向對象添加替代文本



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Alternative text (alt text) allows screen readers to capture the description of an object and read it aloud, providing aid for those with visual impairments. Here’s how to add alt text to an object in Microsoft Excel.

替代文本(替代文本)使屏幕閱讀器可以捕獲對象的描述並大聲閱讀,從而爲視力障礙者提供幫助。 這是在Microsoft Excel中向對象添加替代文本的方法。

To add alt text to an object in Excel, open your spreadsheet, add an object (Insert > Picture), and then select the object.

要將替代文本添加到Excel中的對象,請打開電子表格, 添加一個對象 (「插入」>「圖片」),然後選擇該對象。

Selected object in Excel

Right-click the object and then select 「Edit Alt Text」 from the menu that appears.


Edit alt text button on object in Excel

Alternatively, you can select the 「Alt Text」 option in the 「Accessibility」 group of the 「Picture Format」 tab.


Alt text tab in Excel

Either option will bring up the 「Alt Text」 pane in the right-hand side of the window. Unlike the Alt Text pane in Word and PowerPoint, Excel’s lacks the 「Generate A Description For Me」 option.

這兩個選項都將彈出窗口右側的「 Alt Text」窗格。 與WordPowerPoint中的「 替換文本」窗格不同,Excel缺少「爲我生成描述」選項。

Instead, you’ll need to create the description yourself. The general rule for alt text is to keep it brief and descriptive. You also can omit unnecessary descriptions like 「image of」 or 「photo of」 as screen readers announce the object for you.

相反,您需要自己創建描述。 替代文字的一般規則是保持簡短和描述性。 當屏幕閱讀器爲您宣佈對象時,您也可以省略不必要的描述,例如「圖像的」或「照片的」。

Alt text description of object in excel

If the object is purely decorative, then mark it as so by checking the box next to 「Mark As Decorative.」 Once selected, the box where you’d normally enter the description is grayed out and you can no longer input a description. The purpose is to let the screen reader know it can safely skip over that object.

如果對象純粹是裝飾性的,則可以通過選中「標記爲裝飾性」旁邊的框來對其進行標記。 選中後,通常用於輸入說明的框將顯示爲灰色,您將無法再輸入說明。 目的是讓屏幕閱讀器知道它可以安全地跳過該對象。

Mark as descriptive box

That’s all there is to adding your alt text to objects in Microsoft Excel.

這就是將替代文本添加到Microsoft Excel中的對象的全部。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681076/how-to-add-alternative-text-to-an-object-in-microsoft-excel/
