

      第三方應用可以使用TouchID接口,意味着將來的很是多應用都可以用指紋識別功能了。你可以選擇Touch ID登錄第三方應用程序,不需要輸入password,你的指紋數據是被保護的,在沒有被贊成的狀況下別的程序是訪問不到它的。app



      蘋果聲稱「Secure Enclave」模塊系統能夠安全地管理並識別用戶的指紋,並將用戶的指紋信息獨立地保存在別的系統中。同一時候經過加密內存和一個硬件隨機數字password發生器進行管理。ide

      每個「Secure Enclave」是單獨設置的。不能訪問系統其它部分的,擁有本身的獨立的UID(惟一的ID),連蘋果也不知道這些UID。當設備啓動時,Touch ID會暫時建立一個祕鑰,與「Secure Enclave」的UID配合,對設備的內存空間進行加密。oop

      而在蘋果公佈的文件裏。蘋果對A7處理器進行指紋識別受權的描寫敘述是:A7和Touch ID之間經過一個串行外設接口總線進行通訊。A7處理器將數據發到「Secure Enclave」。但並不正確數據內容進行讀取。加密和身份驗證都是使用Touch ID和「Secure Enclave」之間的共享密鑰。ui


      據瞭解:iPhone 5s中的指紋傳感器檢測到的表皮上突起的紋線。加密

它檢測到的不是用戶手指外部的死皮指紋,這樣的指紋很是easy被複制。iPhone 5s的指紋傳感器利用射頻信號。檢測用戶手指表面下方那一層皮膚的「活」指紋。假設手指與人的身體分離,那麼傳感器是沒法檢測到這樣的指紋的。因此用戶不用操心本身的指紋被複制或盜竊以後,被用於解鎖設備,因爲傳感器是沒法識別這樣的「死」指紋的。


      NS_CLASS_AVAILABLE(10_10, 8_0)





LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];
    __block  NSString *msg;
    NSError *error;
    BOOL success;
    // test if we can evaluate the policy, this test will tell us if Touch ID is available and enrolled
    success = [context canEvaluatePolicy: LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&error];
    if (success) {
        msg =[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"TOUCH_ID_IS_AVAILABLE", nil)];
    } else {
        msg =[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"TOUCH_ID_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE", nil)];


LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];
    __block  NSString *msg;
    // show the authentication UI with our reason string
    [context evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics localizedReason:NSLocalizedString(@"UNLOCK_ACCESS_TO_LOCKED_FATURE", nil) reply:
     ^(BOOL success, NSError *authenticationError) {
         if (success) {
             msg =[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"EVALUATE_POLICY_SUCCESS", nil)];
         } else {
             msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"EVALUATE_POLICY_WITH_ERROR", nil), authenticationError.localizedDescription];

4.對於檢查和識別的兩個方法在 LocalAuthentication.framework/Headers/LAContext.h 中定義的:

/// Determines if a particular policy can be evaluated.
/// @discussion Policies can have certain requirements which, when not satisfied, would always cause
///             the policy evaluation to fail. Examples can be a passcode set or a fingerprint
///             enrolled with Touch ID. This method allows easy checking for such conditions.
///             Applications should consume the returned value immediately and avoid relying on it
///             for an extensive period of time. At least, it is guaranteed to stay valid until the
///             application enters background.
/// @warning    Do not call this method in the reply block of evaluatePolicy:reply: because it could
///             lead to a deadlock.
/// @param policy Policy for which the preflight check should be run.
/// @param error Optional output parameter which is set to nil if the policy can be evaluated, or it
///              contains error information if policy evaluation is not possible.
/// @return YES if the policy can be evaluated, NO otherwise.
- (BOOL)canEvaluatePolicy:(LAPolicy)policy error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;

/// Evaluates the specified policy.
/// @discussion Policy evaluation may involve prompting user for various kinds of interaction
///             or authentication. Actual behavior is dependent on evaluated policy, device type,
///             and can be affected by installed configuration profiles.
///             Be sure to keep a strong reference to the context while the evaluation is in progress.
///             Otherwise, an evaluation would be canceled when the context is being deallocated.
///             The method does not block. Instead, the caller must provide a reply block to be
///             called asynchronously when evaluation finishes. The block is executed on a private
///             queue internal to the framework in an unspecified threading context. Other than that,
///             no guarantee is made about which queue, thread, or run-loop the block is executed on.
///             Implications of successful policy evaluation are policy specific. In general, this
///             operation is not idempotent. Policy evaluation may fail for various reasons, including
///             user cancel, system cancel and others, see LAError codes.
/// @param policy Policy to be evaluated.
/// @param reply Reply block that is executed when policy evaluation finishes.
/// @param localizedReason Application reason for authentication. This string must be provided in correct
///                        localization and should be short and clear. It will be eventually displayed in
///                        the authentication dialog subtitle. A name of the calling application will be
///                        already displayed in title, so it should not be duplicated here.
/// @param success Reply parameter that is YES if the policy has been evaluated successfully or NO if
///                the evaluation failed.
/// @param error Reply parameter that is nil if the policy has been evaluated successfully, or it contains
///              error information about the evaluation failure.
/// @warning localizedReason parameter is mandatory and the call will throw NSInvalidArgumentException if
///          nil or empty string is specified.
/// @see LAError
/// Typical error codes returned by this call are:
/// @li          LAErrorUserFallback if user tapped the fallback button
/// @li          LAErrorUserCancel if user has tapped the Cancel button
/// @li          LAErrorSystemCancel if some system event interrupted the evaluation (e.g. Home button pressed).
- (void)evaluatePolicy:(LAPolicy)policy localizedReason:(NSString *)localizedReason reply:(void(^)(BOOL success, NSError *error))reply;


