

1. 根據V模型、廣義測試概念等,(靜態)測試的越早,發現缺陷越早,越有利於產品的質量、加快產品開發週期、下降企業的成本。更重要預防設計出現嚴重的缺陷,若是設計出現缺陷,在系統集測試發現問題時,所形成的返工將是可怕的。這就須要對設計進行復審、評審,而在這過程當中,須要測試人員參與。程序員

2. 對於當前系統愈來愈複雜,無論是J2EE架構仍是.Net架構,無論是集中式網絡系統仍是分佈式系統,無論是主機系統仍是服務器集羣系統,其設計每每不是一蹴而就,並且要基於之前的經驗進行設計,根據教訓(發現的問題)而優化系統結構。安全

3. 軟件系統越複雜、提供的功能越多,其測試要求越高,這就決定系統必須具備良好的可測試性,這一點經過開發設計架構師來保證,不是十分保險。服務器

4. 系統的性能、安全性、穩定性、可靠性等的測試,在技術、平臺環境構造、系統部署上有很高的要求。網絡


1. 審查系統架構、系統構件/組件及其接口關係等的設計oracle

2. 確保系統的可測試性框架

3. 設計軟件系統的測試策略和方法,特別是在系統的性能、安全性、穩定性、可靠性等方面的測試方法、技術線路和質量標準分佈式

4. 構件複雜的系統測試環境,並分析、解決測試中出現的較深的技術問題(Troubleshooting)和幫助作好缺陷的隔離ide

5. 對系統(性能、安全性、穩定性、可靠性)測試做出分析、評估,並提出爲改善系統性能、可靠性而進行設計修改、代碼重構的建議

6. 設計測試自動化的技術框架,主持重要的測試工具的研究、評估、設計

7. 參與系統部署的設計

8. 參與新技術的評估和引進

9. 幫助改進測試流程、提升測試效率


1. 對於大多數技術很好的工程師、架構師,對過程管理、測試策略和方法、質量等關注較少,理解不夠,缺少良好的RUP或CMM/CMMI方面的造詣。而測試工程師在技術實現上機會較少、努力不夠,技術功底不夠,因此具備在系統架構和測試方法等多方面能力很強的人,是很少的。

2. 目前國內業界還存在偏見,具備精湛的技術和豐富的經驗的技術人員,更願意作開發,不肯意作測試,這種現象偶爾表如今公司的薪水體系上、或者企業的管理層對此重視不夠、決心不夠。

3. 國內測試專業發展比較遲,天然在人才市場上,有經驗的、專業的測試工程師就很少,更況且是技術精湛的測試架構師。

4. 軟件測試架構師定位不清楚,企業沒有給出清楚的責任和工做內容。

5. 技術人員隨着年齡增大,傾向於向管理髮展,多數企業的政策也是向這方面引導。例如副總、經理等管理職位薪水要比純技術人員高。實際,在多數外資企業,很強的技術人員(架構師)徹底有可能高於他/她的上司。


  1. 2.6.1 測試架構師
  1. 架構師是怎樣煉成的
  1. 從技術層到管理層修煉之路:架構師
  1. 架構師最怕程序員知道的10件事
  1. 測試專家講述通往測試架構師之路


源文檔 <http://developer.51cto.com/art/201104/254069.htm>



What is a test architect?

Matthew Heusser recently asked What is a software architect anyway? Matt when on to ask what a test architectdoes. This question was so good (and the answer so long), that I thought I'd respond here.

So, what is a test architect. One answer is that it's a fancy title for an experienced tester. At Microsoft, we try to avoid this definition, and instead describe test architect as a senior test role with wide strategic scope. That's the short answer.

Here's the long answer.

There is no 「typical」 test architect role. Test architects focus on a diverse set of goals and perform a wide variety of tasks. Some spend time developing testing infrastructure, test authoring frameworks, or evaluating features in order to create complex tests. Some are in charge of a particular technology for their group. Others spend time consulting on how to improve test effectiveness. The common thread across all test architect roles and the primary responsibility of a test architect is to provide technical leadership and strategic direction for their testing organization. It is also expected that in addition to accountability to the current product, that senior test architects will consistently look beyond the current release and may have several deliverables not tied to a particular product release.

A test architect has in-depth knowledge of a variety of testing techniques and methodologies used both inside and outside of Microsoft. They often provide technical assistance and/or advice to the test Manager. The question often arises - 「Shouldn’t the test manager be doing all of this anyway?」 Typically, the test Manager is the individual providing leadership and formulating team strategy. However, as organization sizes continue to grow and/or the test manager takes on additional responsibilities, it often makes sense for a test architect to step in and assist with or deliver on these responsibilities. The test architect often takes on some leadership roles typically associated with the test manager. For example, while test managers certainly will implement change to grow their teams, the test architect is frequently the individual who provides technical leadership and strategic direction for their organization.

A test architect is expected to be able to affect change not only across the testing community, but between other engineering disciplines as well. Test architects must drive quality across all disciplines, providing guidance, feedback, and suggestions to improve quality practices across an entire engineering team.

While a few test architects may be focused on a specific problem or improvement, the goal for the test architect investment should be long-term improvement of the organization testing process and growth. Senior test leaders, when faced with an urgent problem or situation in need of quick improvement can typically find a solution. Broad or recurring issues, however, may require a test architect. The test architect should be thinking long-term and laying out a path for solving big issues over a long period and not focused on fighting daily fires. The test architect must be focused on defining the testing process and setting the test team up for continued success.


源文檔 <http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alanpa/archive/2008/05/01/what-is-a-test-architect.aspx>


Test Architect

By John Morrison on Oct 08, 2007


源文檔 <https://blogs.oracle.com/johnmorrison/entry/test_architect>
