

  前段時間聽音樂以爲無聊,便想着音樂光聽也沒意思啊,能不能 「看見」 音樂呢?因而谷歌了一番,發現還真有人作了將音樂可視化的東西,那就是音樂節奏燈。說的簡單點就是LED燈光顏色亮度等隨着音樂的節奏而發生變化,看了下他們的實現方法有不少,不過大都比較複雜,並且燈只可以作節奏燈也比較浪費,因而我便動手作了一個既能夠看成普通檯燈使用,又能夠隨着音樂而閃爍的動感節奏燈,一箭雙鵰。html



  •   Arduino UNO 開發板
  •        聲音傳感器(最好買Arduino專用的)
  •        BLE藍牙4.0模塊
  •        WS2812B彩色燈帶
  •        燈罩
  •        3D打印底座
  •        電源線和杜邦線若干




咱們使用Arduino UNO做爲主要的計算和處理模塊,藍牙4.0模塊和手機進行通訊,利用手機APP來選擇模式(後續會講),在節奏燈的模式下,經過聲音傳感器來採集聲音,經過獲得的聲音來控制燈帶的顏色和閃爍,在彩色燈的模式下,利用手機來控制燈的顏色,理論上的有160萬可調顏色。接下來介紹下詳細的步驟。app

3.1 安裝開發環境

  Arduino UNO 開發的環境爲Arduino IDE,軟件下載地址爲 https://www.arduino.cn/thread-5838-1-1.html ,默認安裝爲最新版便可。安裝完IDE以後還須要安裝第三方的庫。ide

  1) WS2812B的庫 FastLED, 選擇 項目->加載庫->管理庫,而後在輸入欄輸入FastLED,選擇最新的版本安裝,FastLED庫的更多使用方法能夠參考 http://www.taichi-maker.com/homepage/reference-index/arduino-library-index/fastled-library/oop


  2)  物聯網開發平臺庫 Blinker, 在Blinker 官網https://doc.blinker.app 頁面下載最新的Blinker庫,而後:post

    Window將下載好的blinker庫解壓到 個人電腦>文檔>Arduino>libraries 文件夾中
    Mac OS將下載好的blinker庫解壓到 文稿>Arduino>libraries 文件夾中網站

    能夠在文件->示例 查看庫是否安裝成功。ui

3.2 鏈接線路

  具體的線路圖因爲時間緣由沒有畫,因此直接按照後續的代碼能夠找到每一個模塊的鏈接方式,固然這些鏈接方式均可以自定義,而後在代碼內作簡單修改便可。須要注意的是藍牙模塊採用軟串口鏈接,即RX,TX鏈接在ARDUINO UNO的2 和 3 號腳,而不是0和1 號腳,這個在BLINKER的網站上會說明,若是你代碼燒錄不了,查查是否是這個緣由。

3.3 代碼編寫

 1 #define BLINKER_PRINT Serial
 2 #define BLINKER_BLE
 4 #include <FastLED.h>
 5 #include <Blinker.h>
 9 //The amount of LEDs in the setup
 10 #define NUM_LEDS 100
 11 //The pin that controls the LEDs
 12 #define LED_PIN 6
 13 //The pin that we read sensor values form
 14 #define ANALOG_READ 0
 16 //Confirmed microphone low value, and max value
 17 #define MIC_LOW 0.0
 18 #define MIC_HIGH 300.0
 19 /** Other macros */
 20 //How many previous sensor values effects the operating average?
 21 #define AVGLEN 5
 22 //How many previous sensor values decides if we are on a peak/HIGH (e.g. in a song)
 23 #define LONG_SECTOR 20
 25 //Mneumonics
 26 #define HIGH 3
 27 #define NORMAL 2
 29 //How long do we keep the "current average" sound, before restarting the measuring
 30 #define CYCLES 30 * 1000
 33 float fscale( float originalMin, float originalMax, float newBegin, float newEnd, float inputValue, float curve);  34 void insert(int val, int *avgs, int len);  35 int compute_average(int *avgs, int len);  36 void visualize_music();  37 
 38 //How many LEDs to we display
 39 int curshow = NUM_LEDS;  40 
 41 /*Not really used yet. Thought to be able to switch between sound reactive  42 mode, and general gradient pulsing/static color*/
 43 int mode = 0;  44 
 45 //Showing different colors based on the mode.
 46 int songmode = NORMAL;  47 
 48 //Average sound measurement the last CYCLES
 49 unsigned long song_avg;  50 
 51 //The amount of iterations since the song_avg was reset
 52 int iter = 0;  53 
 54 //The speed the LEDs fade to black if not relit
 55 float fade_scale = 1.2;  56 
 57 //Led array
 58 CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS];  59 
 60 /*Short sound avg used to "normalize" the input values.  61 We use the short average instead of using the sensor input directly */
 62 int avgs[AVGLEN] = {-1};  63 
 64 //Longer sound avg
 65 int long_avg[LONG_SECTOR] = {-1};  66 
 68 // LED Model 1/Music LED 2/Color LED
 69 int LED_Model = 2;  70 
 71 //Keeping track how often, and how long times we hit a certain mode
 72 struct time_keeping {  73   unsigned long times_start;  74   short times;  75 };  76 
 77 //How much to increment or decrement each color every cycle
 78 struct color {  79   int r;  80   int g;  81   int b;  82 };  83 
 84 struct time_keeping high;  85 struct color Color;  86 // when you use the MusicLED as a Color LED
 87 CRGB LEDColor(0,0,0);  88 uint8_t Bright = 255;  89 
 90 // declare the button
 91 BlinkerRGB RGB1("RGBKey");  92 BlinkerButton Button1("switch");  93 
 95 // rgb1_callback
 96 void rgb1_callback(uint8_t r_value, uint8_t g_value, uint8_t b_value, uint8_t bright_value)  97 {  98   // change the color of strip by your set on Blinker
 99       LEDColor.r = r_value; 100       LEDColor.g = g_value; 101       LEDColor.b = b_value; 102       Bright = bright_value; 103  fill_solid(leds,NUM_LEDS,LEDColor); 104   
105  FastLED.show(); 106 } 107 
108 void button1_callback(const String & state) { 109   if(LED_Model == 1) 110  { 111     LEDColor.r = 255; 112     LEDColor.g = 255; 113     LEDColor.b = 255; 114     Bright = 0; 115  fill_solid(leds,NUM_LEDS,LEDColor); 116     BLINKER_LOG2("strip_state: ","OFF"); 117     LED_Model = 2; 118  } 119   else if(LED_Model == 2) 120  { 121     LED_Model = 1; 122  } 123  FastLED.show(); 124 } 125 
127 void setup() { 128   Serial.begin(9600); 129   //Set all lights to make sure all are working as expected
130   FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, LED_PIN>(leds, NUM_LEDS); 131   for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) 132     leds[i] = CRGB(0, 0, 255); 133  FastLED.show(); 134   delay(1000); 135 
136   //bootstrap average with some low values
137   for (int i = 0; i < AVGLEN; i++) { 138     insert(250, avgs, AVGLEN); 139  } 140 
141   //Initial values
142   high.times = 0; 143   high.times_start = millis(); 144   Color.r = 0; 145   Color.g = 0; 146   Color.b = 1; 147 
148  Blinker.begin(); 149     //attach the RGB1 SlidersRGB
150  RGB1.attach(rgb1_callback); 151  Button1.attach(button1_callback); 152 } 153 
154 /*With this we can change the mode if we want to implement a general 155 lamp feature, with for instance general pulsing. Maybe if the 156 sound is low for a while? */
157 void loop() { 158  Blinker.run(); 159   
160   if(LED_Model == 1) 161  visualize_music(); 162    
163   delay(1);       // delay in between reads for stability
164 } 165 
167 /**Funtion to check if the lamp should either enter a HIGH mode, 168 or revert to NORMAL if already in HIGH. If the sensors report values 169 that are higher than 1.1 times the average values, and this has happened 170 more than 30 times the last few milliseconds, it will enter HIGH mode. 171 TODO: Not very well written, remove hardcoded values, and make it more 172 reusable and configurable. */
173 void check_high(int avg) { 174   if (avg > (song_avg/iter * 1.1)) { 175     if (high.times != 0) { 176       if (millis() - high.times_start > 200.0) { 177         high.times = 0; 178         songmode = NORMAL; 179       } else { 180         high.times_start = millis(); 181         high.times++; 182  } 183     } else { 184       high.times++; 185       high.times_start = millis(); 186 
187  } 188  } 189   if (high.times > 30 && millis() - high.times_start < 50.0) 190     songmode = HIGH; 191   else if (millis() - high.times_start > 200) { 192     high.times = 0; 193     songmode = NORMAL; 194  } 195 } 196 
197 //Main function for visualizing the sounds in the lamp
198 void visualize_music() { 199   int sensor_value, mapped, avg, longavg; 200   
201   //Actual sensor value
202   sensor_value = analogRead(ANALOG_READ); 203  Serial.println(sensor_value); 204   
205   //If 0, discard immediately. Probably not right and save CPU.
206   if (sensor_value == 0) 207     return; 208 
209   //Discard readings that deviates too much from the past avg.
210   mapped = (float)fscale(MIC_LOW, MIC_HIGH, MIC_LOW, (float)MIC_HIGH, (float)sensor_value, 2.0); 211   avg = compute_average(avgs, AVGLEN); 212 
213   if (((avg - mapped) > avg*0.8)) //|| ((avg - mapped) < -avg*0.8))
214     return; 215   
216   //Insert new avg. values
217  insert(mapped, avgs, AVGLEN); 218  insert(avg, long_avg, LONG_SECTOR); 219 
220   //Compute the "song average" sensor value
221   song_avg += avg; 222   iter++; 223   if (iter > CYCLES) { 224     song_avg = song_avg / iter; 225     iter = 1; 226  } 227     
228   longavg = compute_average(long_avg, LONG_SECTOR); 229 
230   //Check if we enter HIGH mode 
231  check_high(longavg); 232 
233   if (songmode == HIGH) { 234     fade_scale = 3; 235     Color.r = 5; 236     Color.g = 3; 237     Color.b = -1; 238  } 239   else if (songmode == NORMAL) { 240     fade_scale = 2; 241     Color.r = -1; 242     Color.b = 2; 243     Color.g = 1; 244  } 245 
246   //Decides how many of the LEDs will be lit
247   curshow = fscale(MIC_LOW, MIC_HIGH, 0.0, (float)NUM_LEDS, (float)avg, -1); 248 
249   /*Set the different leds. Control for too high and too low values. 250  Fun thing to try: Dont account for overflow in one direction, 251  some interesting light effects appear! */
252   for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) 253     //The leds we want to show
254     if (i < curshow) { 255       if (leds[i].r + Color.r > 255) 256         leds[i].r = 255; 257       else if (leds[i].r + Color.r < 0) 258         leds[i].r = 0; 259       else
260         leds[i].r = leds[i].r + Color.r; 261           
262       if (leds[i].g + Color.g > 255) 263         leds[i].g = 255; 264       else if (leds[i].g + Color.g < 0) 265         leds[i].g = 0; 266       else 
267         leds[i].g = leds[i].g + Color.g; 268 
269       if (leds[i].b + Color.b > 255) 270         leds[i].b = 255; 271       else if (leds[i].b + Color.b < 0) 272         leds[i].b = 0; 273       else 
274         leds[i].b = leds[i].b + Color.b; 275       
276     //All the other LEDs begin their fading journey to eventual total darkness
277     } else { 278       leds[i] = CRGB(leds[i].r/fade_scale, leds[i].g/fade_scale, leds[i].b/fade_scale); 279  } 280  FastLED.show(); 281 } 282 //Compute average of a int array, given the starting pointer and the length
283 int compute_average(int *avgs, int len) { 284   int sum = 0; 285   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) 286     sum += avgs[i]; 287 
288   return (int)(sum / len); 289 
290 } 291 
292 //Insert a value into an array, and shift it down removing 293 //the first value if array already full 
294 void insert(int val, int *avgs, int len) { 295   for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 296     if (avgs[i] == -1) { 297       avgs[i] = val; 298       return; 299  } 300  } 301 
302   for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { 303     avgs[i - 1] = avgs[i]; 304  } 305   avgs[len - 1] = val; 306 } 307 
308 //Function imported from the arduino website. 309 //Basically map, but with a curve on the scale (can be non-uniform).
310 float fscale( float originalMin, float originalMax, float newBegin, float
311     newEnd, float inputValue, float curve){ 312 
313   float OriginalRange = 0; 314   float NewRange = 0; 315   float zeroRefCurVal = 0; 316   float normalizedCurVal = 0; 317   float rangedValue = 0; 318   boolean invFlag = 0; 319 
321   // condition curve parameter 322   // limit range
324   if (curve > 10) curve = 10; 325   if (curve < -10) curve = -10; 326 
327   curve = (curve * -.1) ; // - invert and scale - this seems more intuitive - postive numbers give more weight to high end on output 
328   curve = pow(10, curve); // convert linear scale into lograthimic exponent for other pow function 329 
330   // Check for out of range inputValues
331   if (inputValue < originalMin) { 332     inputValue = originalMin; 333  } 334   if (inputValue > originalMax) { 335     inputValue = originalMax; 336  } 337 
338   // Zero Refference the values
339   OriginalRange = originalMax - originalMin; 340 
341   if (newEnd > newBegin){ 342     NewRange = newEnd - newBegin; 343  } 344   else
345  { 346     NewRange = newBegin - newEnd; 347     invFlag = 1; 348  } 349 
350   zeroRefCurVal = inputValue - originalMin; 351   normalizedCurVal  =  zeroRefCurVal / OriginalRange;   // normalize to 0 - 1 float 352 
353   // Check for originalMin > originalMax - the math for all other cases i.e. negative numbers seems to work out fine 
354   if (originalMin > originalMax ) { 355     return 0; 356  } 357 
358   if (invFlag == 0){ 359     rangedValue =  (pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * NewRange) + newBegin; 360 
361  } 362   else     // invert the ranges
363  { 364     rangedValue =  newBegin - (pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * NewRange); 365  } 366 
367   return rangedValue; 368 }

上述代碼編譯無誤後上傳到Arduino UNO便可。

3.4 下載並使用Blinker軟件鏈接









3.5 燈的組裝




