Preorder Iteratornode
class BSTIterator { Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<>(); public BSTIterator(TreeNode root) { if (root != null) s.push(root); } public int next() { TreeNode cur = s.pop(); if (cur.right != null) s.push(cur.right); if (cur.left != null) s.push(cur.left); return cur.val; } public boolean hasNext() { return (!s.isEmpty()); } }
Postorder Iteratorcode
class BSTIterator { Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<>(); public BSTIterator(TreeNode root) { push(root); } public int next() { TreeNode cur = s.pop(); if (!s.isEmpty()) { TreeNode top = s.peek(); if (cur == top.left) push(top.right); } return cur.val; } public boolean hasNext() { return (!s.isEmpty()); } public void push(TreeNode node) { while (node != null) { s.push(node); if (node.left != null) node = node.left; else node = node.right; } } }
Inorder Iterator排序
class BSTIterator { Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<>(); public BSTIterator(TreeNode root) { push(root); } /** @return the next smallest number */ public int next() { TreeNode cur = s.pop(); push(cur.right); return cur.val; } /** @return whether we have a next smallest number */ public boolean hasNext() { return !s.isEmpty(); } public void push(TreeNode node) { while (node != null) { s.push(node); node = node.left; } } }
98. Validate Binary Search Tree
1 左右子樹均爲BST且根節點值大於左子樹上的最大值,小於右子樹的最小值
2 BST的inorder遍歷是從小到大排序的,這種寫法須要一個prev記住前一個節點的值,而後再和當前節點大小比較leetcode
有一類樹的題目是和path相關的,好比求知足條件的最長path,和最大的path等等。這一類的題目通常須要寫一個helper recursion function來返回通過某節點的單邊最長path(或最大path和等等),還須要一個全局變量來記錄全局的最大值
124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
543. Diameter of Binary Tree
687. Longest Univalue Pathget
解決樹的問題通常有兩種方式:bottom to top和top to bottom。bottom to top是先處理當前節點,再處理當前節點的左右子節點,在寫recursion時通常要將當前狀態做爲參數傳遞給子節點。top to bottom是先處理左右子樹,再利用左右子樹處理後的狀態來處理當前節點,通常將左右子樹處理後的狀態做爲結果直接返回給上一層。
top to bottom:string
bottom to top:
652. Find Duplicate Subtrees
606. Construct String from Binary Treeio
有一些和delete相關的樹的題目,通常用bottom to top解決,先處理左右子樹,而後根據左右子樹以及自身的狀態來決定是否刪除自身
814. Binary Tree Pruning
450. Delete Node in a BSTfunction
BST問題考慮inorder遍歷, 或當須要top to bottom時從root.val值大小入手,選擇走左子節點或右子節點class
Serialize and Deserialize Tree部分是高頻題變量