介紹兩種恢復CISCO IOS的方法

若是您的路由器的flash由於意外丟失了IOS,您能夠在ROM monitor commands模式下經過以下兩種辦法恢復:
  1) xmodem—Use this if the computer attached to your console has a terminal emulator that has xmodem capability.ide

  2) tftpdnld—Use this if you have a TFTP server directly connected to the Ethernet 0 port.ui

  Using the xmodem Commandthis

  The xmodem command establishes a connection between a console and the router console port for disaster recovery if both the boot and system p_w_picpaths are erased from Flash memory.router

  xmodem [filename]—Establishes an xmodem connection between the console and the router. The optional parameter filename specifies the source file containing the Cisco IOS p_w_picpath.server

  Other options include the following:ci

  ·-c—use cyclic redundancy check (CRC-16)路由

  ·-y—use Ymodem transfer protocolrem

  ·-r—copy the p_w_picpath to DRAM for launchterminal

  ·-x—do not launch p_w_picpath on completion of downloadget

  Using the tftpdnld Command

  The tftpdnld command downloads a Cisco IOS software p_w_picpath from a remote server into Flash memory using TFTP.

  tftpdnld—Begins the TFTP copy command.

  The following variables are required:

  ·IP_ADDRESS—The IP address for the router you are using.

  ·IP_SUBNET_MASK—The subnet mask for the router you are using.

  ·DEFAULT_GATEWAY—The default gateway for the router you are using.

  ·TFTP_SERVER—The IP address of the server from which you want to download the p_w_picpath file.

  ·TFTP_FILE—The name of the file that you want to download.

  ·The following variables are optional:

  ·TFTP_VERBOSE—Print setting. 0=quiet, 1=progress, 2=verbose. The default is 1.

  ·TFTP_RETRY_COUNT—Retry count for ARP and TFTP. The default is 7.

  ·TFTP_TIMEOUT—Overall timeout of the download operation in seconds. The default is 2400 seconds.

