hdparm命令磁盤管理 hdparm命令提供了一個命令行的接口用於讀取和設置IDE或SCSI硬盤參數。 語法 hdparm(選項)(參數) 選項 -a<快取分區>:設定讀取文件時,預先存入塊區的分區數,若不加上<快取分區>選項,則顯示目前的設定; -A<0或1>:啓動或關閉讀取文件時的快取功能; -c<I/O模式>:設定IDE32位I/O模式; -C:檢測IDE硬盤的電源管理模式; -d<0或1>:設定磁盤的DMA模式; -f:將內存緩衝區的數據寫入硬盤,並清楚緩衝區; -g:顯示硬盤的磁軌,磁頭,磁區等參數; -h:顯示幫助; -i:顯示硬盤的硬件規格信息,這些信息是在開機時由硬盤自己所提供; -I:直接讀取硬盤所提供的硬件規格信息; -k<0或1>:重設硬盤時,保留-dmu參數的設定; -K<0或1>:重設硬盤時,保留-APSWXZ參數的設定; -m<磁區數>:設定硬盤多重分區存取的分區數; -n<0或1>:忽略硬盤寫入時所發生的錯誤; -p<PIO模式>:設定硬盤的PIO模式; -P<磁區數>:設定硬盤內部快取的分區數; -q:在執行後續的參數時,不在屏幕上顯示任何信息; -r<0或1>:設定硬盤的讀寫模式; -S<時間>:設定硬盤進入省電模式前的等待時間; -t;評估硬盤的讀取效率; -T:平谷硬盤快取的讀取效率; -u<0或1>:在硬盤存取時,容許其餘中斷要求同時執行; -v:顯示硬盤的相關設定; -w<0或1>:設定硬盤的寫入快取; -X<傳輸模式>:設定硬盤的傳輸模式; -y:使IDE硬盤進入省電模式; -Y:使IDE硬盤進入睡眠模式; -Z:關閉某些Seagate硬盤的自動省電功能。
[root@dl] dev # hdparm -I /dev/sdd /dev/sdd: ATA device, with non-removable media Model Number: WDC WD1003FBYX-01Y7B1 Serial Number: WD-WMAW31037763 Firmware Revision: 01.01V02 Transport: Serial, ATA8-AST, SATA 1.0a, SATA II Extensions, SATA Rev 2.5, SATA Rev 2.6, SATA Rev 3.0 Standards: Supported: 8 7 6 5 Likely used: 8 Configuration: Logical max current cylinders 16383 16383 heads 16 16 sectors/track 63 63 -- CHS current addressable sectors: 16514064 LBA user addressable sectors: 268435455 LBA48 user addressable sectors: 1953525168 Logical/Physical Sector size: 512 bytes device size with M = 1024*1024: 953869 MBytes device size with M = 1000*1000: 1000204 MBytes (1000 GB) cache/buffer size = unknown Nominal Media Rotation Rate: 7200 Capabilities: LBA, IORDY(can be disabled) Queue depth: 32 Standby timer values: spec'd by Standard, with device specific minimum R/W multiple sector transfer: Max = 16 Current = 0 Advanced power management level: 128 DMA: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 udma4 udma5 *udma6 Cycle time: min=120ns recommended=120ns PIO: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 Cycle time: no flow control=120ns IORDY flow control=120ns Commands/features: Enabled Supported: * SMART feature set Security Mode feature set * Power Management feature set * Write cache * Look-ahead * Host Protected Area feature set * WRITE_BUFFER command * READ_BUFFER command * NOP cmd * DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE * Advanced Power Management feature set Power-Up In Standby feature set * SET_FEATURES required to spinup after power up SET_MAX security extension * 48-bit Address feature set * Device Configuration Overlay feature set * Mandatory FLUSH_CACHE * FLUSH_CACHE_EXT * SMART error logging * SMART self-test * General Purpose Logging feature set * WRITE_{DMA|MULTIPLE}_FUA_EXT * 64-bit World wide name * IDLE_IMMEDIATE with UNLOAD * WRITE_UNCORRECTABLE_EXT command * {READ,WRITE}_DMA_EXT_GPL commands * Segmented DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE unknown 119[7] * Gen1 signaling speed (1.5Gb/s) * Gen2 signaling speed (3.0Gb/s) * Native Command Queueing (NCQ) * Phy event counters * Idle-Unload when NCQ is active * NCQ priority information DMA Setup Auto-Activate optimization * Software settings preservation * SMART Command Transport (SCT) feature set * SCT Long Sector Access (AC1) * SCT LBA Segment Access (AC2) * SCT Error Recovery Control (AC3) * SCT Features Control (AC4) * SCT Data Tables (AC5) unknown 206[12] (vendor specific) unknown 206[13] (vendor specific) Security: Master password revision code = 65534 supported not enabled not locked not frozen not expired: security count supported: enhanced erase 168min for SECURITY ERASE UNIT. 168min for ENHANCED SECURITY ERASE UNIT. Logical Unit WWN Device Identifier: 50014ee206d4f4ba NAA : 5 IEEE OUI : 0014ee Unique ID : 206d4f4ba Checksum: correct [root@dl-dns1:Active:In Sync] dev #